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Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story

02-09-2011 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
she's legal in both NY and NJ.
Just don't get caught transporting her from one to the other.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
i like how people think she's too young to use for a funny internet story but she's not too young for mark sanchez to stick his dick in

deadspin ain't breaking any laws either
i never really said any of the above. i just wish AJ was upfront about how nefariously he did this rather than trying to claim some sort of genuine, harmless curiosity in gaining more info.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 02:42 PM

I haven't seen anything where I felt AJ was being anything but totally open about how he was a journalist trying to learn about a story.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:22 PM
Her Dad is mega-loaded apparently:

Well done Dad. Maybe you should have given her just a leeeeetle more (or a lot less) attention.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:29 PM
I never really get the feeling that AJ is like, spiteful. I've read some celebrity blogs and you can tell some of them just ****ing hate some celebs. With AJ I get the feeling he's just doing a scummy job
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

I haven't seen anything where I felt AJ was being anything but totally open about how he was a journalist trying to learn about a story.
Except that she's seventeen and she clearly did not understand what he was doing or that he fully intended to publish it once it became remotely credible
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:38 PM
Seventeen != functionally ******ed. She took a ton of very deliberate actions that she knew would get this out in the public eye. She texted pictures of Sanchize's bedroom to Deadspin for crying out loud.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jack of Arcades
I never really get the feeling that AJ is like, spiteful. I've read some celebrity blogs and you can tell some of them just ****ing hate some celebs. With AJ I get the feeling he's just doing a scummy job
So you totally ignored the thing (a few years ago) where in response to what he felt was ESPN jerking him around he aired out a bunch of stories about utter nobody's at the company? I think he's even admitted that was just spite/revenge.

With this, with Farve/Sterger and ESPNgate- he's always put out a vibe that says "If you **** with me, I'll air as much of your **** as I can in public".
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:41 PM
Has anyone verified or heard any more story about the nekkid pics?
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:42 PM
its not unreasonable to look down on this aj guy for exploiting ppl, but really, only slightly moreso that this broad was 17.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Except that she's seventeen and she clearly did not understand what he was doing or that he fully intended to publish it once it became remotely credible
well now you are effectively saying it. if she's old enough to ****, she's old enough to be exploited for lols on deadspin imo
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:45 PM
Old enough to sneak into a NYC club and hook up with a professional athlete.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 04:46 PM
old enough that i would avoid the nude pics of her
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:08 PM
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:10 PM
How many ppl do you think have seen those pics, a million? That's a lot of sex offenders to add to the registry all at once.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:18 PM
i went to facebook to add her for the lolz and in a longshot attempt at sanchezs sloppy seconds but i guess she ldo deleted her facebook account by now.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:26 PM
nice work AJ.

she's not that hot... i mean, i guess a 1. sanchize shouldve done better
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
old enough that i would avoid the nude pics of her
i do find it interesting that seeing her naked in person and actually ****ing her is legal in new york, but if he took pictures of her naked, he's committed a very serious felony.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:31 PM
And if everything was perfectly legal, then why is this a story? If she were 18 this would be a TOTAL non-story. I dunno. I'm really having issues articulating how I feel about this, but something just rubs me the wrong way about how Deadspin approached it... and I've defended some of their "investigative journalism" in the past.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
nice work AJ.

she's not that hot... i mean, i guess a 1. sanchize shouldve done better
When youve lived in minnesota for awhile you have to lower your expectations or be dissapointed all the time. Shes probably like a minnesota 11. Agree sanchez could do way better but shed be great value at the back end of my rotaton/depth chart. to bad itll probably never happen but im a very patient person.

Last edited by AcTiOnJaCsOn; 02-09-2011 at 05:41 PM.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:38 PM
he did not take nude pics of her

he is NOT that dumb. nobody could be
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
And if everything was perfectly legal, then why is this a story? If she were 18 this would be a TOTAL non-story. I dunno. I'm really having issues articulating how I feel about this, but something just rubs me the wrong way about how Deadspin approached it... and I've defended some of their "investigative journalism" in the past.
because you've got a weird disconnect where you believe that 17 years are old enough to consent to sex but are not old enough to consent to an interview with deadspin about it
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
because you've got a weird disconnect where you believe that 17 years are old enough to consent to sex but are not old enough to consent to an interview with deadspin about it
Mmmm I focused on her age before, but I'm not so sure that's it anymore. I dunno. It just seems like AJ trying to force what really should be a non-story into a reputation assassinating real story. Mark won't be hurt by this in the long run, but she will.

And from a legal perspective, of course I think she's old enough to consent to it. How can I not? The law is what it is. And I never asserted AJ ever did anything illegal.

I'm confusing myself now. I give up.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
...Mark won't be hurt by this in the long run, but she will...
how will this hurt her exactly?
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:59 PM
for the rest of your life any time you are googled you're the 17yo who ****ed mark sanchez?

i dunno. taht would annoy me.

anyways reading my posts ITT makes me feel like im halfway ******ed, so ill stop now. im arguing with myself at this point.
Sanchez and the 17 year old: A love story Quote
