Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Definitely won't take long. Doctors and surgeons will become completely replaceable too.
Only Lawyers will survive as u won't be able to program something to be scummy enough.
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I always laugh at this. Doctors, and surgeons especially, will be one of the last things to go
I guess it depends on what you mean. I'm not sure if most people understand what the current "robotic surgery" is but it isnt anything like autonomous robots doing procedures. Its just a fancy tool. But if you mean things like telesurgery, I think something like that could probably, just barely, be feasible even today, and certainly in the next 10-15 years it could expand to become a useful tool in certain situations, replacing some surgeons.
Originally Posted by pwnsall
everyone thinks their job is the irreplaceable one
I do Whipple procedures. The day that a robot is able to do that operation will be the greatest day of my life, due to all the other sweet ass **** that robots are able to do.