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SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ

02-28-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by 72off

end of story.
Just keep in mind most people doing it without a lot of assistance would likely be worse.

Modding is freaking hard.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
why were the wolves trying to SPK Hoya D1 anyway when they knew he was a poisoned mason, who could possibly be angeled/bodyguarded?
Because we knew he was 99% getting healed. And we figured that with him being poisoned, the angel would not bother protecting him until that was resolved, so that was our one shot to kill him. If we left him alive, he would be a cleared strong village leader, who we couldn't kill because he was always likely to be an angel target. I was already dead then, but that was the reasoning earlier in the day.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
I came here to find out why this game was supposedly AIDS.
wasnt aids.. neutrals may have been a tad to strong.. 3 person team in a 44 player game.. peek as villa 50% of the time.. (that was never revealed even after 1 died) they had a seer, a RB, and a vig.. not player determined first one died they lose the rb, then the seer, not according to which players...
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:15 PM
Chim, do you think the wolves win here if there was less wolf joke roles? I don't see it. They got randed a few bad apples as power roles and that was that.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
1. didn't want to
2. we forgot, and it didn't really matter by the end bc the wolf seers were dead
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
why were the wolves trying to SPK Hoya D1 anyway when they knew he was a poisoned mason, who could possibly be angeled/bodyguarded?
Oh god, i didn't even see this.

Wow, so when kidcolin was badgering me about TMI, he was actually the one giving it?
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
Chim, do you think the wolves win here if there was less wolf joke roles? I don't see it. They got randed a few bad apples as power roles and that was that.
Wolves were fighting an uphill battle for sure regardless.

The problem, though.. is really twofold.

First the joke roles give them so much less info they are making poor decisions. Doing what they can but its not what they should be doing.. this has a really big effect.

Second, the neutrals whole goal is to bink wolves because the villager side is easy. This makes it even tougher on them because they have two teams trying to kill them from d1. Normally a neutral would never be going for wolves after they kill 2 in a row and then 3 over night or whatever happened.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
Think the better team has always won so far.

In 2.0, I think 75% of the villagers had a claimable power role which was ridiculous but it made no difference. The wolves were terrible.
Well yeah, just looking at the rosters, it is clear that the village had all of the strongest players and we had alot of noobs, myself included. Granting that, we got curbstomped in 3 days, with the village having wagoned like 8 villagers* and 1 wolf in that time (and not even lynching him).

Edit *Actually schu was a neutral not a villager.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:26 PM
Just wanna be sure to say thanks again for modding the game.. generally a very thankless job.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:28 PM
easy to rip on 72o if you're a wolf and tbh it's probably justifiable. if i spent a week at this game trying to solve impossible goals i'd be pretty pissed by the end too.

that said, i mean, i can't imagine it's easy to design a WW game when u have no experience at doing so and have limited experience at even playing it. i mean that HP game supposedly took several months to design. if there's one thing that can be taken away from this it's that people who have never modded a WW game should probably not mod an SE game.

still, i appreciate the effort. thanks for the game
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:31 PM
And just to add to that, the village had alot of noobs making terrible plays to cancel out our noob badness, but that did not really effect them as much as it should have as far as the village/wolf balance.

This is because we did not have the fire power to bink them when the claimed, and the odd/even night angel thing made them risky targets with the firepower we did have. And the neutrals had little incentive to wipe them out for us, in fact they wanted to keep the seers alive as long as possible!
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:34 PM
I think rmthawk should mod the next one
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:37 PM
he should mod and all villa game
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:37 PM
Yeah the wolves would have needed to have played god-like to win. With that said there was very few wolves in deep cover. I think day 3 or 4 Tuma and IRM had like 50% of the wolves pegged.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
easy to rip on 72o if you're a wolf and tbh it's probably justifiable. if i spent a week at this game trying to solve impossible goals i'd be pretty pissed by the end too.

that said, i mean, i can't imagine it's easy to design a WW game when u have no experience at doing so and have limited experience at even playing it. i mean that HP game supposedly took several months to design. if there's one thing that can be taken away from this it's that people who have never modded a WW game should probably not mod an SE game.

still, i appreciate the effort. thanks for the game
I am not as mad now that he said he tried to get POGer help, thought it was inexcusable if he didn't. I was legit furious before he said that, and I only played one day. Though he still should realized that having CPHoya help mod >>>>>>>>> CPHoya getting to play.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
...With that said there was very few wolves in deep cover. I think day 3 or 4 Tuma and IRM had like 50% of the wolves pegged.
think Rat was the only one, due to some early bussing or something.

maybe Auger too, but the neutrals sniffed that out.

Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
...Though he still should realized that having CPHoya help mod >>>>>>>>> CPHoya getting to play.
i obv realized that, but i wanted to be fair to the guy. he likes to play, so let him play every once in a while, instead of being the guy who has to waste his time modding everyone one of our games bc no one else wants to.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:42 PM
IRM = village MVP. Can't believe how many wolves he was onto. Thought he had to have TMI to be playing so well.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
lol, yeah perhaps.

but the fact that the village won like every "coinflip" while getting crushed leads me to believe that maybe there were flaws with the game. oh, but we had that great TEBOW role that was never going to be alive when he got his powers. like 0%, ever.
willage had like zero successful wagons, lynches, or vigs that weren't related to a seer peek.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:48 PM
I did have my vote on a wolf or neutral all but 1 night I was alive (I think Geddy was the only exception)
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:48 PM
quick some one start a march madness one or something... underdogs vs top seeds.. upstarts vs power programs.. 16 seeds are power roles.. gogogo
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
willage had like zero successful wagons, lynches, or vigs that weren't related to a seer peek.
well hotWANGZ then.

bc i'm positive there was a point where my wolf list was:

1. C-Vig
2. bowens

edit: oh, you mean this game or 3.0?

and in this game, you guys had 5 unpeeked wolves binked by vigs out of like the first 6-7 shots.

my fault tho, right?
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
willage had like zero successful wagons, lynches, or vigs that weren't related to a seer peek.
a successful wagon would be someone in the top 2.. was bjl a peek? u were a wagon. zdye was a wagon... and i had u as a wolf just from the first 400 posts of the game.. u guys lost flips.. **** happens.. need to stop with the woe is me..
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:51 PM
He's talking about last time I believe
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
Chim, do you think the wolves win here if there was less wolf joke roles? I don't see it. They got randed a few bad apples as power roles and that was that.
Without the borked roles we still aren't faves with BJL doing very little an our two RBs getting SK vigged.

Our biggest disadvantage was the amount of PRs the village had. Any wagon we could get going on someone they could claim and clear themselves. We were doomed.

And please never again use passing vigs + seers. That's way too much info gathering.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:53 PM
Going to have to be pretty wary of wolves getting their bus game on day 1. Seems like pretty common strategy in SE games.
SE WW 4.0: The GOCB's vs the WANGZ Quote
