CDL-still think he's a wolf. his hanging around at the end of ITA's and then yoloing still not sitting right with me
disko-not sure on this one. nintendo we wolfed together and he certainly had much more WIM in that game than this one. leaning villa, although he could be using meta here
Rustle-not sure, but leaning villa. when mutigers first entered the thread today, he said something along the lines of "bunch of wolves posting early this morning. the great rustler was wasted and going pretty hard during this time period.
No lynches-not sure, dont have any reads on him
BrokenATM-wouldnt mind seeing him dead regardless of how he flipped
TheBrokenATM!, you are Thomas "Horseface" Pakusa, a stevedore who helps to smuggle stuff off the docks. You are vanilla. You are a villager and win when you have eliminated all wolves.