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SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT.

12-03-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
this particular class only has 5 kids here today, and all 5 have stayed after school many times to play WW, so they understand my frustration with being a villager and you guys not believing me. haha, I told them that I may need to keep checking my phone because 'these idiots online are probably trolling me but voting for me when I'm a villager'.
wiper confirmed wasting my tax dollars
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:27 PM
what kid stays after school to play ww?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Wiper officially a good vote.

You're not worried but you decided to write this long ass rant about it. First few pages are a gold mine imo. You sound mad that you got caught so early on.
no, I'm getting progressively madder because I'm on my phone at work, trying to follow along like a good little villager and you dumbasses think I'm a wolf.

whatever. if I'm the best vote at EOD based on nothing but tone the village is gonna be in trouble anyway because that's ridiculous.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:28 PM
wiper's whole life sounds made up
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:29 PM
but yeah realistically not enough to vote for him really I can't make tone reads

still gonna keep my vote though
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I'd like to draw attention back to this

Because it looks like Trying To Solve The Game, but it's meaningless. There is literally no insight to glean into the makeup of the wolf team if the wolves poisoned him

It's wolfy
glad u reminded me about this because i was actually going to make a point about this last night but was too tired and forgot. the insinuation that a wolf team would be trolly on the basis of poisoning nutshot? ok cool, what good does that do us?

he also is hard on daer as wolf then flips his stance basically instantly because a benign hurp post that sums up what everyone else has been saying already, that a wolf team wouldn't poison nutshot, ergo daer >>> nutshot

his posts thus far seem to be considerably more commentary than substance save for randomly going after mutigers. not a particularly good look thus far
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington


Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
also hate the way yg left his cover for me on pg1

throw him into the skepticowl pile
Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
dyenamitaro is probably a woof too

i know he plays standard ish in the big games i've played with him

his nonsensical xyz is w/w/w/w/w//w posts sound super forced and fake playful

if he flips woof i wouldnt' be surprised if there's at least 1 woof in the w/w/w list that he listed either
making reads and lists early is villagery for Hurp, especially the way he keeps coming back to his reads and augmenting them

and these last few posts all came in a flurry last night, which is villagery as well

that's some Hurp stuff
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:33 PM

Hurp stuff

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
so daer should be healed 100%

assuming there's a willage and woof poisoner

no sane woof team would kill nutshot. even if one or even a few of the woofs want to spite poison him they'd get overruled by the team
this is a very villagery way for him to enter the thread, immediately in game-solvey villa captain mode

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
cause he's on the absolute END of the spectrum that we're talking about

he's a prime mislunch/misvig candidate

im assuming willage and woof poisoner

woofs wouldn't know whether there's a willage counterpart poisoner

if there's only one poisoner in their perspective(woofs), this may tip the thread off that nutshot may be a wilalger

in their perspective nutshot is better left alone so he can self destruct

no this is not me being a woof talking in woof perspective
villagery flow and self-awareness

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
ftr despite the different conclusions i have monik making sense and willagery, and agree that nutshot's entrance is willagery

at least now that we have established this if daer planned on coasting on the basis that lolnutshot would never be healed over him he can't do that anymore

giving a villa lean to someone he disagrees with is decently villagery, and again I like the flow of this sentence

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
people accusing people of voting in a 'wolfy' try hard way but the actual accusation itself is awkward and tryhard in a way that's dressed up with tryhard reasoning himself
I guess he can make this post in either role

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
se game boring me already

i'd expected shats within the hours

or people getting temp banned
this is super-villagery stream of consciousness

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington

you were on my got2 woof team where you had the lolmad? role with exec as the only poisoner

cute try though

and if im ever caught in a woof team that pulled through with a nutshot poison i'd quit thegame and out the team
carefree posting

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
see if we're w/w this is the sort of thing that we may set up and i'll retract it like a good boy and start using villagery

but i'm a willager

so i'll stick with this
carefree posting

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
binkles woof read from last page

willage points to anyone who can guess which post
Hurp doesn't tend to make these kinds of posts as a wolf imo, and I think as a wolf he's less likely to take on binkles as a target d1

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
in estonia they have saying

owls kill threads better than build nests
this is villagery b/c he's in tune with the thread and itching to play

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington
actually bankles has some good things going last page

offer retracted
dynamic reads are villagery (and this doesn't diminish the thing I said above, because I'm doubtful wolf Hurp even goes after binkles to begin with)
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:34 PM
now you actually have to read that tweedy
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
I call shenanigans on this story.
that happened essentially word for word with how I wrote it.

'hey when you guys are doing that, if I'm on my phone it's because I just started a big WW game, its the first day and these idiots think I'm a wolf when I'm not' were probably my exact words.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:37 PM
but I don't!
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
glad u reminded me about this because i was actually going to make a point about this last night but was too tired and forgot. the insinuation that a wolf team would be trolly on the basis of poisoning nutshot? ok cool, what good does that do us?

he also is hard on daer as wolf then flips his stance basically instantly because a benign hurp post that sums up what everyone else has been saying already, that a wolf team wouldn't poison nutshot, ergo daer >>> nutshot

his posts thus far seem to be considerably more commentary than substance save for randomly going after mutigers. not a particularly good look thus far
Hmmmm. I guess I'll have to take a look at Dye.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
probably this

but if nutshot was poisoned by the wolves, it should give some insight into the wolf team makeup

Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
I'd like to draw attention back to this

Because it looks like Trying To Solve The Game, but it's meaningless. There is literally no insight to glean into the makeup of the wolf team if the wolves poisoned him

It's wolfy

Dye do you actually believe this? If so can you clarify what you're saying, why you're saying it, and what 'insight' it reveals?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:40 PM
coordinating healers isn't impossible. If your CHARACTER is more important in seasons 1-3 then heal Daer. If your character is more important from season 4 on then heal nuts hot. That is if we come to the consensus that both are villas.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
but I don't!
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
what kid stays after school to play ww?
last year every Friday for probably 2 months in the spring I had between 10 and 15 stay for an hour and a half to play, good times.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:44 PM

don't make me do a half-assed MQ for nothing
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Vyk has called me a wolf incorrectly for about 5 straight games now. Quite frankly, I don't give a **** about how he reads me right now because his recent history reading me is very poor.

The binkles read is not good, his sole read of calling binkles a wolf is the same reason as to why shark is calling euro a wolf. How do people not realize that both those reads are terrible.

Binkles has posted content, I read wookie's MQ and came to a way different conclusion than he did. Day 1s are always going to have a ton of fluff, I'm hard pressed to see anyone who has provided a ton more content than binkles has.
Much much better imo.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:48 PM
i assume errybody is reading my Hurp MQ in detail right now and that's why there have been so few posts since then
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:48 PM
Wiper's anger actually sounds genuine in that last post. We shall see what happens as the day progresses
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
glad u reminded me about this because i was actually going to make a point about this last night but was too tired and forgot. the insinuation that a wolf team would be trolly on the basis of poisoning nutshot? ok cool, what good does that do us?

he also is hard on daer as wolf then flips his stance basically instantly because a benign hurp post that sums up what everyone else has been saying already, that a wolf team wouldn't poison nutshot, ergo daer >>> nutshot

his posts thus far seem to be considerably more commentary than substance save for randomly going after mutigers. not a particularly good look thus far
Wait, dye actually thought daer was wolfy because he had nutshot as villa? Can you confirm?

This sort of reasoning is a classic wolf tell. They make mistakes like acting as if villa poisoners are way better than rand to hit a wolf.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
i assume errybody is reading my Hurp MQ in detail right now and that's why there have been so few posts since then
Ha, Nice one
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
i assume errybody is reading my Hurp MQ in detail right now and that's why there have been so few posts since then
I think most of what you quoted from him leaves him role neutral. He goes from attacking binkles to sponging him in the spread of, what, three posts? He played Hide the Ball with his Binkles wolf tell then backed off it before he revealed it. Certainly not ready to vote him at this point but I've seen little that clears him to this point, though your meta with him may be different.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:51 PM
Shark Sandwich
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:51 PM
Dye being a wolf was page 1 news, people shouldn't be acting surprised
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
