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06-04-2013 , 12:51 PM
I'll PM you chim, this whole area is so dicey lol
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 12:51 PM
Took me a second to realize who that censored's name was.

Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 06-04-2013 at 12:55 PM. Reason: Have zero idea why anyone who hasn't read all the books would even bother with the book thread.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 12:52 PM
not clicking the thread


maybe ootv needs more mods
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 12:54 PM
"a.ids" did something awful and completely self-unaware? NO WAY.
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06-04-2013 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by waldo027
Also |)...1...|)...$ of all people just potentially spoiled the entire next season in the TV show thread.
lol at acting like you got spoiled, you're a book reader.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 12:59 PM
The TV only thread was spoiled? By who?
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06-04-2013 , 01:01 PM
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06-04-2013 , 01:05 PM
I showed GF some pictures from the thread and talk about some stuff. She asked if she should read it, I told her not to because that stuff happens.

I don't understand why book readers want to discuss speculation crap, it's pointless and ruins discussion.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I showed GF some pictures from the thread and talk about some stuff. She asked if she should read it, I told her not to because that stuff happens.

I don't understand why book readers want to discuss speculation crap, it's pointless and ruins discussion.
I'm not really sure why anyone wants to discuss speculation stuff honestly. Obviously lots of people do, but I actively avoided it while waiting for the most recent book release because I wanted to figure out/predict everything for myself. Seems like it would just devolve into cockwaving about whose predictions were correct or whatever, which doesn't seems like a very interesting discussion.
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06-04-2013 , 01:11 PM
I find it annoying that some people who have consumed the media in a form that many others have not yet gotten to find it ok to discuss, but then when other people do the same to them they get upset about it. If you don't want spoilers then avoid text based media and appearing in public or consume it as soon as it is available so no one can frontrun you.
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06-04-2013 , 01:13 PM
chill out dudes
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06-04-2013 , 01:13 PM
Thanks for well wishes. Went well. In the recovery room, feel surprisingly lucid but its not like I'm carrying a huge cognitive load atm so who knows.

Weirdest part was being in room talking to family between getting the drugs to put me under to numb my leg and undertaking the actual surgery. Distinctly remember talking to my mom about Jose Mourinho.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot
Thanks for well wishes. Went well. In the recovery room, feel surprisingly lucid but its not like I'm carrying a huge cognitive load atm so who knows.

Weirdest part was being in room talking to family between getting the drugs to put me under to numb my leg and undertaking the actual surgery. Distinctly remember talking to my mom about Jose Mourinho.
Heh, I've walked my wife into the OR about 5 times now, and the **** she says after the first anesthetics are given is consistently hilarious.
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06-04-2013 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Eltbus

Whatever it was I missed it. Unsubscribed. Shame cuz there's some bright people itt and I do think discussing tv on 2p2 tends to enhance the experience, especially with shows like that where there is just so much to tackle.
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06-04-2013 , 01:21 PM
get that DRIP going Boot and post thoughts and results
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06-04-2013 , 01:21 PM
Glad to hear it went well, Boot. Good luck with your full recovery.

If you see a hot nurse, ask her "When you gonna let me hit that?" then, if she gets butthurt, be like "Oh - anesthetics. Don't mind me."
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I'm not really sure why anyone wants to discuss speculation stuff honestly. Obviously lots of people do, but I actively avoided it while waiting for the most recent book release because I wanted to figure out/predict everything for myself. Seems like it would just devolve into cockwaving about whose predictions were correct or whatever, which doesn't seems like a very interesting discussion.
Or just cuz it's fun.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Glad to hear it went well, Boot. Good luck with your full recovery.

If you see a hot nurse, ask her "When you gonna let me hit that?" then, if she gets butthurt, be like "Oh - anesthetics. Don't mind me."
try to make it a goal in life to not be called a creep by women
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:28 PM
looks like cheerios got some folk furious by using a black/white couple in a commercial
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06-04-2013 , 01:36 PM
Today thru Thursday is nationwide commercial vehicle inspection blitz. Every other rest area is a damn mandatory exit full of highway patrol. So far they've been full and I was waved thru

I probably pissed some people off going slow and stopping multiple times but nobody made it super clear to me that I was bypassing and I'll be damned if I'm gonna get chased by flashing lights
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06-04-2013 , 01:37 PM
Should've been a black mother and a white father to get the haters really furious.
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06-04-2013 , 01:42 PM
Pretty sure black guy-white woman gets the haters way more furious than the other way around
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06-04-2013 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot
Thanks for well wishes. Went well. In the recovery room, feel surprisingly lucid but its not like I'm carrying a huge cognitive load atm so who knows.

Weirdest part was being in room talking to family between getting the drugs to put me under to numb my leg and undertaking the actual surgery. Distinctly remember talking to my mom about Jose Mourinho.

Good luck with recovery
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
06-04-2013 , 01:47 PM
Yeah black guy/white girl def draws more hate. Gl boot
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06-04-2013 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by digables
try to make it a goal in life to not be called a creep by women

Calm down bro. Trying to lighten his mood a bit after recovering from surgery is all.
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