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12-30-2014 , 01:12 PM
The Mistake by the Lake
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:18 PM
On the plus side:
Jim Brown
Paul Brown
Otto Graham
Bob Feller
Harvey Pekar
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:20 PM
LOL pissing on Cleveland, this is like when the kid no one liked made fun of the ******ed kid to score points.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:20 PM
OP could have been better. The main theme is obviously true though. It's a city of piece of **** losers who always was and always will be.

Detroit has 2 major sports championships in the past 10 years and it feels like a damn drought. How do those losers still go and support those teams?

The Browns need to leave Cleveland again.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
On the plus side:
Jim Brown
Paul Brown
Otto Graham
Bob Feller
Harvey Pekar
I'm pretty sure LeBron leaving twice will negate all of that and then some.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
OP could have been better. The main theme is obviously true though. It's a city of piece of **** losers who always was and always will be.

Detroit has 2 major sports championships in the past 10 years and it feels like a damn drought. How do those losers still go and support those teams?

The Browns need to leave Cleveland again.
Really thought this was the year though. Brian Hoyer and all...
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:31 PM
roethlisberger raped 2 chicks, man
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by El Rata
roethlisberger raped 2 chicks, man
One for each rang
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:55 PM
Sick brag about landing Ben Tate.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by 000000
Sick brag about landing Ben Tate.
The Browns have no legitimate QB or WR on their roster, same as always. I remember back in about 2007 when Derek Andersen made the Pro Bowl and someone was lecturing me about how the Browns were a force to be dealt with, and Big Ben was done, it was a new era, etc. I think we're on about coach #3 and QB #8 since then for Clev?
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by 000000
Sick brag about landing Ben Tate.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 03:18 PM
Well that's pathetic
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 03:19 PM
ancap lemme know when you want to wrestle
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 03:39 PM
Man, trying to stick up for Pittsburgh as a non dumpster fire city? That's almost admirable...
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-30-2014 , 03:41 PM
pittsburgh is actually pretty sweet.

you didn't hear that from me tho
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-31-2014 , 02:34 PM
this is not a proper use of the playa haters thread

the lol stealers thread exists
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by El Rata
roethlisberger raped 2 chicks, man
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:57 PM
Yeah was three unfortunately.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
12-31-2014 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
On the plus side:
Jim Brown
Paul Brown
Otto Graham
Bob Feller
Harvey Pekar
Bone Thugs N Harmony too
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
01-19-2015 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin

I hate this man. I mean I hate him with all my surprisingly-existent soul. I wish him Schaivo'd. I see his stupid-ass crewcut and I want to shave that ****ing thing off your head. Are you 9? What ****ing reasonable person over the age of 9 styles their hair in the form of a god damn crewcut? Just you. And people whose job requires short hair. That's IT. Everyone else styles a reasonable coif. You actually have a really good head of hair but you ****ing waste it by cutting it in this Texas-A&M-Aggie-friendly fashion. I ****ing hate you. I spent 2 hours this morning on Google trying to figure out if you have any ounce of Japanese blood in you so that I can guilt-trip you into doing the right honorable thing and add seppuku to your Monday morning playbook. Right after ****, shower, shave. It's now 4 ****ing S's. ****, shower, shave, seppuku. Do it.

Kubiak getting the Broncos job made me think of this hot fire. This post in its entirety is one of the best posts in the thread.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
02-01-2015 , 02:43 PM
i've got a jug of peanut oil frying wings for later today that left unattended will likely set my apartment complex on fire, but **** it, i've got 5 beers in me with no breakfast eaten and i'm feeling violent so i've got some bile to release

Fans of the Seattle Seahawks

**** you all. you don't deserve this. the seahawks as a whole are a pretty likeable team. wilson, despite being the world's biggest (smallest) phony is difficult to hate, lynch is straight up awesome, dick sherman is the world's elitest troll and carroll is just the man pure and simple

but then there's the fans of the seahawks

holy ****ing christ. there are some terrible sports fans, sf giants fans suck, boston fans suck, lakers fans suck and so on and so on, but you macklemore-enabling ****s are head and shoulders the worst of them all.

your identity is entirely the product of your gimmick wind tunnel and blatant copyright infringement. you straight up stole your identity from the 7th most relevant football school in texas. you think you matter when your stadium is such an advantage that every last one of you can be replaced by wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube guys and somehow the noise impact would still be the same.

the vast majority of you are bandwagoning imbeciles who have no idea who jim zorn is, or even that a football team was even there until marshawn lynch literally shook the earth. you suck so hard that your basketball team peaced out for OKLAHOMA GOD DAMNED CITY rather than stay where you were. you were less desirable as a fan base and a basketball city than a place whose population is made up entirely of white people and bales of hay.

and those of you who don't classify as bandwagoners somehow suck even worse. despite the fact that your team is in its second straight super bowl after having already won one and are now positioned to be a potential dynasty you still will not shut the **** up about a couple bad calls from a game 10 ****ing years ago. **** you. hopefully your starbucks gets spiked with rat poison

the media

first off, **** your petulant whining because marshawn lynch won't talk to you. he owes you nothing

more importantly, holy ****ing **** at this "WHAT IS BILL AND BRADY'S LEGACY IF THEY OMG LOSE A THIRRRRRRRRRRRRRD SUPER BOWL!!?!?!?!??!?! DO THEY SUCK NOW?!?!?!? IS IT OVER?!?!??!?!?!"

god you mouthbreathing knuckledragging morons are the worst there ever was. you know what their legacy is if they lose today? that they will go down as the single greatest coach-qb duo there ever was and likely ever will be. that's their ****ing legacy.

the nfl salary cap was instituted in 1994 and since that time 21 super bowls will have been played. the patriots have played six of them

holy ****ing **** how do you not understand how implausibly difficult that is? you see the turnover, you see how impossible it is to maintain great teams, you see that only 2 teams have been in more than 3 super bowls since the cap was instituted (and only 2 made it to the super bowl 3 times) and yet you still maintain that just because OMG JOE MONTANA NEVER LOST A SUPER BOWL! that losing a super bowl is somehow a bigger crime than not even making it to the ****ing playoffs at all

whatever happens, BB has established himself as the greatest coach in history. that's not debatable no matter how much you want to tell yourself otherwise. do you not realize how utterly ****ed walsh would have been if the 9ers had a salary cap? in fact the 9ers are the ****ing reason there's a salary cap to begin with. the patriots have been to the afc championship 9 ****ing times since BB took over, including the last 4. that's utterly unheard of. **** you and your lazy narratives designed for lazy people without a single thinking cell in their brain. i'd stick my cock in your mouth only just so you can choke on it and die.

the new england patriots

**** YOUR phony ass, taller whiter russell wilson. i don't give a **** that he's from san ramon, wtf does that mean? just because his hometown has a relative proximity to me i'm supposed to NOT root for him to tear every ligament in his knee before having his spine broken in half by jj watt in his first snap back from his return only for him to be a depressed lonely cripple after jizz-L leaves him only for him to put a bullet in his brain to end his pain only for it to not kill him but instead leave him a vegetable? no ****ing way

**** your curmudgeon head coach who is already the greatest ever yet STILL feels the need to cheat to gain edges

**** your owner whose wife died of cancer and threw away every ounce of sympathy by immediately moving on to creepily directing 20 years in porn auditions or whatever absolutely bizarre thing he was doing

**** today. rooting for bane. and for hines ward to fall into the pit too instead of being the only one who lives
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
02-01-2015 , 06:06 PM
A for the seattle hate
A++++ for the media hate, love your rage bro
C+ for NE hate, admit you love them. you know you do
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
02-01-2015 , 06:34 PM
Probably the best SRM post ever. I'm a fan.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
02-01-2015 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Fans of the Seattle Seahawks

your identity is entirely the product of your gimmick wind tunnel and blatant copyright infringement. you straight up stole your identity from the 7th most relevant football school in texas. you think you matter when your stadium is such an advantage that every last one of you can be replaced by wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube guys and somehow the noise impact would still be the same.

the vast majority of you are bandwagoning imbeciles who have no idea who jim zorn is, or even that a football team was even there until marshawn lynch literally shook the earth. you suck so hard that your basketball team peaced out for OKLAHOMA GOD DAMNED CITY rather than stay where you were. you were less desirable as a fan base and a basketball city than a place whose population is made up entirely of white people and bales of hay.

and those of you who don't classify as bandwagoners somehow suck even worse. despite the fact that your team is in its second straight super bowl after having already won one and are now positioned to be a potential dynasty you still will not shut the **** up about a couple bad calls from a game 10 ****ing years ago. **** you. hopefully your starbucks gets spiked with rat poison
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
02-01-2015 , 06:41 PM

Last edited by Searix; 02-01-2015 at 06:45 PM. Reason: like the HATE
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
