Jay Farber was on the button, and raised to two million. Ryan Riess three-bet to five million, Farber called, and the WSOP Dealer of the Year Belvy Dalton fanned A 8 4.lolwut
Riess led out for five million, Farber called, and the turn brought the 7 . Riess slowed down, tapping the felt, and Farber reached for chips. He slid forward 8.2 million, and Riess tanked for 30 seconds or so, then called.
With 36.7 million already in the middle, the board completed with the A . Riess opted to lead out, making it 15 million, and Farber quickly folded.
With that pot, "Riess The Beast" is now the chip leader with over 112 million.
Riess had AKo Farber had 74o. Cards don't copy/paste from wsop.com.