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SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

03-15-2018 , 10:12 PM
There's an amazing tail risk here for republicans. They gerrymandered so many districts to similar "safe but not wasteful" R levels. If the blue wave gets big enough to put those in play, they will all be in play.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-15-2018 , 10:19 PM
What’s amazing is how accurate the leaked reports from senior staffers have been basically the whole time.
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03-15-2018 , 10:26 PM
McMaster is BACK

for now

they pretty clearly have no idea what they're doing, except the "yah fiyahd" guy is having fun out there
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-15-2018 , 10:36 PM
anyway, assuming McMaster is gone by Monday, a play in 3 acts...

act 1

Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

BREAKING NEWS: The Trump administration today announced that Russia has successfully launched a cyberattack on our nuclear power grid, has compromised the grid, and can shut it down at will. This is on top of what Russia did to our election. We are under attack by a hostile power
act 2

Caroline O. @RVAwonk

Today: H.R. McMaster proposes "serious political and economic consequences" for Russian aggression, including "atrocities" in Syria and the "abhorrent nerve agent attack" on Sergei Skripal.
act 3

Hours later: Trump decides to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser.

so weird how he keeps firing ppl who go after Russia

"no puppet, no puppet" tho


Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Rachel @maddow revealed tonight that the only sanctions Trump has (finally!) imposed on Russia are minor restrictions on . . . wait for it: the 13 Russians whom Mueller has ALREADY indicted!
got the headline he wanted from every worthless news organization tho, so wp
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-15-2018 , 10:47 PM
Imagine reading Laurence Tribe
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03-15-2018 , 11:10 PM
it's difficult, because i have no idea who he is

that said, the 1st tweet is just reporting something that the administration supposedly announced ... is that incorrect?

the 2nd tweet is relaying something that Maddow said (which i saw reported elsewhere the other day) ... is it incorrect?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-15-2018 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
it's difficult, because i have no idea who he is
Were you under the impression that he was a journalist and not perhaps the most prominent constitutional law professor?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:01 AM
Laurence Tribe is a deranged hack.

Also, Maddow is awful.

For the R! D! crowd: Yes, the R hacks are worse, even though in this post I am criticizing the D hacks.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:06 AM
ok, but those weren't really opinion tweets

are they factually incorrect?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
Were you under the impression that he was a journalist and not perhaps the most prominent constitutional law professor?
IDK, I read recently that he was just a deranged hack.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:17 AM
Maddow: 1+1=2
ASPoker: lol maddow is a ****ing hack, you actually believe that?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:43 AM
Maddow is decidedly worse than pre-Trump
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:51 AM
if so, i wonder why
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 12:53 AM
lol @ calling tribe a hack while citing greenwald.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 01:05 AM
Imagine thinking Tribe is good and Greenwald is bad lol
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
lol @ the D-cheerleader types still actively ignoring/dismissing Wikileaks and screeching about Russia. Incredible.
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
The fact that the consensus in this thread is that Thayer is a dumb troll and people like pwn_master are wise and good is a beautiful combination of hilarious and embarrassing.
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Trump is a scumbag. With that said, the "institution of the presidency" is a joke and has been debased long before Trump.
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
bluef0x is a much better poster than the majority of the reg-Ds in this thread, even if you think he is wrong about x% of what he says.
Imagine reading ASPoker8
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 01:46 AM
Imagine seeing anything good in Thayer's posting
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Imagine thinking Tribe is good and Greenwald is bad lol
who said anything about tribe being good?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 06:54 AM
thayer still a million times better than bluefox. defending him is one of those "tells"
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 07:50 AM
doing lotta imagining after reading this thread
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Perhaps Shimmy
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 10:24 AM
Lots of chatter about John Kelly being out today.

Keep in mind the so called adults in the room like Kelly and Cohn and Tillerson are themselves enormous pieces of ****. I don't have any appropriate words for how terrible the "B team" is. Nobody with a shred of intelligence or dignity, not to mention an instinct towards self preservation, is going to work for this POS.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 11:01 AM
The white house has no cap space and the farm system is depleted. Maybe they can trade draft picks to Russia for some prospects.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
Maddow is decidedly worse than pre-Trump
Originally Posted by 72off
if so, i wonder why
You might be being sarcastic but let me answer seriously.

Before Trump got elected, she was an aggressive, left leaning but generally fact based lie-buster who more or less didn’t spin things too badly. Super smart and I respected her passion.

Post-Trump she became solidly one-sided and became far less fair and to me rather deceptive and selective with her facts and presentation.

In short, she moved from clearly liberal but generally factual to being about 60% of Sean Hannity, decidedly more deceptive and a bit over the top with the Russia stuff, especially considering the infinite other viable things to talk about.

It works. Ratings wise she’s killing it. People love to be incited and feel angry. More balanced approaches simply don’t sell....neither side likes you then. But it’s dissppointint. Every time I see her misrepresent something, I remember how smart she is and know it’s intentional and I’m disappointed.

She’s still good, but she’s purely in the business of shaping the opinions of others now and she used to be much more in the business of myth-busting.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
03-16-2018 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by El Rata
doing lotta imagining after reading this thread
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
