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Soccer/Football random discussion & other leagues thread Soccer/Football random discussion & other leagues thread

09-02-2009 , 03:14 PM
lol ok, that makes sense
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09-02-2009 , 03:15 PM
Cool TR, keep it coming.
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09-02-2009 , 03:16 PM
Where's the Amsterdam part and why no Ajax?
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09-02-2009 , 03:17 PM

You should have went to Ajax tho
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09-02-2009 , 03:28 PM
Sick life imo, nice tr, will read 2nd part
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09-02-2009 , 03:56 PM
After Madrid was Germany. I dont have any pictures of the football but this was easily the most fun we had on the trip. Both night we went out drinking hard. The one night we drank out of a glass boot. We saw Wiesbaden play Kaiserslautern in a great game. Wiesbaden was a massive underdog going into the game but somehow ended up winning 5-2! We were easily the drunkest fans in the stadium. Schaefer stood up on two chairs and got a "fricht diche ***!" (**** you) chant going. Most of the people around us were loving it but I felt a little bad for this young father next to us who was with his 6 year old son, he didnt look too happy. We had these two teenager German kids feeding us words in german to chant. Id just like to thank Germany for serving beer during games.

After the game we were walking out of the stadium continuing on with the Fricht Diche chant when one angry older *** fan turned around and shoved Schaefer. Schaefer is a 6'3" large half Japanese half German while this man was around 5'9". Schaefers brother is the highest ranking pilot in the US Army and basically looks like a body builder. Little german *** fan looked around after his stupid shove and quickly and correctly calculated his odds and turned back around. To give you an idea of angry german fan he looked like Fluff, Tiger Woods old caddy.

We went on to drink our faces off that night which was so dumb considering we had to wake up at 4:30am to catch a train to the airport. Oh and while we were out that night Schaefer got a message from our ticket guy in London that our ticket plans for Arsenal ManU have fallen through so we dont have tickets still. ****!. Schaefer fell asleep facbooking, heres a picture of that. Also note that he is the worlds loudest snorer.

Next day we wake up when the sun is still down and start frantically packing our stuff. We are all insanely hungover and only on two hours of sleep. I basically hate Schaefer right now because he snored the whole two hours and we dont have tickets that he planned on getting. We somehow catch the train to Frankfurt and within an instant Schaefer is snoring again. Today was going to be a long one; Frankfurt to London, London to Amsterdam, and we still gotta find a way to get tickets to the Arsenal game.

We arrive in London an absolute mess. I quickly get on the horn trying to get in touch with the ticket broker we used for the first two games. Luckily they come through and do have some tickets still available and all we gotta do is go pick up the tickets at this ridiculously fancy hotel in London. This basically makes us all happy and gives all of us the 2nd wind we desperately needed. We take the tube to the Arsenal stop and get off and me and my friend Bush (arsenal fan) are in all our glory. The four of us walk to the nearest McDonalds and enjoy a good healthy meal before the game.

Here we are in front of Emirates:

OMG its Ansky from 2m2mm!

View from our seats when we first walked in:

The tickets that we got were in two's so me and bush, the other arsenal fan sat next to each other while Ansky (manu scum fan) and Schaefer (USA soccer woo!) sat next to each other. We had this awesome English guy sitting next to us who was a long time season ticket holder and he talked us up the whole game. He thought it was awesome that yanks were coming over to watch footy. My friend kept trying to explain he was canadian and not a yank but he wasnt having any of it. We chatted about our predictions and he didnt feel so confident but we were hopeful. There were two 20 something scandanavian kids in front of us rooting for ManU and he constantly was ribbing them and calling them "Scandoids". He made the experience complete.

The game as you guys know, was awesome. One of the best of the whole season. Nasri had his best performance in an Arsenal jersey and it was just awesome to finally see an EPL game, especially this game. Some more pictures:

"Six minutes of extra time? Are you ****ing serious?

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09-02-2009 , 03:58 PM
Forgot to add that after the game we ended up missing our flight to Amsterdam and somehow caught the last flight that night. It was the longest f'ng day ever but easily one of my favorite of my life. We got to our apartment a little before midnight.
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09-02-2009 , 04:02 PM
That was an awesome read. Would love to do a trip like that, bloody epic.
That was a sick few days travel.
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09-02-2009 , 04:03 PM
Germany rules
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09-02-2009 , 04:03 PM
oh wait. Are you the guy me and some other Dutchies were railing at the MCOP (Dutch pokernews)

Sick trip anyways. Want to make one of these someday as well.
Soccer/Football random discussion & other leagues thread Quote
09-02-2009 , 04:03 PM
nice tr martine. How do you know schaefer? I actually played poker with him once at Muckleshoot, and at my house! He was also in the same fraternity as one of my friends.
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09-02-2009 , 04:05 PM
i probably was, i know a bunch of the dutch pokernews guys.
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09-02-2009 , 04:07 PM
i met schaefer the first summer i went out to vegas (jamie gold world series). Bush invited me to stay in this house he was renting with some guys he knew and I jumped on the chance. Schaefer ended up being one of the people in the house and we've been great friends since.
Soccer/Football random discussion & other leagues thread Quote
09-02-2009 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by martine
i probably was, i know a bunch of the dutch pokernews guys.
Yeah, cool. See you in November then.

You still have to explain not going to Ajax tho
Soccer/Football random discussion & other leagues thread Quote
09-02-2009 , 04:09 PM
Now i miss Nasri

I hate that most my RL friends are Man U fans, should find some Arsenal ones when i move countries and plan a trip to see an Arsenal match.
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09-02-2009 , 04:10 PM
Yeah we actually had the chance to go the next saturday (ajax game) but we were all hungover. Went to Jimmy Woo's or something like that the night before
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09-02-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by ceire
He broke a contract and chelsea fired him, instead of saying "lets help you out and get you some help" and stand by him they fired him and are hell bent on ruining his career.
Could you see them treating JT or lampard this way?

What the hell is 17 million to chelsea, it clear it is just a venditta.
I completely agree. The very fact that Mutu began playing well again in Italy proves that Chelsea could have rehabilitated him but they want to have their cake and eat it. If Mutu refuses to pay what could they realistically do?

He should just drag the case out until he retires and then tell them where to go.
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09-02-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Disturbance
If Mutu refuses to pay what could they realistically do?
Um, pretty sure he can't. Unless this was a ruling decided upon in English courts. If so, could he just never return to England? hahaha, would be sick if he could.
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09-02-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Um, pretty sure he can't. Unless this was a ruling decided upon in English courts. If so, could he just never return to England? hahaha, would be sick if he could.
It was a Fifa court (lol) so I genuinely have no idea what power they have to make him pay the fine. They can ban him from playnig obv which is why I suggested he should try and drag the case out until he's ready to retire.
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09-02-2009 , 04:30 PM
what? A FIFA court? Are you sure? What possible legal jurisdiction do they have? I'd love to see this go a real court, and if FIFA tried impossing some ban on him, I bet he would sue FIFA and win.
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09-02-2009 , 04:32 PM
His punishment would be a forced retirement.

So he either pays up the 17m or doesn't play football ever again.
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09-02-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Wee-Bey
His punishment would be a forced retirement.

So he either pays up the 17m or doesn't play football ever again.
I'd love to see this case in a real court. I think he would have a legit claim.
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09-02-2009 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
what? A FIFA court? Are you sure? What possible legal jurisdiction do they have? I'd love to see this go a real court, and if FIFA tried impossing some ban on him, I bet he would sue FIFA and win.
More details here:

It appears it was actually the Court of Arbitration for Sport that made the latest ruling although he had gone through Fifa first.
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09-02-2009 , 04:42 PM
random question....

I hate the summer months of sports because I don't follow baseball at all(I'm a huge NBA/NFL fan). I think it might be cool to give soccer a chance, but I'd much rather watch one of the better leagues than the ****ty American leagues. So which soccer leagues run during the summer months that I could follow? Do they have DirecTv packages with these leagues? Not sure if I'm going to get into it for sure, but I'm considering it for the summer of 2010.
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09-02-2009 , 04:42 PM
Fifa ruled in chelsea favour but he can appeal to the high court or to the E.U
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