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SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT.

12-07-2012 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Does flytrap post LOLponies too?

You're not a miller but gjge on the claim.
I expect to be lynched. I'm just going to put down all my thoughts and do as much game solving as I possibly can. I know I can't live at this point, but god damn I'm not gonna go out without solving this bitch
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
I expect to be lynched. I'm just going to put down all my thoughts and do as much game solving as I possibly can. I know I can't live at this point, but god damn I'm not gonna go out without solving this bitch
If you're lynched that means you guys probably won. Get into wolfchat and get them to fire up the bus.

I can't say this enough, we need to lynch a power wolf, not a goddamned vanilla. Lynch bigger, vig nofear or vix.

I'm going to work. If I don't have at least three votes by the time I get back I'ma be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry dissapoint in you wolves. I'd ask you to dayvig me but you'd never do that.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
I haven't gone back to look but I'm pretty sure that vix claimed affiliation seer, not full seer. At least when he claimed that is. His story has changed a few million times.

And I can understand why you'd think that. I didn't push vix although I can point you to my posts on the subject. It was a well done fake claim. One reason I didn't push hard is that I was on record early in the game that I thought searix was wolfy. It seemed pretty obvious to me that he was going to die - easy to lynch inside the claim yo - and I didn't have enough to stick my neck out on.

You ask: What is the harm in waiting a day with bigger? Well he's a power wolf. Every day he gets to angel someone there is a chance we lose a kill. Would I rather kill the wolf seer or poisoner? Yeah, probably. But I don't know who they are. I do know that bigger is the angel and nofear is a goddamn vanilla wolf.

To win the game we kill wolves.

Lynch bigger, vig either vix or nofear unless we out more woalves today. I'm really not sure who the wolves would have angeled - if my theory from yesterday was correct they could not have angeled vix again, but I'm also a little uneasy that my goofing around interacting with nofear EOD yesterday might have made them angel nofear. But that's probably overthinking it, I have to think that any power wolf would be angeled over a goddamn vanilla.
I am almost positive he claimed full seer.

we have plenty of wolves to lynch without your claim. what if you are not telling the truth, then we might be stuck with no wolfs killed tonight. what prob needs to happen is you dieing and then game is looking good for us no matter what you flip.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Sven O
I am almost positive he claimed full seer.

we have plenty of wolves to lynch without your claim. what if you are not telling the truth, then we might be stuck with no wolfs killed tonight. what prob needs to happen is you dieing and then game is looking good for us no matter what you flip.

Okay, now I really am going to work. Have fun kids.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
vyk being mia is aids btw.
runaway w0alf wagons

you spend way too much time with big country

Originally Posted by Bryant Reeves
vyk too given this recent slanking
you lack the basic semblance of self-awareness

go get your clown shoes
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:04 AM
duckburg is a w0alf Power Role who was angeled over zdye last night
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:06 AM
euro, you read insanity spewing me villager up and down the thread for days and instead of taking it at face value, you somehow take it as a negative and from the conclusion that our interaction felt "off" and "forced" to you

just a big heaping good job, good effort goes out to you
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:09 AM
have you read the claim vyk?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox


I am the seer. I am a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul seer, meaning I get roles and ****.

n0 biggerboat WOLF ANGEL
n1 calleddown light VILLA
n2 exec771 WOLF VOTE BUYER
n3 bryant reeves VILLA
n4 nofear3838 VANILLA WOLF

If anyone other than captain binkles would read me you'd see that my peeks are crystal clear.

I peeked bigger because I've had trouble reading him in the past.

I peeked CDL because he was, as it turns out, CDLing.

Exec for not playing his usual game

Big Country was a poor choice. I was on a tinfoil kick that there was a hidden wolf among dylan voters. I randed between him and a couple others, it came up Country. Dumb.

nofear because I've seen him play pretty well and he's been mailing it in this game. I thought about peeking duck or the people pushing duck but I've engaged in enough in tinfoiling this game.

More thoughts in next post
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Sven O
have you read the claim vyk?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:14 AM
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:16 AM
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:16 AM
just to be clear, I'm about 100% certain that biggerboat angeled duckburg last night
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:23 AM
i just don`t see how the claim is hard to fake. show me the peeks and i`ll be happy to listen.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:24 AM
Thoughts before I go read the thread. I only have a half day at work today, so I'll be ITT till ~10am, then be back a little after 3pm.

biggerboat - peek wolf angel

Booker Wolfbox - SEER

Bryant Reeves - peeked villager

DarO - Has less posts than me (which is saying a lot, since I only devoted like 2 hours per day to this game). That being said, he has been so blatantly wrong on things, it is almost twtbaw. For instance, he flat out calls zdye a villager on d2 about 30 minutes to EOD while piling onto Dye. He blatantly quotes a vix post on d1 that has a list of myself, darO, and booker as all wolves and calls vix a villager. I would think that darO is a WILlager.

diskoteque - I think he is a villager. He had a really good vote on dylan on d1 and has been fairly villagry. Also, on post count alone, I don't think a new wolf would have so many (167).

Duckburg - outed wolf

Eurotrash - outside of him being silenced early on, euro trash hasn't
been as active ITT as I normally would see him. Possible wolf

kidcolin - I'm gonna go ahead and clear KC on postcount alone. From what I remember of his wolf game, it isn't that good. Plus, I can't recall anything wolfy from him, so theres that

loosekanen - honestly can't remember much about loose, at all, other than him jumping in and wanting to CFD weird wagons near EOD like every day. Suspicious

monikrazy - mechanically clear due to poison

mutigers5591- outed wolf

Nofear3838 - miller

Noze - Has been active in the thread (which wolf noze doesn't do) and I think on d2 when he is like "OMG IF ZDYE FLIPS WOLF, YOU CAN TAKE BACK MY LOCK CLEAR VILLA CAPTAIN" and being all loud at EOD when the wagons weren't even really that close is much more likely from villager noze than wolf noze. So I have noze as a villager

nutshot2 - mechanically clear due to poision (twice)

Richard Tanner - I remember him being a villager for something to do with a claim and him being healed, but not much more than that.

StoppedRainingMen - something, something, villager something. I remember having SRM as a villager for some reason very early on, but I can't recall what. I'll go reread him later, but still likely a villager.

Sven O - Has posted so many anti villager things, I'd say that he is practically a lock wolf.

vixticator - outed wolf

Vyk07 - Him getting all butthurt over people not listening to him would draw a lot of unnecessary attention to himself. If he is a wolf, he is playing a decent game, but the longer vyk is alive, the more suspicious I get. See SE3.0. Villager for now, but not 100% sold.

In color form


Booker Wolfbox
Bryant Reeves
Richard Tanner


sven O
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:25 AM
i`ll have a look at booker. will report back.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sven O
i just don`t see how the claim is hard to fake. show me the peeks and i`ll be happy to listen.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:31 AM
it's standard to have 1 full seer, 1 odd seer and 1 even seer in SE games, I'm not sure if Vagos has deviated though since he's managed to eliminate most of the things that make SE games fun from this game
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:32 AM
I have 0 interest in killing vanilla w0alves right now
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:33 AM
i like that you cleared two players on basis of high postcount as noobs. but that i`m just wolfing up a storm here as a noob you have no problem with.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:39 AM
I've cleared on person based on high post count as a noob (disko). Every other person I give village points to based on post count aren't noobs and are just people I don't think are good wolves.

Also, Disko has been villagry, you haven't.

Come talk to me about your blatant PR hunting ITT tho
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:40 AM
very wp booker
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:43 AM
Haven't kept up as much yesterday with all the outed wolves, but has anyone read exec/zaids/vix for spew yet?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Not likely to read every post, but will try and plow through some. So far I've read about two pages worth from after I left this morning and have the following thoughts: Shark Sandwich was being weird as ****, not like his usual village game. Biggerwolf is apparently in the game. And there aren't enough hours between now and the Mayan apocalypse for me to read all of Binkles' words.

I've got liquor and almost two hours before EOD, I'm good.
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
I've cleared on person based on high post count as a noob (disko). Every other person I give village points to based on post count aren't noobs and are just people I don't think are good wolves.

Also, Disko has been villagry, you haven't.

Come talk to me about your blatant PR hunting ITT tho
so i`m more likely to be a awsome wolf, instead of a terrible villager in my third game?

it seems like no one is concerned about the claim. so lol me i guess.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:58 AM
You were pretty damn quick to believe vix's claim

Originally Posted by Sven O
i can`t see why vix ever would fake seer here. trading 1 for 1 can`t be optimal, your plan is not good either, as i learned in my first game always lynch outed wolves. tomorrow he could be angeled and it all ends in a **** storm.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
