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06-16-2014 , 07:08 PM
Stannis time activated.
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06-16-2014 , 07:12 PM
When your best case is Bobbo, who is just confused because Valaryian Steel is shiny and he's still getting over that, just give it up.
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06-16-2014 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheChamp11
Jfc when will bookreaders realize that no one ****ing cares about the books except for bookreaders. No one wants "context" or explanations or whatever else. And if they do, they can seek it out themselves. **** offfffff
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06-16-2014 , 08:05 PM
Bros this isn't OOTV don't let it develop into a book herpfest. There's a multitude of posters show only people can seek out if they want specific book info. Don't do it here.

Excited as **** for Fargo tomorrow tho.
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06-16-2014 , 10:51 PM
man what a brutal episode on the emotions and just in general

trading tywin and the hound for tyrion's life kinda feels like trading an unborn baby for drogo's life. Tyrion lives...BUT AT WHAT COST.

So we lose tywin, we lose tyrion in king's landing - therefore we lose much of the lannister interaction and story. Probably just a whole season of cersei going crazy trying to find and kill tyrion which doesn't sound all that exciting. We lose Varys for all intents and purposes. We lose the Hound/Arya storyline. (Jesus, Arya still GOAT tho). Brutal, brutal ****.

But hey, we gained some zombie skeletons and a demented old tree warlock. wooooo.
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06-16-2014 , 11:06 PM
Got to imagine the Tyrells now run riot on KL
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06-16-2014 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
man what a brutal episode on the emotions and just in general

trading tywin and the hound for tyrion's life kinda feels like trading an unborn baby for drogo's life. Tyrion lives...BUT AT WHAT COST.

So we lose tywin, we lose tyrion in king's landing - therefore we lose much of the lannister interaction and story. Probably just a whole season of cersei going crazy trying to find and kill tyrion which doesn't sound all that exciting. We lose Varys for all intents and purposes. We lose the Hound/Arya storyline. (Jesus, Arya still GOAT tho). Brutal, brutal ****.

But hey, we gained some zombie skeletons and a demented old tree warlock. wooooo.
Yeah, next season should be very different. A lot of Stannis I'd imagine. More Branning. I'll be interested to see where Jon Snow goes now that he is with Stannis.

KL is sure to go way way downhill which is kind of sad. Arya will have some good fun. LF will surely kill a few unsuspecting victims too.
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06-17-2014 , 12:01 AM
it'll be weird having the wall more interesting than KL, I agree.
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06-17-2014 , 08:38 AM
Mounted Calavary>Wildling scum

The Ewoks in Return of the Jewish fought more courageously than those dim witted barbarian ice turds.
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06-17-2014 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by mw828
Yeah, next season should be very different. A lot of Stannis I'd imagine. More Branning. I'll be interested to see where Jon Snow goes now that he is with Stannis.

KL is sure to go way way downhill which is kind of sad. Arya will have some good fun. LF will surely kill a few unsuspecting victims too.
I'm hoping that the news of the death of Tywin leads to either Danny going for the attack on KL or Stannis going for the attack on KL. Maybe both for a huge clash or back to back clashes.

If I was an advisor to Danny I'd probably tell her to wait a bit because Stannis has a nice window of opportunity to attack now so let them kill eachother a bit then strike. No idea how much info the different sides have about what's going on on the other side.

Been trying to think of what Tyrion/Varys can do next but am drawing blanks. Any chance they join team Stannis?

Not sure how manacling the stuff north of the wall is and how that plays into things. Wildling boss seems like he wanted to GTFO even with a huge army so whatever lurks there has to be legit scary to face. The cliffhanger of one of the seasons with the undead hord is still kind of cliffhanging around.

The Ewoks in Return of the Jewish fought more courageously than those dim witted barbarian ice turds.
Some giants would wreak havoc though.
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06-17-2014 , 09:09 AM
Mountain is like 100% to be alive

Hound 100% dead

Tywin like 95% dead
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06-17-2014 , 09:14 AM
Stannis could surely recruit the entire wildling army and promise them safe passage beyond the wall as well as homes etc in the north for when they win. Mance already said if they didn't get beyond the wall before winter they'd die so seems like a no brainer. That would put Stannis on a collision course with Lord Bolton and that horrible **** Ramsey who currently rule the north, having the son of Ned Stark by your side should help recruit other parts of the North who've been loyal to his family for years.

Lannisters seem ****ed without Tywin since Cersei has no intention to marry Loras and I wouldn't be surprised if Margaery (with the help of Ollena) has a sudden change of heart on Tommen now that Tywin is gone. Without the Tyrells Lannisters are sitting ducks IMO.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:05 AM
so I guess Dany's arc this season has deliberately slowed down as she realises conquering and ruling the world requires more than acquire dragons, free slaves, profit. She can't even keep the liberated slaves happy, let alone control the dragons. And she stopped getting naked for the cameras a while ago.

The good news for Dany haters is there's now a possibility that she could become dispensible. She's been infallible and invincible since day one, but suddenly I can see a gap in the market for a dragon manager. Step forward Brann Stark!

**** knows how the logistics of this will work, but bear with me. While Dany is stuck in slaveland handling the day to day stuff and unable to safely release her dragons, she's unable to take advantage of the power vacuum in KL. This leaves the door open for Stannis, who becomes King and beheads Cersei while Jon Snow and the wildlings fight the ice zombies. Meanwhile Dany is somehow killed (hopefully in a naked wrestling match with Missandrei) and the old knight guy whose name escapes me quickly realises that the dragons must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, so (insert plot link, but possibly involving Jorah who was the son of the Nights Watch boss) and Brann ends up involved. He's magic and he's destined to fly! So he takes the dragons to fight the ice zombies, and arrives at the wall just in time to save Jon Snow.

Book it.
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06-17-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Meanwhile Dany is somehow killed (hopefully in a naked wrestling match with Missandrei
Ban this man, he's a bookreader.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
yeah pretty obvious

*hears the bells*, turns to Tyrion and says "what did you do?" or whatever, gets on the boat

Varys: "i've always hates the bells. they ring for horror. a dead kind, a city under siege"
Tyrion: "a wedding."
Varys: "exactly."
Pretty horribad police work by KL Homicide to just let that boat sail away after the Hand's murder. They did the same thing when Joffrey bit it.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Mountain is like 100% to be alive

Hound 100% dead

Tywin like 95% dead
Zombie Mountain seems like a pretty awful parting gift after losing two of the best characters in the show.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Pretty horribad police work by KL Homicide to just let that boat sail away after the Hand's murder. They did the same thing when Joffrey bit it.
There isn't a rapid response team.

Plenty of time to get smuggled away.

People like Varys do it to others all the time.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 02:17 PM
Seeing Stannis' uber army of dudes on horses surround and easily soul crush Mance was my favorite moment of the season.


You're going want to avoid getting PINCERED in the future if you want to conquer Westeros.

Dany's Friendzone Army might be in trouble if they don't have someone decent leading the way.
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06-17-2014 , 04:34 PM
Only nice thing about Stannis arc really is he's actually a tactical mastermind, and apparently that stuff matters. Glad he won a decisive battle, even if it seemed he got there rather quickly.
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06-17-2014 , 04:39 PM
Stannis also the most alpha dude for banging the hottest chick in Westeros.
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06-17-2014 , 04:56 PM
Stannis is banging margaery tyrell?
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06-17-2014 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Stannis is banging margaery tyrell?
He didn't say he was banging a cubic painting.
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
06-17-2014 , 05:30 PM
lol @ anyone who doesn't like Arya anymore. She's becoming ruthlessly cold blooded yes, but isn't that kinda the direction we were rooting for her to go? We knew she wanted the Hound to die, even after they had become "friends". She was just a little more vengeful over it since, you know, basically her entire family is dead.

also, FARGO FINALE tonight
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06-17-2014 , 08:39 PM

Comic book reader.
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06-17-2014 , 08:41 PM
Did khalessi have one good scene all season?
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