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SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE
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01-24-2012 , 03:49 PM
We should contain the luck stuff in the conference title game threads along with the Alex smith outplayed Eli and whatever ravens fans are sad about.

That way we will know where to send the drone missile strike.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
No, that's not anymore luck than Sterling Moore missing a tackle that would have held the Ravens on third down and instead they scored a touchdown. They're both mistakes by the other team. Luck is something that happens that's beyond anyone's control that benefits the other team. None of the examples in either game falls into that category.

Originally Posted by Goodie
Yup, that's what it says in the Dictionary. My god, you think you would have looked this up (took two seconds on google) before making such an accusatory post.

Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
Bolded above does not match this definition.

Obviously, it's not good luck or bad luck for Billy Cundiff that the kick was no good. For the rest of the world, it's DEFINITELY good or bad luck. Just because SOMEONE had control, doesn't mean it can't be luck for an outstanding party. For Ray Rice, standing on the sideline not able to have any effect on the play whatsoever, expecting to go into OT, it's bad luck.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
Yup, that's what it says in the Dictionary. My god, you think you would have looked this up (took two seconds on google) before making such an accusatory post.

Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
You could argue that the patriots got success by chance rather than their own actions when it was the ravens who missed the FG.

The giants got success by chance rather than their own actions by the bounce of the ball that hit off the 49ers Punt returner,

Eli got success by chance rather than his own actions when the 2 49ers collided and dropped interceptions.

Sure the word luck might be overused and possibly used out of context a lot. I dont really see the point in making a big deal about it.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18

Bolded above does not match this definition.

Obviously, it's not good luck or bad luck for Billy Cundiff that the kick was no good. For the rest of the world, it's DEFINITELY good or bad luck. Just because SOMEONE had control, doesn't mean it can't be luck for an outstanding party. For Ray Rice, standing on the sideline not able to have any effect on the play whatsoever, expecting to go into OT, it's bad luck.
What part of "brought on by chance" do you not understand? Did you read the definition?

A missed FG is not brought on by chance, it's controlled by an individual.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
just wanted to quote one of the best videos i've ever seen. thanks for posting
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
What part of "brought on by chance" do you not understand? Did you read the definition?

A missed FG is not brought on by chance, it's controlled by an individual.
that's not the only definition of luck

I can easily find you 10 that don't include that phrase in it, but I'll leave it up to your imagination to believe me.

Listen, don't feel bad. You're a Pats fan who doesn't wanna feel like you didn't earn the win. You earned the win, you just got lucky in a spot when you needed to. It happens. You don't need to justify it.

As a Giants fan, I have np saying we got lucky that Kyle Williams fumbled the ball. Maybe the play itself isn't luck, but the fact that we got the ball in fg range when we weren't able to get their ourselves offensively is lucky.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:29 PM
Who gives a **** what luck means? Holy ****! About to block Goodie for starting this moronic debate. I'm a huge Pats fan and I'll openly admit they got lucky to win their game. Cundiff nails that FG the vast majority of the time, end of story.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
Does everyone in this thread really define "luck" as the other team making mistakes? How the f is that "luck"?

All of the plays that people are deeming lucky are not luck at all. Why doesn't anyone see this?
It's a gambling site, with a bunch of gambling people talkin' gambling ****. And by luck, everyone is basically referring to variance. Not that hard to grasp.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:43 PM
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
Who gives a **** what luck means? Holy ****! About to block Goodie for starting this moronic debate. I'm a huge Pats fan and I'll openly admit they got lucky to win their game. Cundiff nails that FG the vast majority of the time, end of story.
So, when is any game of any sport that's close EVER NOT lucky for the winner? There is always, always, a mistake that's made on the losing side that will lead to a loss. Jesus, what's wrong with you people? A f'ing field goal kick that doesn't go through the upright because it was a bad snap, bad hold or the kicker f'ed up isn't f'ing luck. That's a football mistake just like a hundred others that happen during the game.

If you want to think that a missed field goal is luck then every single play of every single game is luck as well.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
So, when is any game of any sport that's close EVER NOT lucky for the winner? There is always, always, a mistake that's made on the losing side that will lead to a loss. Jesus, what's wrong with you people? A f'ing field goal kick that doesn't go through the upright because it was a bad snap, bad hold or the kicker f'ed up isn't f'ing luck. That's a football mistake just like a hundred others that happen during the game.

If you want to think that a missed field goal is luck then every single play of every single game is luck as well.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:25 PM
Dont get all the hate for Manning.

If you look at his stats ever since he's came into the league. He has definitely improved (most of the years at least) and putting up ELIte numbers for sure.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
So, when is any game of any sport that's close EVER NOT lucky for the winner? There is always, always, a mistake that's made on the losing side that will lead to a loss. Jesus, what's wrong with you people? A f'ing field goal kick that doesn't go through the upright because it was a bad snap, bad hold or the kicker f'ed up isn't f'ing luck. That's a football mistake just like a hundred others that happen during the game.

If you want to think that a missed field goal is luck then every single play of every single game is luck as well.
One mans Football mistake, is another mans luck
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:30 PM
I stumbled onto this Nantucket blog a few weeks ago. Blogger is the absolute worst, painful. she capitalized ACK in every word. like, "what are you most looking forward to doing when you get bACK on the island?"

just sayin
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:31 PM
i don't get it
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:33 PM
ACK = Nantucket Airport (like BOS = Logan)

it's the shorthand that 1%ers use to refer to Nantucket. or big Wings fans
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:33 PM
I actually was going to stop posting on this subject because you guys clearly don't understand the English language but had to respond to this one.

Care to explain?

Oops, guess the Karak post was deleted. Hmmmm, wonder why.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:41 PM
wow nice, i've seen those stickers on cars for a while and always wondered what it meant.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
I actually was going to stop posting on this subject because you guys clearly don't understand the English language but had to respond to this one.

Care to explain?

Oops, guess the Karak post was deleted. Hmmmm, wonder why.
meant to go after agame, quoted the wrong post, put in the wrong name and the whole thing was a disaster so i took it as a sign and abandoned ship. been a long day.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
meant to go after agame, quoted the wrong post, put in the wrong name and the whole thing was a disaster so i took it as a sign and abandoned ship. been a long day.
Okay, good enough. Glad I wasn't more harsh in my response then.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by DebtVulture
You can't advance a fumbled punt.
You can't advance a muffed punt. There's a difference.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:26 PM
So I actually want to talk football football and I may be in the minority... but here are a few points off the top of my head (bored as hell at work right now):

Game basically comes down to 2 things:

1. How will Belichick deal w Giants' 3 good WR's?
- Pats haven't played good passing O since they lost to Giants in reg
- G-men don't have a "good" TE and their run game is inconsistent/not great
- Bill will be creative, but I expect nickel/dime packages vs. Giants all game and dare the Giants to run the ball; NYG O-line not playing well last few games who;eNE front 7 has been playing great - Wilfork, Warren, Love and Deaderick
- Will Bill put Edelman on Cruz in the slot?
Edelman played well vs. Boldin
Boldin bigger/stronger/physical than Cruz but Cruz shiftier/quicker/better route runner
- Also important to note that Cruz has 0 TD's in the postseason, Nicks has 3
- Not surprised if McCourty plays CB again in the nickel package as opposed to lining up as safety

2. Giants pass rush (duh)
- NE played 20+ snaps with 6+ OT for pass protection; will they do the same in SB or spread it out more and trust front 5 to hold up?
- Vollmer might be back - would be a pretty big upgrade over Solder, esp watching Solder get beat 2x vs. the Ravens; Vollmer back also makes Solder a TE/3rd tackle = bigger up front and would help a good deal vs. pass rush
- NE will attack middle of field w TE's, similar to how they did vs. Balt; Giants linebackers are better in coverage than Balt, but Balt had Ed Reed...
- Aaron/Gronk still had 12 catches and 153 yards vs. Balt and they were open a few other times as well but Tom simply missed them; Balt held them to no TD's but then again Balt had #1 red zone defense in NFL, the Giants do not
- Ed Reed alone makes a huge difference between Giants D and Ravens D as he alone can and did, prevent big plays down the field
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Sure, just as long as you acknowledge how awesome his playoffs has been as a whole this year instead of defining him by two interceptions he didn't throw, ok?
absolutely. As I said, shades of gray.

Originally Posted by Matt Williams
You cannot assume the INT would be caught. Defensive backs drop easy INT's all the time. Seriiously, there has to be 2 or 3 balls QB's throw every game that could be INT's.
Agree, but you're missing the point. You cannot assume the INT would be dropped all the time. Brady threw about 3 balls (not counting the obvious penalty situations) that could have been intercepted and two of them were. One was extremely 'fluky'. Eli threw 2-3 balls that could have been intercepted and zero were intercepted (some being non-INTs in a 'fluky' way). So we shouldn't be results oriented because the Ravens had an increiblewtf INT of brady and the 49ers had several drops, because Brady and Eli threw about the same number of interceptable balls.

Originally Posted by kevin21
What we have learned about both teams:

1. They have a really good QB
2. They both relied on a bit of luck to make it this far

In other news. Water is wet.
Agree with this. Eli has played really well to great most of the year. Brady has played great to really great most of the year, but not last game.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:45 PM

There are no shades of grey about ELIte's play this postseason, he has been awesome.

It's curious that we have spent so much more time talking about him almost throwing two picks out of 58 passes in bad weather and against a defense that played incredible. You are correct, he didn't play perfect, but it was a gutsy as hell performance and he made some huge throws.
SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
01-24-2012 , 07:56 PM
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SB XLVI New England Patriots vs. New York Giants: THE G.O.A.T. vs ELITE Quote
