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SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT.

12-03-2012 , 09:37 AM
of course I'm hedgy ash, I know you can make that post about syf as a villager, which is why I didn't vote you for it. I didn't have to ask you for reasons as to why he was wolfy because you said he's always wolfy.

I asked why nobody else had pointed it out because everybody was forgoing free villa points by not pointing it out before me (and people had plenty of time to do so) and normally people jump all over stuff like that. Which they did eventually.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I asked why nobody else had pointed it out because everybody was forgoing free villa points by not pointing it out before me (and people had plenty of time to do so)
It is refreshing to see that you're openly admitting that you did it for 'free villa points.' Very solid work here regardless of your affiliation.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:41 AM
how many ww games have you played ash?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:45 AM
no no, I was wondering why nobody else did it because I'd be giving the first person to do it some villa points in general

as a wolf I'd be doing it for the villa points and to try and engineer a mislynch (or bus you for even more villa points, but I'm not a very bussy wolf on day 1)

as a villager I'm doing it to spark discussion of something that may be important, to elicit responses and then secondarily getting some villa points too

you've sort of hit the nail right on the head that when I'm engaged and focused I want villa points regardless of my role - because as a wolf I can lead mislynches and not get lynched and stuff, and as a villager I can hopefully lead lynches and not get lynched and stuff :P

Also I think your response to me is pretty villagery, but don't tell that Ashington guy, I don't want him to get lazy and think he's clear
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:47 AM
Also I feel like it should be noted, now that I think about it some more, the reason I have dye as wolfy, his post #212 (where he says 'fair enough' to mutigers). I often make similar disingenuous posts as a villager as a way to encouragee other players, even if I don't entirely believe what I'm saying. I'm assuming it's at least partly in Dye's village range, and probably worth factoring in.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:52 AM
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:00 AM
Did I kill the thread?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:01 AM
Maybe if I post 3 times in a row, I'll win a prize!
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:01 AM
Everytime I see a Binkles post:

SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:01 AM
bbl. gonna go get me some food and snacks. probably gonna need 5 layers of clothing for a 2 minute walk ftl.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:01 AM
I skimmed the thread and saw nothing of note. I will start being an elite player on about d4. til then I will prob be utr with the exception of making sure to cfd some wolves.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:04 AM
bigger is that t.ime.lad.y in your avatar
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Shark Sandwich
bigger is that t.ime.lad.y in your avatar
queen timelady
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:09 AM
thread confirmed dead

we need some events up in this biatch
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
you are a cl0wn
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:13 AM
just for reference, who voted me into the NBA All-Star game last game? I know quite a few villagers inexplicably gave thenothing enough votes to flip for the prize

who was it?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Sven O
how many ww games have you played ash?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
no no, I was wondering why nobody else did it because I'd be giving the first person to do it some villa points in general
as a wolf I'd be doing it for the villa points and to try and engineer a mislynch (or bus you for even more villa points, but I'm not a very bussy wolf on day 1)

as a villager I'm doing it to spark discussion of something that may be important, to elicit responses and then secondarily getting some villa points too

you've sort of hit the nail right on the head that when I'm engaged and focused I want villa points regardless of my role - because as a wolf I can lead mislynches and not get lynched and stuff, and as a villager I can hopefully lead lynches and not get lynched and stuff :P

Also I think your response to me is pretty villagery, but don't tell that Ashington guy, I don't want him to get lazy and think he's clear
So given all of this (but especially the bolded), in your opinion can we just go ahead and declare that everyone who's voting for me right now is trying to suck up to you?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by vyk07
just for reference, who voted me into the NBA All-Star game last game? I know quite a few villagers inexplicably gave thenothing enough votes to flip for the prize

who was it?
Are you talking about the event where there were teams and each person had to choose a person on the opposing team to "block?"
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:35 AM
Alright, I definitely need to do something different on day 1s because it is now becoming somewhat acceptable for me to be wolfy because that's now what people expect of me on day 1.

Ash, binkles makes a good point in that if you are familiar with my game (which I would suggest you are) that you know that I am well within my villa range here yet you still apply a vote to me while simultaneously contradicting yourself. I read that multiquote that you did on me and all I can say is holy **** I do appear wolfy in there.

So here's some content:

-I do think that moni is villagery due to meta and have noticed some differences in the way he posts as a wolf and as a villa
-I don't like the way daer is coming at me and think that it is wolfy
-tweedy/shark/insanity/henrik/kc are all very tough for me to read at the moment and nothing sticks out either way and I'll need more information to formulate a read.
-I want to call binkles a villa for the way he's responded to ash but I also know that he can do this as a wolf so I guess he'll get a slight villa read but this one is probably more subject to change than most reads.
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
So given all of this (but especially the bolded), in your opinion can we just go ahead and declare that everyone who's voting for me right now is trying to suck up to you?
I don't think so, most of it seemed to be original-ish work

gonna head to bed soon, people need to be wolfier or I'll be forced to leave my vote on wiper on something
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Are you talking about the event where there were teams and each person had to choose a person on the opposing team to "block?"
no, I'm talking about the the villager exclusive All-Star vote on d2 which resulted in me winning a peek (which I used on Eur0a) after winning a flip against [color=red]thenothing[/B], who inexplicably received enough villager votes to tie, given that there were super villagery candidates like zdye who didn't get the nod

I never got around to asking looshle about the voting breakdown of that d2 All-Star event

that successful flip and peek result was probably game changing in hindsight
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:37 AM
captain binkles
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:37 AM
Good post imo Steve keep it up
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by vyk07
captain binkles
Because I said people need to be wolfier?
SE WW 24.0 Game Thread: Jack Bauer finally gets some sleep when IT IS NIGHT. Quote
