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SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

11-09-2016 , 01:30 AM
How sombering/sad is it that Barry is going to have to turn over the presidency to a guy literally endorsed by the KKK?

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I will be absolutely shocked if this election impacts my day-to-day life at all.
how psyched are you about him ushering in the 2020 singularity
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Good for you you piece of ****
Go **** yourself?

The change of the president makes almost no difference to the day-to-day lives of the average person.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:30 AM
So what am I supposed to avoid calling Trump voters? Is it "stupid" or just "racist"? Pretty sure I haven't gone with racist, but definitely mocked their intelligence.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
This is largely true. But presidents do have the ability to make one huge error that can doom many people. And he's got to be the biggest favorite to do this in a long long long time.
Um, 2002 called?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by -Insert Witty SN-
ya always had burlusconi as his closest comparable

both like fan tans and young girls
hopefully Drumpf buys* some sports teams so we can all root against them

Last edited by 72off; 11-09-2016 at 01:31 AM. Reason: * - with government money ldo
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:31 AM
itt bunch of white males going this is fine cuz it probably won't affect me personally at least.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
well they are both essentially saying the exact same thing imo
Maybe if he's implying that progs views that TOP MEN are needed convinced a large part of the trump electorate that that's true. But that doesn't seem likely.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:32 AM
Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

The country is going to go on. America is a great country because it takes a hell of a lot more than one person in a single term as president to screw everything up.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by MEb
itt bunch of white males going this is fine cuz it probably won't affect me personally at least.
and more white males telling minorities how they should feel/vote
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
Um, 2002 called?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by MEb
itt bunch of white males going this is fine cuz it probably won't affect me personally at least.
itt a bunch of people literally calling for the end of the world
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
What will be really irritating is all the people who don't understand stats and variance when Nate actually really really clearly made his case along with the appropriate (and strong) caveats.
Nate did a fantastic job the past two weeks.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

The country is going to go on. America is a great country because it takes a hell of a lot more than one person in a single term as president to screw everything up.
thats true. however now he has an insane house and senate and hes going to fill up the supreme court with mike pence approved judges. that's a hell of a lot more than one person.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Go **** yourself?

The change of the president makes almost no difference to the day-to-day lives of the average person.

It seriously impacts the lives of a substantial minority. Literally millions of people.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:34 AM
because most president are pretty homogeneous. trump is a complete outsider and an incompetent and wildcard and strongman and has literally talked about negotiating with nukes
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
and more white males telling minorities how they should feel/vote
Naw we actually listen to what they say unlike you. If you cared to, you would know we were just repeating what they say
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:35 AM

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:35 AM
idk bros. my whole life ive avoided politics because ive genuinely believed in the past that both candidates were close enough to each other that not much would really change. Like it was giving us two similar options for us to fight over to make it seem like we had a choice when really business would proceed as usual. I live in the heartland of trump country though and im ****ing terrified. ive seen the hatred and venom these people bring at others that are different than them and it makes me weep.

i guess i just dont feel like people cant sit here and tell me trump is a candidate unlike any other previously and we're going to see that come election day and then turn around once he wins and tell me not to sweat not much will really change like always.

i wish i would have cared more at the start. ultimately i feel shame for being so jaded in politics that i thought it didnt matter. it did.


im also drunk
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:36 AM
Larry, do you not have any money in the markets or intend to invest at all? If so then it absolutely affects you.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Krayz
Naw we actually listen to what they say unlike you. If you cared to, you would know we were just repeating what they say
(white guy telling a minority how dumb/bad he is, example A)
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
What will be really irritating is all the people who don't understand stats and variance when Nate actually really really clearly made his case along with the appropriate (and strong) caveats.
Yes, stats will be lold at. People are quite dumb and think 85% is the same as 100. But we already knew that people are quite dumb. What's really irritating is that we have to share the world with them.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

The country is going to go on. America is a great country because it takes a hell of a lot more than one person in a single term as president to screw everything up.
Thanks for the reminder.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

The country is going to go on. America is a great country because it takes a hell of a lot more than one person in a single term as president to screw everything up.
Combine that with the most right wing group of conservatives this country has ever seen controlling every level of the federal government now. A group that takes pride in denying science, hateful rhetoric, a VP who has fought for conversion therapy and forcing women to have funerals for their miscarriages. A President supported by a group of voters who are expecting their new glorious leader to put his political opponent in prison, build a giant boondoggle of a wall along the US/Mexican border, kick all Mexicans and Muslims out of the country, overturn Roe v Wade, and destroy freedom of the press. Positions that are trivially easy to make happen when you control every level of the Federal Government, have an electoral mandate, and openly campaigned on these promises.

THIS IS FINE THOUGH! Won't affect me at all.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
11-09-2016 , 01:38 AM
cdl do i DCA into the market throughout the week or just dump it all in tomorrow?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
