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Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015

08-25-2015 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
why not just buy Kane now
Might be a hot take but I doubt Kane is that much of an upgrade over fat Wayne. Definitely not enough to justify overpaying for him running hot last year and being young + english.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
doubt he'd sign up for 2 years, and you'll have neymar in a week so you dont need him at all
Like you said, he's 34, he has 1 year left on his PSG contract. 2 years of 300k p/w >>> 1 year of 300k p/w. No team capable of paying his wages is giving him 3+ years.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:11 PM
Thin brag but i just posed with Neymar and he told me to bet my house on him joining utd
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by NicReynolds
I know I may come across as number 1 spurs basher but I really don't think berahino is a good buy for them. He's not good enough IMO.
What other strikers are there that are realistic options for Spurs? It's either Berahino, Austin or Hernandez (If Neymar signs) and of the three at least Berahino has pace which we sorely lack.

Same situation as last summer when Welbeck was our best option. Spurs are just not going to be in for ready made elite strikers.

Fwiw it's a pretty unlikely transfer, but i wouldn't mind us getting Welbeck for £15m. What are Arsenal going to use him for this season??
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cinarocket
Thin brag but i just posed with Neymar and he told me to bet my house on him joining utd
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:36 PM
ManU should just (wait to make sure they CL qualify and) buy both Kane and Berahino. Erreyone happy.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
but i wouldn't mind us getting Welbeck for £15m.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
real produce players?

anyway, tell bayern fans in 2012 that they'll be losing kroos and schweinsteiger cos they cant pay the going rate and they'd have laughed in your face. no one is safe, dosent matter how big your club's name is, if you lose your financial edge then top players wont want to play for you.
Agreed on Kroos but I think they let Schweini go because they felt they could upgrade at the position.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:54 PM
25. August 2015, 16:28 Uhr
Internationaler Fußball
Bayern-Profis kritisieren Transfersummen in England

Jérôme Boateng vom FC Bayern lässt sich von der Finanzstärke der englischen Premier League nicht beeindrucken. "Es ist Wahnsinn, was da passiert. Aber Geld hat auch noch keine Titel gewonnen", sagte der Verteidiger am Dienstag am Rande eines Sponsorentermins in München. Boateng selbst hatte vor seinem Wechsel zu den Bayern 2011 ein Jahr bei Manchester City unter Vertrag gestanden. Mit horrenden Ablösesummen werben die englischen Topclubs momentan um Spitzenprofis aus der ganzen Welt. Manchester City, der FC Chelsea und alle weiteren Premier-League-Vereine profitieren dabei unter anderem von einem außergewöhnlich lukrativen neuen TV-Vertrag, der von 2016 an gilt und den Clubs fast sieben Milliarden Euro für drei Spielzeiten in die Kassen spült.

Dass so viel Geld für Profis ausgegeben werde, sei "nicht ganz normal", urteilte auch Bayern-Neuzugang Arturo Vidal, den die Münchner im Juli selbst erst für 37 Millionen Euro Ablöse von Juventus Turin verpflichtet hatten. "Wenn man so viel kostet, dann müsste man drei, vier Tore pro Spiel schießen", kommentierte er. Eine ähnliche Haltung vertritt auch David Alaba. Über die angeblich von ManUnited gebotenen 190 Millionen Euro für Neymar sagte er: "Ein Schnäppchen ist das sicher nicht."

Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
What other strikers are there that are realistic options for Spurs? It's either Berahino, Austin or Hernandez (If Neymar signs) and of the three at least Berahino has pace which we sorely lack.

Same situation as last summer when Welbeck was our best option. Spurs are just not going to be in for ready made elite strikers.

Fwiw it's a pretty unlikely transfer, but i wouldn't mind us getting Welbeck for £15m. What are Arsenal going to use him for this season??
Jay Rodriguez or Hernandez are both better options that could be had at that kind of money. And that's just in the pl.

Although spurs have bigger problems than strikers. The players filling their cm positions are laughable
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
....which is exactly why we should not really be too bothered about paying for Berahino - if he scored 4 goals for Spurs this season, it wouldn't diminish his market value significantly.

Originally Posted by NicReynolds
Jay Rodriguez or Hernandez are both better options that could be had at that kind of money. And that's just in the pl.

Although spurs have bigger problems than strikers. The players filling their cm positions are laughable
Jay Rod would probably be our #1 target if he had proved his fitness, but he has played 1 game in 18 months.

Agree about the CM, although Mason and Bentaleb are (just about...) good enough for our aspirations this season. I reckon Illarramendi is probably our top target, maybe Kramer although if that deal was happening, it would have happened by now. Wanyama probably no better than 3rd choice right now, and I would guess he was more like 6-7th at the start of the summer.

Last edited by Elrazor; 08-25-2015 at 02:02 PM.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:57 PM
So if google translate is correct, a Bayern player just said that money has never won titles?
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:58 PM
"Aber Geld hat auch noch keine Titel gewonnen"
remember when I called Boateng a moron and Bayern fans disagreed with me
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by xXDeuce7Xx
So if google translate is correct, a Bayern player just said that money has never won titles?
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by tchaz
Is that his sister?

I would smash your backdoors in cinarocket.

Quote to book.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:06 PM
so we all know the saying "money doesnt score goals" meaning that you still have to buy the right players for the team and have a strategy and its not as easy as just being rich.

So back in 2009 when Hamburg sold De Jong for big money and started to suck afterwards their manager said "well yea we have lots of money now on the bank, but MONEY DOESNT SCORE GOALS" which absolutely blew my mind. Ill never look at that saying the same as before.

So yea thats obv what Boateng meant, money doesnt win titles, you have to spend it first.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:07 PM
i still cant read foreign but the impression im getting is that buyern's new €37m signing is moaning about high transfer fees in england or something

was this penned by the blokes who wrote the thick of it
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:07 PM
SirGaribaldi GOAT
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
LOLOLOLOLOLOL money doesn't win titles from a Bayern player. That's rich.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
....which is exactly why we should not really be too bothered about paying for Berahino - if he scored 4 goals for Spurs this season, it wouldn't diminish his market value significantly.

Jay Rod would probably be our #1 target if he had proved his fitness, but he has played 1 game in 18 months.

Agree about the CM, although Mason and Bentaleb are (just about...) good enough for our aspirations this season. I reckon Illarramendi is probably our top target, maybe Kramer although if that deal was happening, it would have happened by now. Wanyama probably no better than 3rd choice right now, and I would guess he was more like 6-7th at the start of the summer.
Balague (I know, I know) has just tweeted Illaramendi to Real Moyesiedad, 16m euros. Says spuds/plop were never really interested.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:10 PM
yeah I'm sure that's what he meant

Last edited by royalblue; 08-25-2015 at 02:11 PM. Reason: @baldi
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:11 PM
What is the non-Bayern bundesliga transfer record?
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:13 PM
It's Schürrle now I think for about €30m
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:33 PM
Schurrly it's Schurlle
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
08-25-2015 , 02:41 PM
If you adjust for time probably Amoroso. We bought him for 25,5 in 01/02 but that's a very strange deal involving another player so I wouldn't count it. Was also reported as 17,5 million...can't quite remember the details...those were dark days.
Soccer | Transfer Window Summer 2015 Quote
