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03-02-2016 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
Lol Shane's condescending sarcasm despite being wrong every post is amazing. First Trump's racism is an illusion from liberals based on mere opposition to illegal immigration. Then once acklowedges the racism, implies that leading one of the two major political parties in the US with white nationalist agenda isn't doing anybody any harm.

To those who say the discourse here is higher level than politards - lol
I thought I was promised better shtick than Low Calorie Fly.

It turns that people just really hate ikes.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:18 PM
I'm already daydreaming about tomorrow's debate
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03-02-2016 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
The %'s may be similar as past elections but the turnout won't be, Obama got a ton of people that Hillary won't and the Republican party finally has someone famous who is resonating. Also note that the Drumpf stuff is pretty similar to the Hussein Obama stuff
Yes I'm sure having Trump run is not going to galvanize any of the minority vote. No minorities motivated to vote against candidate running white nationalist agenda.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
The %'s may be similar as past elections but the turnout won't be, Obama got a ton of people that Hillary won't and the Republican party finally has someone famous who is resonating. Also note that the Drumpf stuff is pretty similar to the Hussein Obama stuff

also the "Hussein Obama stuff" was actively used ad nauseum as a way to galvanize people to not vote for a maybe muslim

the "Drumpf stuff" is hilarious fodder used by a comic on a comedy news program
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
I thought I was promised better shtick than Low Calorie Fly.

It turns that people just really hate ikes.
You think that claims that Trump is racist is based on opposition to illegal immigration, as opposed to calling Mexicans rapists, calling for a ban of Muslims, refusing to disavow KKK, and tweeting links from white supremacists. You don't get to denigrate other posters

Last edited by Lilu7; 03-02-2016 at 02:28 PM.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:23 PM

I don't think the spirit of this thread involves you
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
The %'s may be similar as past elections but the turnout won't be, Obama got a ton of people that Hillary won't and the Republican party finally has someone famous who is resonating. Also note that the Drumpf stuff is pretty similar to the Hussein Obama stuff
Nobody tell The Daily Show with John Leibowitz's protege that's Bernie's father was named Gutman (or Gitman or Gutmann depending on your Yiddish/Polish translation skills).
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:24 PM
Really don't hate ikes at all, just find the LILU bet hilarious. Kinda like ikes actually.

No need to be taking SHATS at each other on the regular, no need for gotcha "YOU'RE WRONG" stuff either. Let's keep this amusing and smart.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
The %'s may be similar as past elections but the turnout won't be, Obama got a ton of people that Hillary won't and the Republican party finally has someone famous who is resonating. Also note that the Drumpf stuff is pretty similar to the Hussein Obama stuff
again, just think you're underestimating the # of people who will come out to register an anti-Trump vote. Trump will be an historically unliked candidate. more than half the country doesn't like the guy, and it's hard to get 56% of people to agree the sky is blue

feels like that was half my FB feed yesterday. granted when the alternatives are arguably scarier bible pounders, that message doesn't resonate very well
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:30 PM
Hahahahahah similar to the Hussein Obama stuff. THAYER on patroll.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:31 PM
I certainly could be underestimating that #, though I obviously don't think so and think the bigoted stuff will subside and it will ultimately be New Energizing Shrewd Populist vs. Old Boring Lying Establishment
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:35 PM
This notion that people are going to show up in droves just to vote against Trump is hilarious. Let's dispel that fiction right now.

People who don't vote aren't going to vote against him. However, there will be a lot of people who don't usually vote but will vote for him. The net of "usual non voters" is going to be massively in his favor. That's not that large of a group but thinking that all the angry morons in this country think like you is again not paying very much attention.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:36 PM
Your FB feeds are not representative of the United States electorate.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:38 PM
yes they are
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:40 PM
"I sure am glad to be on the same side of a prop bet as SRM," squealed the rat-faced man excitedly
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:40 PM
They're really not. Your FB feeds barely beat John McCain and Mitt with the help of like every black person in the country voting. Hillary is not Obama. They are not going to turn out like that for her. And Trump isn't McCain or Mitt. He's got significantly more broad appeal to the middle class.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
This notion that people are going to show up in droves just to bet against Trump is hilarious. Let's dispel that fiction right now.

People who don't vote aren't going to vote against him. However, there will be a lot of people who don't usually vote but will vote for him. The net of "usual non voters" is going to be massively in his favor. That's not that large of a group but thinking that all the angry morons in this country think like you is again not paying very much attention.
for some reason you love considering this from one angle.

Trump has been getting 33% of the R vote, but you're thinking that not only will usual 'not voters' come out for him, but the 67% of R who have been voting for traditional R will also come out for him? and the reason that Hillary won't win is that people won't come out for her bc of *reasons*?

you can sit here and say "well she's White so she won't get the turnout that Obama did" but maybe you missed that she is massively popular with minorities and is running against a candidate who won't denounce the KKK.

you're underestimating the negative vote here, Hillary won't run an incompetent campaign to highlight the negatives that all the R did.

Last edited by Kneel B4 Zod; 03-02-2016 at 02:46 PM.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:41 PM
I see tons of Anti-Trump stuff on my FB feed all the time but I don't really think any of them would be willing to get off their ass to vote for Hillary. BERNIE + POT != HILLDAWG
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:41 PM
you think latinos who don't vote now arent gonna come out and vote against trump?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
You think that claims that Trump is racist is based on opposition to illegal immigration, as opposed to calling Mexicans rapists, calling for a ban of Muslims, refusing to disavow KKK, and tweeting links from white supremacists. You don't get to denigrate other posters
Quantum Superstate Politics Posting: simultaneously existing as both aggressor and aggrieved.

Congratulations on reaching your final form in thread record time.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I certainly could be underestimating that #, though I obviously don't think so and think the bigoted stuff will subside
Hahahahahahahah. Hillary and the Dems are just going to let it? Even if we assume Trump drops it or renounces it, alienating the support he's ginned up for himself precisely because of it, Hillary is not powerless to come up with clips of Trump's racism if he's not on TV spouting it live.

and it will ultimately be New Energizing Shrewd Populist vs. Old Boring Lying Establishment
Hilarious. Trumps lies are just shrewd populism, people, but Hillary's lies are vile corruption!
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
for some reason you love considering this from one angle.

Trump has been getting 33% of the R vote, but you're thinking that not only will usual 'not voters' come out for him, but the 67% of R who have been voting for traditional R will also come out for him? and the reason that Hillary won't win is that people won't come out for her bc of *reasons*?
New voters seems to be the key to winning an election, no? Safe to assume the people who traditionally vote will continue their tradition and the decider will be new voters. The new voters have been for Trump and Bernie and Bernie won't be a nominee
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
for some reason you love considering this from one angle.

Trump has been getting 33% of the R vote, but you're thinking that not only will usual 'not voters' come out for him, but the 67% of R who have been voting for traditional R will also come out for him? and the reason that Hillary won't win is that people won't come out for her bc of *reasons*?

you can sit here and say "well she's White so she won't get the turnout that Obama did" but maybe you missed that she is massively popular with minorities.
Exit polling now is showing that about 50% of GOP primary voters won't vote for Trump in the general. I expect Trump will do a little better than that by November, but that is an unprecedentedly high number. Sitting GOP senators are preparing to campaign against Trump so as to try and salvage their own seats.
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03-02-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

Hilarious. Trumps lies are just shrewd populism, people, but Hillary's lies are vile corruption!
I agree that it's hilarious that you don't see that this is the image that is and will be portrayed. Reality doesn't matter, not that that would really help the Clintons.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-02-2016 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I see tons of Anti-Trump stuff on my FB feed all the time but I don't really think any of them would be willing to get off their ass to vote for Hillary. BERNIE + POT != HILLDAWG
They might but those people are always voting for Hillary regardless. The ones who wouldn't aren't going to vote. Positivity crushes negativity as a motivator
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
