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Snooker - 2011 World Championship Snooker - 2011 World Championship

04-21-2011 , 04:07 PM
Well obviously if you pot the color the rule where you have to hit a rail doesn't apply.

If you think about it, the 'roll up' gives a guy a tremendous advantage for playing what was essentially a bad shot, because he didn't get position on the color, and now lacks the guts to shoot at it anyways. Considering how many frames are won on one visit these days that's a pretty significant advantage to get for it too.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 06:59 AM
I really don't think snooker should be messed with on a fundamental level. Some players are especially good at getting out of tight spots... doing away with the roll up negates that advantage. A player can usually all but eliminate the chance of a free ball. I don't want shorter matches and don't see the argument for it- aren't the longer format tournies the best attended / viewed?
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 08:50 AM
I had a dream that there was tag team snooker, wouldn't mind seeing that
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 10:24 AM
Ah doubles, that would actually be pretty cool.

Mark Allen was 7-3 down but now leading 9-7 heading into their final session.

Hopefully Carter knocks Dott out here.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 10:50 AM
Shaun Murphy really failing hard here
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Parts of these matches are hard to watch. No wonder the ratings are suffering. FWIW, here are my suggestions on how to make these matches more entertaining:

1) Get rid of the mid-session interval. Guys in clubs will play 20 games in a row without a break, why the constant stopping and starting in the tournaments?
Yeah, but who the hell watches club players? The mid session intervals are there as much for the crowd as they are for the participants. OK, Mark Williams rattled off four frames in no time, but it's just as possible to take two hours or more, and the paying public would want refreshments, toilets etc without missing any of the action.

Originally Posted by dinopoker
2) For that matter why these long breaks between 'sessions'? Why not just play each match through? Tennis players seem to have no problem going five sets in their matches, yet snooker players have to go have tea or something for two hours? Brutal. Let's just get on with the damn match!
Firstly, similar reasons to above. Also, splitting the sessions up is better for both ticket sales and TV, without which there would be a whole lot less money, and thus a whole lot less snooker in the first place. Remember who's paying the piper....

Originally Posted by dinopoker
3) The 'roll up' behind a color should be banned. They should make the rule that you have to hit a rail on all shots at colors. It's a total wimp shot and you gain way more of an advantage than you deserve.
IMO, go watch some pool if you haven't got the attention span to cope with periods of high class safety play in snooker. Anyway, try to define a "roll up", because obviously stipulating the hitting of a cushion is just dumb. The area of the playing surface on a snooker table in relation to its perimeter is much larger than, say, pool; the added complexity and awkwardness would be disproportionate. Snooker is not meant to be simply a high octane, break-building potting contest - the ebb and flow of the game is part of the attraction.

Originally Posted by dinopoker
4) On a similar vein the free ball rule has just got to go. It's totally a situation where random chance can give someone a massive advantage they didn't earn, and it usually turns matches totally around based on nothing more than variance.
If it's just variance then over the long term nobody gets an advantage.....

If the free ball rule was abolished then professional players would immediately start to abuse its absence by deliberately playing an "accidental" foul for the purpose of gaining a much bigger and genuinely undeserved unfair advantage. The onerous responsibilty to tell the difference would then fall upon the referees, and adjudging a foul to be deliberate would be tantamount to an accusation of cheating. The ramifications are decidedly unpalatable.

Originally Posted by dinopoker
5) Most dramatic of all, I think frames should just be over when someone needs a snooker. 90% of the time the player behind can't get the snookers anyways, so it's just a massive time waster while they struggle to get them and it's kind of a wimpy part of the game anyways. You couldn't get it done when the game was live, so why should you get another chance after your opponent has effectively made his 'game ball'? Not only is it undeserved but it really ruins the flow of the game most of the time.
Confirmed - you're watching the wrong game. No thanks to this idea. If you even need an explanation as to why then you haven't thought this through and you're probably beyond help, but whatever, there's a clue in the spoiler.
no 147s, no total clearances, no century breaks, in fact, no breaks higher than 73
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 11:40 AM
There used to be a doubles event back in the day. It lost its sponsor though and never made a comeback.

This O'Sullivan/Murphy match should be really interesting. Word on the street is that Murphy is a huge dbag so I'm sure O'Sullivan will be focused, at least in the early going.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:18 PM
yes dott!
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:20 PM
Teamtrousers, your spoiler is false. If you even need an explanation as to why then you haven't thought this through and you're probably beyond help.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:21 PM
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:21 PM
Dott always does well at the WC.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
Yeah, but who the hell watches club players? The mid session intervals are there as much for the crowd as they are for the participants. OK, Mark Williams rattled off four frames in no time, but it's just as possible to take two hours or more, and the paying public would want refreshments, toilets etc without missing any of the action.
There probably hasn't been a four game session that took two hours in as long as I can remember. Back when the formats were introduced the average game was about 35 minutes, now it's closer to 15-18.

Firstly, similar reasons to above. Also, splitting the sessions up is better for both ticket sales and TV, without which there would be a whole lot less money, and thus a whole lot less snooker in the first place. Remember who's paying the piper....
Actually it's sponsors paying the piper, that and the TV viewers who buy their products. The gate money at the venue is just a peanut by comparison. BUT, it's the spectators at the venue that the formats are designed for. TV viewers meanwhile want to get on with things - or do you prefer watching the first half of a football game and then waiting two or three hours (or even a day) before you get to watch the second half? I know I don't.

IMO, go watch some pool if you haven't got the attention span to cope with periods of high class safety play in snooker.
Sorry, but there's nothing "high-class" about a roll up to a color. I could teach a six-year-old to do it in about 10 minutes. When you compare the skill it takes to execute the escape from that shot to the skill it takes to put someone there they're basically at opposite ends of the spectrum. Bottom line is that the guy is getting a huge, potentially game-winning advantage for what was essentially a bad shot.

Meanwhile it's not MY attention span that's the problem - I'm a snooker fan. The problem is the average UK viewer and they ARE the problem. They're the ones turning snooker off and watching darts or Doctor Who or something and causing the ratings to go down.

If it's just variance then over the long term nobody gets an advantage.....

If the free ball rule was abolished then professional players would immediately start to abuse its absence by deliberately playing an "accidental" foul for the purpose of gaining a much bigger and genuinely undeserved unfair advantage. The onerous responsibilty to tell the difference would then fall upon the referees, and adjudging a foul to be deliberate would be tantamount to an accusation of cheating. The ramifications are decidedly unpalatable.
Maybe you're unfamiliar with the rules, but you can't play a deliberate foul in snooker. The "miss" rule prevents it.

Meanwhile the free ball does nothing to prevent deliberate fouls in the modern game, it's just a gaffy rule that causes people to win or lose frames when they don't deserve it.

Confirmed - you're watching the wrong game. No thanks to this idea. If you even need an explanation as to why then you haven't thought this through and you're probably beyond help, but whatever, there's a clue in the spoiler.
no 147s, no total clearances, no century breaks, in fact, no breaks higher than 73
Well I'm certainly not suggesting that they just stop the frame when snookers are required. What I am saying is that in a huge percentage of the time the 'snookers required' stage goes on for too long, and the snookering player almost never gets the snookers he needs to get back in the game. Meanwhile the audience are falling asleep - or worse switching channels.

Maybe a balanced solution would be to remove the free ball from the portion of the game where snookers are required, and do as the kevin suggested where you can only play on if, say, a maximum of two snookers are required. All I know is that they need to do something to change the formats, and Power Snooker ain't it.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:25 PM
WTF! You guys actually like Dott? How is this possible?
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
WTF! You guys actually like Dott? How is this possible?
no, i hate the guy
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
WTF! You guys actually like Dott? How is this possible?
he had some serious issues that could've ended his career but battled through them, so I like him
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
WTF! You guys actually like Dott? How is this possible?
What do you hate about him like?

I always remember the 5-0 lead from the first session in the final against the rocket then boom 18-8
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 01:44 PM
The way he chalks his cue and then does a stupid little blow on the tip.

The way he looks

The way he talks

His style of play

Just being a dull, boring, ugly looking little fart is why I hate him
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 01:52 PM
Pah, I like him even more now.. Dott to win!

Grew up watching Hendry pwn everything in his way, hope he can make a deep run one more time.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 01:56 PM
I hated Hendry through the nineties (I swear I actually like some people ) just because he was so damn good but now I have a soft soft for him because I kinda feel sorry for him.

+1 for a deep run but I think Selby might win in 2 sessions
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
The way he chalks his cue and then does a stupid little blow on the tip.

The way he looks

The way he talks

His style of play

Just being a dull, boring, ugly looking little fart is why I hate him


Fair enough
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
The way he chalks his cue and then does a stupid little blow on the tip.
This, this and more this.

What's funny is that Thorburn used to do the same thing and I always said it never made any sense. Why put chalk on the tip just to blow it off again? It didn't bother me nearly as much when he did it, though.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 03:50 PM
I like frames like this every now and again.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 06:05 PM
Mark Allen through 13-12. Potted 12 reds 12 blacks in the decider but got horrible kick on the 12th black which left him badly positioned on the red which he missed.
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 06:12 PM
So pissed that they dont show the WC here, searching for HD streams with English commentary is hard work
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
04-23-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by exec771
So pissed that they dont show the WC here, searching for HD streams with English commentary is hard work
Snooker - 2011 World Championship Quote
