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09-17-2013 , 09:27 PM
Who does the best (book spoiler–free) recaps of Game of Thrones episodes (preferably with a formalist bent)? I found the A.V. Club's kind of underwhelming.

Originally Posted by SarcasticRat
That was such an unpleasant hour of TV. Objectively good and well executed, but left me feeling empty ...
Have to +1 this.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-17-2013 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
Who does the best (book spoiler–free) recaps of Game of Thrones episodes (preferably with a formalist bent)? I found the A.V. Club's kind of underwhelming.
You could try Alan Sepinwall's; he hasn't read the books. I can't even think of anyone else.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-17-2013 , 10:27 PM
As someone who is currently reading the first book who hasn't watched the the book. It's awesome
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-17-2013 , 10:39 PM
Is there anyone who has watched the TV show and then read the books?

I would like to hear their thoughts.

I kind of want to read the books but feel like it might hinder my TV watching experience.

Which could be false.

I started watching S1 again this week and I have no ****ing idea where I stopped watching the last episode. I literally know every ****ing scene by heart that I can't tell where I stopped =/
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-17-2013 , 10:41 PM
I don't know how people that didn't read the book are keeping up with everything, I assume they just wait for violent scenes/dragons/boobies.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:22 AM
i have read the books and seen the tv series

if anything it makes me feel like i can't quite enjoy the tv series as much just because i know generally what will happen. I think the series is great and i completely look forward to every new episode *but* i just don't think it is possible to enjoy it as much as the non book readers

obv i won't get into spoilers or anything of that nature but I have GOT behind wire/sopranos/deadwood/bb/maybe mad men. i'm a little jealous of non book readers
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:47 AM
Well done.

**** the books

**** the book readers

**** Shark Sandy for suggesting the books are better than the TV show

Do you know what series deserves to be among the elite but rarely gets mentioned?

The original Band of Brothers. Pretty much a perfect viewing experience. I'd rank it equal to anything I've seen on TV.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:48 AM
bob is indeed spectacular
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:49 AM
I don't know how to make my next paragraph longer than the last one.

I'm really high on mushrooms THUNDER AH ****
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Scherer716
bob is indeed spectacular
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by nath
You could try Alan Sepinwall's; he hasn't read the books. I can't even think of anyone else.

Originally Posted by Omar Comin
I don't know how people that didn't read the book are keeping up with everything, I assume they just wait for violent scenes/dragons/boobies.
"Hodor," said Hodor.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 02:24 AM
The people I've talked to who read the books after watching a season or two say that it enhances your overall enjoyment of Ice and Fire but decreases your enjoyment of the show.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Deanglow
The people I've talked to who read the books after watching a season or two say that it enhances your overall enjoyment of Ice and Fire but decreases your enjoyment of the show.
Yup, lol at the superiority complex all book readers's really pathetic
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 06:25 AM
i am reading the books but not getting ahead of the tv series. it seems like the clear way to go. im just finishing the first book and there isn't much difference, but it familiarizes me with the characters better-- so much more is written about ser barristan, syrio, the relationship between hound and his brother, etc.

Last edited by aejones; 09-18-2013 at 06:30 AM.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 06:59 AM
lol got book readers forever and always
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09-18-2013 , 07:14 AM
lol @ grown men reading fantasy novels
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 07:15 AM
This thread is way too BB-centric imo, and it is my favorite show of all time.

In terms of most underrated shows of all time, I would like to nominate a show that wasn't discussed at all itt: Sons of Anarchy. The show is incredible and no one really talks about it. To mix up the thread a little bit, I'd like to give my list of best shows I've seen.

Yet to see that are on list to watch: Justified, Newsroom, Deadwood, Orange is the New Black

Comedies/reality TV not included.

1. Breaking Bad
2. Sopranos
3. Sons of Anarchy
4. The Wire
5. The Shield (one of the rare shows where it got better every single season, and had a few of the GOAT TV show moments)
6. Game of Thrones (Red Wedding one of the GOAT ep)
7. Six Feet Under (not the best ending as some say, but the most perfect one. Only time I've ever cried in any tv show/movie)
8. The Walking Dead
9. Lost
10. Hell on Wheels (hugely underrated show no one ever talks about as well)
11. House of Cards (will most definitely move up list as more seasons occur)
12. Mad Men
13. Weeds (loved the final episode)
14. Dexter (show was top 3 right after trinity season, horrid run of seasons after that culminating in the final season which has been excruciatingly painful to watch)
15. Falling Skies (s1 was meh, season 2 was great, s3 was good enough to keep me into it)

Shows I watch(ed) that didn't rank:

1. Homeland (probably the most overrated show of all time. Great acting but the storylines are almost unbearable. Season 1 had alot of hope until that catastrophy that was season 2)
2. Spartacus (solid if you're in the mood for TNA and don't care much about the storyline. Lots of action as well.)
3. Revolution (has it's moments of good/bad, overall middle of the pack)
4. The Event (Horrid first part of season 1, second part of season one it actually was starting to get good. Would've loved to see a season 2.)

Comments on shows I need to watch would be great!
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 09:37 AM
lol Sons of Anarchy? u srs?
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 09:46 AM
incredible bro
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 09:53 AM
new season of Survivor premieres tonight at 8pm ET on CBS (S26: Blood vs Water)

it's going to have a few familiar faces such as Colton the Kountry Klub Kid, Gervase from the original season of Survivor, former NFL player Brad Culpepper, and Big Brother winner Hayden Moss

we did live Skype chat discussions during previous seasons with some of the SE regs and I'm wondering if anyone's going to be watching again this year

90 minute premiere should be a good appetizer for THE CHALLENGE finale at 10pm ET
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 09:57 AM
New twist with the family thing. Should be interesting.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 10:04 AM
Sons of Anarchy is ok/good but having Sons of Anarchy> The Wire is like saying Andy Roddick > Pete Sampras

And The Walking Dead HAS TO BE THE WORST popular TV show after Eastenders
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 10:09 AM
I read the books after S2 of TV show. Can't recommend the show and/or the books enough.

survivor - tho id prefer an entirely new cast, or entirely all stars (HvV2).
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Innocence
Sons of Anarchy is ok/good but having Sons of Anarchy> The Wire is like saying Andy Roddick > Pete Sampras

And The Walking Dead HAS TO BE THE WORST popular TV show after Eastenders
I really liked the first two seasons of SoA, but it turned to total ass immediately, and only seems to have gotten worse.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
09-18-2013 , 10:35 AM
I've heard sons of anarchy is true blood for men? Can anyone confirm?
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