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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well

01-14-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
I'm an old man, I'm confused!
Someone was listening!

Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
I think JoePa should execute the "Uncle Leo" the next time he does an interview:

What? I'm an old man, I get confused! Who am I?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-14-2012 , 06:14 PM
I dunno how, as a Penn State fan or alum, you can make any excuse for this. Either Paterno was a capable coach that willingly did nothing while one of his buddies was butt raping kids, or, he was a senile old man coaching for your university and you still wanted his confused ass on your sidelines. Not looking good either way, Penn Staters.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-14-2012 , 07:06 PM
the Onion Sports News in Brief:
Bill O'Brien Promises To Never Uphold The Traditions And Values Penn State Now Stands For

STATE COLLEGE, PA—New head coach Bill O'Brien held an introductory press conference Saturday in which he explicitly promised to never, ever uphold the traditions and values now equated with Penn State football. "I'm very familiar with the principles established within this program, and I can assure everyone out there that those will be completely wiped away," O'Brien said sternly, adding that legacy, history, and culture are also very important things for a new coach to restart from scratch. "If Joe Paterno taught us anything in his 46 years here—you know what, on second thought, let's just remember that football has been played here for a long time, and continuing to play football is something I feel strongly about." O'Brien then spent a full minute shaking his head, sighing loudly, and occasionally rubbing his temples, before turning his attention back to reporters and saying, "This is really going to suck, isn't it?"
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-14-2012 , 11:09 PM
As a catholic I can understand how the idea that a man in a position of trust and authority could sexually abuse a boy is so beyond the pale that you couldn't believe it could ever happen. I will admit to having seen Deliverance because it was set here, but I was unclear on the thing with Ned Beatty.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 09:29 AM
LOL Paterno. Just stop talking dude. In fact that goes for everyone. Like not one person who was in a position of authority does anything other than make it worse every single time they open their mouth.

I mean he really said, in effect, 'I did nothing because I didn't know men could rape each other.' Waaaat. Also amusing: 'Lay off me, it was my first time dealing with a child rapist! I'll do better next time mmkay?'
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by djdiggydiggy
I dunno how, as a Penn State fan or alum, you can make any excuse for this. Either Paterno was a capable coach that willingly did nothing while one of his buddies was butt raping kids, or, he was a senile old man coaching for your university and you still wanted his confused ass on your sidelines. Not looking good either way, Penn Staters.
Most PSU fans who cared about winning football games didn't want Paterno on the sidelines. I've wanted him to retire for close to 10 years.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 04:24 PM
The problem with that is that he would have appointed Jay head coach.

The whole program / culture was and is just so deeply ****ed up.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
LOL Paterno. Just stop talking dude. In fact that goes for everyone. Like not one person who was in a position of authority does anything other than make it worse every single time they open their mouth.

I mean he really said, in effect, 'I did nothing because I didn't know men could rape each other.' Waaaat. Also amusing: 'Lay off me, it was my first time dealing with a child rapist! I'll do better next time mmkay?'
Joe Paterno didn't know that one man could forcibly have sex with another man. Now he does. When did he find out? Was he 78? 81 and 3 months?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:27 PM
I'm surprised the majority of those close to the program seem to be devoting their time to defending the past.

This is an opportunity. This is when "Success with Honor" is tested. When you can turn your back on the idol for violating that creed. Penn St may have become a program due to JoePa. However, it will stay a program by keeping the great talent it produces at home. If they just beat out Pitt consistently and keep the guys home, they have a top20 program.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:29 PM
So wait, in Joe Paterno's world does any form of homosexuality exist? Kind of understandable, after all he grew up in some idyllic rural setting, right?

Oh yeah, Brooklyn.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:32 PM
This is an opportunity. This is when "Success with Honor" is tested
Man, this is so so so right, and it's such a shame for PSU that they don't view it this way.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
I'm surprised the majority of those close to the program seem to be devoting their time to defending the past.

This is an opportunity. This is when "Success with Honor" is tested. When you can turn your back on the idol for violating that creed. Penn St may have become a program due to JoePa. However, it will stay a program by keeping the great talent it produces at home. If they just beat out Pitt consistently and keep the guys home, they have a top20 program.
Excellent post
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
LOL Paterno. Just stop talking dude. In fact that goes for everyone. Like not one person who was in a position of authority does anything other than make it worse every single time they open their mouth.

I mean he really said, in effect, 'I did nothing because I didn't know men could rape each other.' Waaaat. Also amusing: 'Lay off me, it was my first time dealing with a child rapist! I'll do better next time mmkay?'
Riverman (and Karak):

My first thought as I began reading the Washington Post article was "I can't believe Paterno's high priced Washington, D.C. lawyer is allowing his client to talk to the press! JoePa must have decided to ignore his attorney's advice and vent his spleen - possibly at the urging of his wife and family." Then I reached the third page of the article where Sally Jenkins noted that Paterno's attorney was "monitoring" the interview.

All of this is speculation, but I wonder if Paterno's attorney (as well as JoePa) are anticipating being named in yet-to-be-filed civil suits? It's fairly obvious that during Jerry Sandusky's upcoming criminal trial, Mike McQueary's testimony as to precisely what he conveyed to Joe Paterno is going to be at some variance to what Paterno recalls.

Paterno can't admit the terrible truth, the terrible truth being: "I knew what Jerry Sandusky was doing to those boys, but I (along with everybody else in authority at Penn State) chose to ignore it and look the other way. I was hoping this nightmare would never see the light of day - or at least not until long after I had been laid to rest." That's the terrible truth Joe Paterno can't admit.

The unfortunate thing (for JoePa) about putting Sandusky on trial is that what comes out in court is going to make Paterno look terrible - and the testimony and revelations which emerge during the criminal trial can be used [against Paterno] in a civil case. So the only "defense" Paterno has against the threat of the civil suits (to his assets and his wealth) is to adopt the "I'm a confused old man who had no idea what was going on. Honest." That's the line he's trying to sell to any future jury he might have to face.

Joe Paterno knows Mike McQueary's testimony is going to be devastating. By taking this "I'm confused and I had no idea what Jerry Sandusky was doing to those boys," plus "Mike McQueary was vague when he came to see me" line, Paterno is trying to sidestep his own personal failing. If he's forced to get on the stand and testify about all this, the jury is surely going to wonder why he did so little to stop Jerry Sandusky. (Stating in the interview that his relationship with Sandusky was "professional and not personal" is tantamount to throwing his former defensive coordinator under the bus.) In the legal business using those kind of words is called trying to distance yourself from potential liability. His lawyer, the savvy Mr. Sollers, almost certainly advised his client to make sure he got that jab in during his chat with the reporter. There wasn't a word that came out of JoePa's mouth that hadn't been carefully rehearsed and discussed in advance before he agreed to have his chat with Ms. Jenkins. (Joe Paterno certainly has top flight legal representation - as opposed to that moron Amendola that Sandusky has retained.)

By taking this tack, Joe Paterno deftly sidesteps having to admit the terrible truth, plus he might even garner sympathy from some jurors - if they fall for this line of malarkey. The key to this defense strategy is that Joe Paterno is attempting to protect his assets against possible civil suits. In football terms, he's playing defense. He already accepts that his reputation is shot. Now it's a matter of trying to protect his money and his possessions from those greedy bastards (excuse me, I meant "lawyers"), representing Sandusky's victims.

Former DJ
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
The problem with that is that he would have appointed Jay head coach.

The whole program / culture was and is just so deeply ****ed up.
Pretty sure Jay would never be the coach. Most PSU fans would be against it. I wonder if that's why Joe hung around as long as he did, because he knew his son would be jobless if he retired.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-15-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
So wait, in Joe Paterno's world does any form of homosexuality exist? Kind of understandable, after all he grew up in some idyllic rural setting, right?

Oh yeah, Brooklyn.
Who knows what else he's learned now that he's found out that man rape is possible. I'm still curious when and how he found out. Did Sue google it for him?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:12 PM
Some of the BoT go on the record about the process resulting in Paterno's firing.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:23 PM
More like "step 3 of Penn State's failed PR blitz progresses"
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-19-2012 , 09:29 PM
I'd like to see an actuarial analysis of Paterno's chances to live through the whole of 2012.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:08 PM
Got these RT's from folks in my twitter feed. These are from a beat writer for the Wilkes-Barre Citizen's voice, @cvmikesisak

Source confirms to CV that Paterno gravely ill. Sue Paterno telephoned member of staff, summoned person to hospital to say goodbye to Joe.
BREAKING: Penn State coach Joe Paterno near death, family summoning close friends to hospital for final goodbyes.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:08 PM
JoePa gonna die??

Michael Sisak
BREAKING: Penn State coach Joe Paterno near death, family summoning close friends to hospital for final goodbyes.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:08 PM
damn u dr
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:17 PM
wow, amazing how fast he went downhill after getting ****canned
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey
wow, amazing how fast he went downhill after getting ****canned
Have you watched his press conferences the past couple years? He's been on the decline for a while.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
01-21-2012 , 07:19 PM
Cue two weeks of sycophantic eulogies glossing over his decade of child rape enabling?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
