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Sheep Contest Results and Answers Sheep Contest Results and Answers

08-10-2010 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I think Amare is a much better pick for all-star starter than Bosh. Bosh's bulk numbers are going to be down and Amare is going to have the huge NY market voting for him. Also nobody in Canada will vote for Bosh.
I think Rondo was the better sheep pick but Rose might get more all-star votes if he has a good season
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
I think Rondo was the better sheep pick but Rose might get more all-star votes if he has a good season
Yeah, agreed. I was talking about that on Skype the other day. I really think that right now the favorites for AS starter in the EC is Rose-Wade-LeBron-Amare-Dwight.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 11:08 AM
Here's some of the answers. I'll add the Mod questions etc later.


Drew Brees - illinilou, Superuberbob, zzthe3rd
Deangelo williams - Dukesucks
Chris Johnson - tuq, cviggity
Samuel Giguère - Flyingrat

Peyton - Everyone else.

2. Superbowl matchup

Colts & vikings - SoloAJ, victor, needle, Assani Fisher
Colts & Cowboys - Zimmer4141, goodlookskid, dukesucks
Jets & Cowboys - illinilou, cviggity, shipontilt
Ravens & Packers - Debo9, poseidoncubed
Jets & Vikings - tuq, sportsjefe
Jets & Packers - Wiper
Ravens & Cowboys - g-bebe
Patriots & Saints - exitonly
Colts & Redskins - flyingrat
colts & jets - stakman1011
Cowboys & saints - Russ M

Saints & Colts - everyone else

3. Worst record

Rams - TSC, Assani, DCIace, Superuberbob, marlinssmith, Nozecandy, dkgojackets, goodlookskid, zimmer4141
Lions - Dudd, stakman, bonds, zzthe3rd, needle, sportsjefe, mjw0586, D104, Soloaj
Bills - Russ m, dyenimator, victor, debo9, gbebe
Bears - Flyingrat, dukesucks
Browns - exitonly, cviggity, LeeC, illinilou
Raiders - badbeatnik, guhsmahler,
Buccaneers - shipontilt, tuq
Broncos - wiper
Raiders and bills - poseidoncubed

4. coaches sacked

Zero - Dkgojackets
Nine - tuq

5. Most TDs

Maurice Jones-Drew - Flyingrat
CJ/ADP - everyone else.

6. eastern all-stars

Bosh/Rose - superuberbob, victor, cviggity, goodlookskid
Bosh/Stoudemire - tuq, guhsmahler, g-bebe
Rondo/Garnett - bonds, D104, SoloAJ
Bosh/pierce - zzthe3rd
Bosh/johnson - zimmer4141
Sonny Weems and Amir Johnson - flyingrat
Rondo/stoudemire - mjw0586
Shaq/gerald wallce - dukesucks
Rose/Garnett - poseidoncubed
Wall/stoudemire - exitonly
wade/lebron - Lee C

Bosh, Rondo - Everyone else

7. west conference championship losing team

Thunder - Dudd, sportsjefe, poseidoncubed, mjw0586, marlinssmith, wiper, goodlookskid
Lakers - Tsc, zzthe3rd, exitonly, D104, nozecandy, guhsmahler
Mavericks - DCIAce, Dyenimator, superuberbob, debo9, illinilou, SoloAJ
Trailblazers - Assani, Victor, tuq, badbeatnik, cviggity
Nuggets - Needle, shipontilt, zimmer4141, g-bebe
Spurs - flyingrat, stakman, Lee C
Suns - Russ M, dkgojackets
Jazz - Bonds
Magic - Dukesucks

8. Heat rings in next 5 years

Five - nozecandy, D104, badbeatnik, victor, zzthe3rd, dyenimator, dudd
Zero - dkgojackets, wiper

everyone else - 1-4

9. Most respected TZ reg

kbfc - TSC, Dudd, Assani, DCIAce, dyenimator, sportsjefe, tuq, badbeatnik, mjw0586, D104, nozecandy, goodlookskid
Bobo - stakman, bonds, poseidoncubed, exitonly, wiper, g-bebe
theunthrustable - Russ M, shipontilt, marlinssmith, Lee C
Victor - Victor, superuberbob, soloAJ
Assani - dkgojackets, zimmer4141
Actionjacson - flyingrat
Clark - zzthe3rd
Tarheels - Needle
Tuq - guhsmahler
Illinilou - Illinilou
Chilltown - dukesucks
"No one is intelligent" - Debo9


11. Number of games watched by TZ reg

1000 - TSC


17. Next SE MOD

Greear - DCIAce, superuberbob, mjw0586, debo9, wiper, dkgojackets, SoloAJ
Cviggity - Assani, marlinssmith, zimmer4141
Triumph - Needle, shipontilt, nozecandy
Theuntoastable - RussM, badbeatnik
Supine - zzthe3rd, guhsmahler
karak - sportsjefe, cviggity
steroid boy - tuq
pokerfink - stakman
Victor - Illinilou
Assani - Bonds, exitonly
Blue Celery - Blue Celery, g-bebe
mjw0586 - Dyenimator
Etats - Lee C
Thremp - Victor
Dudd - Dukesucks
Cousins Head - D104
Flyingrat - Flyingrat
RussM - poseidoncubed
nath - goodlookskid
"bobbo, so he can skip the whole reporting step" - dudd

18. Unpaid sexpartners:

Nozecandy - Nozecandy, mjw0586, needle
Tuq - zzthe3rd, dudd, Russ M
Clark - goodlookskid, Victor
bobo - dyenimator, flyingrat
Greear - g-bebe, sportsjefe, poseidoncubed
Victor - Tuq
Schwallie - Cviggity, Assani
Nash Head - D104, blue celery
Assani - Badbeatnik, stakman
Dominic - Illinilou, DCIAce
Calderooni - TSC
needle - Superuberbob
Dkgojackets - Dkgojackets
Not Lolo - Lee C
Supine - Guhsmahler
KyleB - Shipontilt
None - Wiper
Cviggity - Zimmer4141, marlinssmith
Debo9 - Debo9
Ron Burgundy - SoloAJ
kkcountry - dukesucks

"This is a trick question. Mebenhoe(1)" - Bonds
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 11:16 AM
Blue Celery - Blue Celery, g-bebe
hahaha. all that could come to mind from this was the worst SE mod thread and for some reason all I could pick out was someone saying BC would make a good mod. probably BC.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 01:01 PM
Well I just ****ing suck at sheep, this is proof. Even with an NBA-heavy lean I almost finished dead last. Didn't care enough to research NFL favorites so just took a stab, and I couldn't get into "sheep mode" for every single question and just went with what I thought was correct (e.g. the EC all-star and WC finalist questions).

Those who picked GREEAR for mod displayed expert-level sheeping. Those people probably don't require POG coaching from Dudd.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 01:03 PM
You voted for yourself in the best/worst mod questions tho. Expert.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 01:04 PM
Thx for doing this supine
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 01:05 PM
No probs. To be honest I could have put more time into it and made a better reveal, but it seems to have been appreciated eitherway.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-10-2010 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by tuq

Those who picked GREEAR for mod displayed expert-level sheeping. Those people probably don't require POG coaching from Dudd.
I must admit pretty big fail on my part missing Greear. I considered sending a new pm with him for that question, but decided to leave my bobbo joke answer. So to my students, don't feel too bad, even the legends cost themselves podium finishes from time to time
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-14-2010 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
11. How many games, on average, is a TZ reg watching in a season? Round your answer to the nearest ten.
there are only 1230 games/season, so watching 1000 is seriously insane. i probably watch about 2/night, or about 350 or so in a season. still a ton of games.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-14-2010 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
there are only 1230 games/season, so watching 1000 is seriously insane. i probably watch about 2/night, or about 350 or so in a season. still a ton of games.
yeah I obviously grossly overestimated how many games you guys watched. I always though you guys dvr'd everything and watched them. Oh well, I guess not, oh well no biggie. Still won
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-14-2010 , 10:49 PM
For the unpaid sex partner question I based my Assani Fisher reply on the idea that surely a guy with such a cosmopolitan sounding name would be perceived to smooth with the ladies. Maybe I should of just answered with the guy whos name is based on blow.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-15-2010 , 12:02 AM
Do women respect the double fisted vodka-cran? I think not
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-16-2010 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Do women respect the double fisted vodka-cran? I think not
from personal experience:

Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
08-16-2010 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by badbeatnik
For the unpaid sex partner question I based my Assani Fisher reply on the idea that surely a guy with such a cosmopolitan sounding name would be perceived to smooth with the ladies. Maybe I should of just answered with the guy whos name is based on blow.
Sheep Contest Results and Answers Quote
