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SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT.

12-05-2012 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I said not to lynch wiper (correctly) and wanted to cfd kidcolin (probably correct). how is that aggressively wrong?
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
dylan wagon looking aidsy. vig dye also.
i was referencing this one in particular
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:07 PM
the woofs are much more confused than the village i assure you of that much

and searix is a woof

it's best not to explain, you'll figure it out

don't want the woofs to play optimally
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:08 PM
Votes as of post 4827
Night in 00:52

10 Searix biggerboat (39), DarO (13), exec771 (25), loosekanen (26), MrWookie (23), Nofear3838 (34), nutshot2 (3), Richard Tanner (91), vixticator (101), zdye724 (17)
4 biggerboat Bryant Reeves (90), Aksdal (32), Booker Wolfbox (10), Duckburg (31)
3 Duckburg Shark Sandwich (96), Vyk07 (126), younguns87 (58)
3 zdye724 diskoteque (47), Eurotrash (55), Noze (36)
2 kidcolin StoppedRainingMen (16), tweedybirdd (89)
1 Aksdal CalledDownLight (64)
1 insanity31 monikrazy (89)
1 mutigers5591 Sven O (43)
1 Nofear3838 Searix (50)
1 Vyk07 insanity31 (14)
1 unvote kidcolin (50)
1 not voting mutigers5591 (3)
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
Don't even.

My mind can absolutely be changed.

It's up to you.
Your mind is irrelevant.

No one else will change theirs, so why bother?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Check daer's writeup. He was an affiliation seer.

Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
no ****ing **** shark

I've been trying to avoid saying that the whole day, but people were legit tarding it up by probing vixt
Yeah I knew you got it. But with like 9 wolves out there, presumably one of them did too. Outing this won't do us any harm imo
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:08 PM
6 people had more posts than me today as of the last votecount. lol at vyk saying I hadnt been here all day. stop clownin bro.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:08 PM
Do NOT heal CDL
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:09 PM
Booker keep posting please

don't worry about being wrong

anything and everything is welcome
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
no ****ing **** shark

I've been trying to avoid saying that the whole day, but people were legit tarding it up by probing vixt
lynch the **** out of them tomorrow
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:09 PM
Guys don't you know if CDL was at eod d1 and was a wolf that the wolf vig NEVER gets lynched???!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
wiper or dye gets lynched 100% of the time I am a wolf and at home (where I can wolfchat) and I was at home.

how bad of a mistake bro? I got one for sure.
village blood will be on your hands, man.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
i was referencing this one in particular
a single 9:00 pm timestamped post is your case for aggressively wrong at eod?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd


Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I feel like I know vixt's game pretty well and I don't think he ever makes this post as a villager. It's basically a troll, and he loves to troll as a wolf.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I explained zdye briefly and I'd rather not go into my vixt read atm. I'll expand on both of them later.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd

your move
Originally Posted by vixticator
SYF I am rite here

Do you feel you have any burning questions? Or are you going to push me to tweedy and pretend I'm not here? One of these paths is the path of the wolf.
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
probably innocuous, but then:

Originally Posted by vixticator
I should make a bunch of stuff up about how I wouldn't have voted this way being present at eod as a wolf or something but that is obviously not true so yea
Read this post a couple times. Why is it obviously not true? Well because he is a wolf. He's saying that if he made stuff up about how he wouldn't vote a certain way, that he'd be lying BECAUSE HE'S A WOLF. He already voted the way he would as a wolf (yesterday).

Originally Posted by vixticator
Come at me woofs

After I wake up
standard lw signal, which looks significantly worse because it's his immediate post after the non-blatant lw signal

I didn't bother to look at his stuff from yesterday, but iirc he did mention the possibility of a bunch of lost wolves.

Anyway, carry on
How can you have forgotten this?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:10 PM
aggressively wrong CDL is villa CDL. Heal that man.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Your mind is irrelevant.

No one else will change theirs, so why bother?
Pretty sure if I tell everyone not to lynch you, there's a good chance people will listen.

Now tell me about those players please
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:10 PM
addition to earlier vig list:

Booker or bigger
insanity or vyk
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:10 PM
disko making a strong case to get revenge killed by me instead of colinkid
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:11 PM

Are you the even night seer? This is very important.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:12 PM
Searix that's not what we want

I've already made that case on vixt and re-linked it.

I need thoughts from you on everyone before I even consider sticking my neck out for you.

You've reacted poorly and I've pointed out where exactly you ****ed up. Now prove me wrong by giving us a thoughtful list of reads with explanations.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:12 PM
i'm skimming ashington. so far the only real wolfy thing was his bad entrance declaring WIM, then not posting until the next morning.

I do notice that searix was on ashington early so keep that in mind wrt to our wagons.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:12 PM
Or maybe don't answer that

I just can't see how you'd get Searix's role

And it makes me think you're actually the lost wolf
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
Booker keep posting please

don't worry about being wrong

anything and everything is welcome
Why would I worry about being wrong? I'm wrong a lot. It's when I'm right 100% of the time (which is almost never and certainly not in this game LOL ME) that erryone should be worried.

I'm intrigued by Shark's thinking here.

Of all the players in the game, vix is among the most likely to FPS something like this imo
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich

Are you the even night seer? This is very important.
don't answer this
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:13 PM
shark, stfu about vix's role
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-05-2012 , 09:13 PM
i am the kind of seer that has a woof peek of searix

don't think unclaiming types of seer is the right play
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
