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Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi

08-12-2015 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
What was the lie exactly? I legit don't even know. As for all the other stuff, you're not going to find me defending the league's actions in this case (at least the stuff I'm familiar with). But that doesn't really matter to me because I think there's deceit on both sides. I know Pats fans wanna boil it down to BRADY IS INNOCENT vs YOU'RE SIDING WITH ROG?? but that's not the reality of the situation.

Kraft is basically the #1 owner responsible for ROG as commish and Brady is part of a player union that collectively bargained these conditions where Kraft's guy has final say in these matters.

Now they're unhappy that the monster they created dropped a turd on their doorstep? Like I said, sorry, no sympathy.
Roger lied about Tom's testimony regarding his communications with Jastremski when he issued his appeal ruling. That was before Berman ordered the appeal transcript unsealed.
Then the appeal is out there for everyone to see and suddenly it turns out Tom was actually fairly specific about his communications with Jastremski.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by heh
There was justice in the aforementioned cases, why not now?
The Ray Rice thing was a colossal **** up by the league, no? There was just as much (if not more) deceit coming from the league during that whole thing as there has been in this, unless my memory is failing me.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
The Ray Rice thing was a colossal **** up by the league, no? There was just as much (if not more) deceit coming from the league during that whole thing as there has been in this, unless my memory is failing me.
Yes, the league ****ed up the Ray Rice case, but eventually their lies were exposed and Ray Rice got his indefinite suspension vacated.

The timeline, if I remember correctly went something like this:

Ray Rice, blah di blah. Two game suspension.
Video tape, something something.
Goodell: Ray lied to me when I interviewed him: Indefinite suspension
Former federal judge: you're full of **** Goodell, Ray Rice never lied to you. Vacated. Peace.

It's just another example of stark overreaching (and another case of Goodell lying to create a narrative in which he's not a ****ing idiot).

Peterson case goes much the same way.
Hey, that Peterson dude seems ****ed up. Let's create a new policy to address that and punish him retroactively.
Federal Judge: hey ****nuts, you can't do that.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by heh
Roger lied about Tom's testimony regarding his communications with Jastremski when he issued his appeal ruling. That was before Berman ordered the appeal transcript unsealed.
Then the appeal is out there for everyone to see and suddenly it turns out Tom was actually fairly specific about his communications with Jastremski.
I still don't know what specifically the lie is.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:56 PM
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:56 PM
What I mean by justice is that Tagliabue (bountygate), Barbara S. Jones (Ray Rice) and Doty (Peterson) all found the league to have overstepped their authority in one way or another and sided with the players who were unfairly treated (and this is a process issue more than an issue of guilt/innocence).

There were never any doubts whatsoever about the guilt of Ray Rice. He copped to punching her when Goodell interviewed him the first time (and Goodell lied about this admission). Peterson was found guilty so not much to see there either.

But the NFL can't just make up rules and lie as they go along in order to make up for being idiots the first time around.

In this case, it seems to me to be as much about reassertion of power as anything else, because Goodell has been **** on by every neutral arbiter for quite a while. And in this case the issue of guilt is nowhere near as clear cut as in the cases going before it.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:58 PM
Basically in the appeal Brady said how his conversations with JJ before the superbowl was mostly to do with preparing the game balls for the superbowl but they also discussed deflategate.

In his appeal ruling Goodell referred to the conversations Brady and JJ had and said that Brady claimed to only discuss game ball prep with JJ during the conversations and Goodell said he didnt find that testimony credible.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I still don't know what specifically the lie is.
Roger said Brady denied discussing the deflation situation in all their phone calls after the news broke. ROG didn't find that plausible and therefore didn't find Brady's testimony trustworthy.

After the transcript got released it turned out that Brady testified he in fact had discussed the deflation situation with JJ.

Also, the NFL leaked that the NFLPA was trying to keep the arbitration records sealed, implying Brady had something to hide. When the records where released it showed the NFLPA asked to release the transcripts and the NFL shot them down. Without Judge Berman releasing them muppets like Keeeeed would be screaming about WHAT IS BRADY TRYING TO HIDE.....
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I still don't know what specifically the lie is.
This will clear that up more easily than me typing it all out:
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:04 PM
Given how Goodell did the exact same thing (misrepresenting witness testimony) in the Ray Rice case, I have a hard time understanding why anyone would think leaks didn't come from his office and that he is a trustworthy kind of guy in general.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Roger said Brady denied discussing the deflation situation in all their phone calls after the news broke. ROG didn't find that plausible and therefore didn't find Brady's testimony trustworthy.

After the transcript got released it turned out that Brady testified he in fact had discussed the deflation situation with JJ.

Also, the NFL leaked that the NFLPA was trying to keep the arbitration records sealed, implying Brady had something to hide. When the records where released it showed the NFLPA asked to release the transcripts and the NFL shot them down. Without Judge Berman releasing them muppets like Keeeeed would be screaming about WHAT IS BRADY TRYING TO HIDE.....
Ok, ya I remember hearing the cliffs on this the other day on local sports radio, but I never saw the actual transcript.

Brady did only reveal that in the appeal tho yes? As I remember, his initial testimony during the Wells investigation was that he was just calling JJ all week to talk about SUPER BOWL PREP. I think Wells quoted him as saying something like "ya maybe we discussed the deflation story for a minute or so, I don't really remember". And it was a HUGE f'n story. I think it's reasonable to find that to be....not very credible.

If Brady told a more accurate account during the appeal hearing, good for him, and bad on Rog for lying about it. It doesn't change my mind on the whole thing that much though.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:08 PM
Also Vagos, we can find some common ground regarding Kraft. It was despicable when he covered for ROG and I've posted about that more than once. I also don't blame the owners like Jones, who got screwed while Kraft had Rogers back, from letting Kraft take some medicine here. I think Kraft realized that and that is why he backed off. I think 2 draft picks and a million bucks is a high price to pay for finally learning his lesson, but he was willing to accept it.

(I also think Kraft felt like he took one for the shield himself already by shutting his piehole and eating the **** sandwich that Spygate was. I doubt he thought ROG would serve him another **** sandwich. Shame on him for being played for a fool.)

But this **** they are trying to do to Brady is disgusting. A bridge too far. And without Brady getting it to court most of the lies would never have been exposed.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:09 PM
vagos, you are sounding like a drew bledsoe fan
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
vagos, you are sounding like a drew bledsoe fan
I've never been a Patriots fan.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
I've never been a Patriots fan.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
Ok, ya I remember hearing the cliffs on this the other day on local sports radio, but I never saw the actual transcript.

Brady did only reveal that in the appeal tho yes? As I remember, his initial testimony during the Wells investigation was that he was just calling JJ all week to talk about SUPER BOWL PREP. I think Wells quoted him as saying something like "ya maybe we discussed the deflation story for a minute or so, I don't really remember". And it was a HUGE f'n story. I think it's reasonable to find that to be....not very credible.

If Brady told a more accurate account during the appeal hearing, good for him, and bad on Rog for lying about it. It doesn't change my mind on the whole thing that much though.
Looking at the notes in the Wells report, it seems like what was in the appeal transcript was pretty consistent with what Brady told Wells the first time around.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by heh
Looking at the notes in the Wells report, it seems like what was in the appeal transcript was pretty consistent with what Brady told Wells the first time around.
As I said, I haven't seen basically any of the appeal transcript. But I did think his testimony to Wells wasn't entirely credible. There was something else about him meeting JJ in the "QB room" for literally the first time ever, for a 15-20 minute convo. And Brady's testimony was to the effect of "ya, I just wanted to tell him what a great job he was doing, I don't think or don't remember if we talked about the deflate story".

The good news for Brady and his fans is that the NFL and its commissioner are so terrible that it made us all forget how dodgy Brady looked early on in this thing.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Bashing the NFL and arguing in circles is all Pats fans can do because reality doesn't support any of their claims.

1. The balls were deflated, naturally or otherwise, below the proscribed levels.
-We know this because the officials tested them at halftime and aired them back up.

2. If the balls had deflated naturally, one would expect that the Colts balls would have deflated as well (they didn't). The only two possible explanations for the discrepancy are that either the Pats balls deflated naturally and the Colts subsequently inflated their balls in a "set up"'; or the Patriots deflated their balls after inspection.

3. Given that those are the only two possible scenarios that could have happened, which is more likely? The Patriots ball attendant was caught on camera taking their balls into a room, off camera, where he wasn't supposed to be, after inspection, and the Patriots acknowledged that the time he had the footballs in that room, would have been sufficient enough to deflate the balls. Additionally, McNally and Jastremski were subsequently suspended and fired. One of them was referred to as "The Deflator". The Patriots did not cooperate with the investigation; refused to provide these two employees for further interrogation; and the player investigators most believe was at the center of the scandal, Tom Brady, admits to destroying evidence.

4. Given that there is nothing whatsoever to point to the Colts tampering with their footballs, in contrast to all of the above circumstantial evidence against the Patriots, the only conclusion that can be made by a sane and reasonable person is that the Patriots surreptitiously hid their footballs from the officials and deflated them to gain an illegal competitive advantage (i.e. they cheated and got caught red-handed).

5. The next question is who was responsible for the cheating? The Patriots are claiming that if cheating occurred, that it was McNally and/or Jastremski acting on their own accord. This isn't believable for many reasons.

6. First, Brady has admitted to having a "preference" for the game balls he uses. He signs off on them before inspection, which implicitly suggests that he can tell the difference between a ball at one air pressure and another ball at some other pressure. He also admitted under interrogation that he would disapprove if the game balls were altered. Therefore, if McNally and/or Jastremski altered the footballs without his knowledge, he has essentially admitted that he would be able to tell the difference and disapprove of the altered pressures. He would notice in warmups and the game that the balls had been tampered with. In the hypothetical situation McNally and/or Jastremski acted on their own, it would be expected that Brady would notice and ask for the balls to be re-inflated to his "preference".

7. Given that Brady did not ask for the footballs to be re-inflated to his previously stated preferred levels, again any sane and reasonable person can conclude that Brady both had knowledge of the footballs being deflated after inspection, and approved of them being deflated after inspection.

In other words, he cheated and got caught.

Stopped there.

Jesus christ...

Can I get a lolz shuffle?
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:30 PM
Are Shuffle and Keed trading shifts or something? Is this a "Mornin', Sam / Mornin', Ralph" situation?
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:32 PM
Yeah lolshuffle indeed.

Also under-rated lolshuffle is how he expects Brady to be able to detect psi change in a football by 0.2psi.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
1-4 you assume both team's balls started at the same PSI. If Pats were at 12.5 and Colts at 13.5, I believe the Wells report results make sense for 1 of the gauges, if I recall some of the analysis conclusions correctly. You conveniently forgot that though.
The fact is that the Colts balls did deflate.

Even considering Wells used the "best case" gauge for their balls, and the fact that they were measured after the Pats balls giving them more time to warm up and pressurize, they still were deflated.

Shuffle just uninformed like usual. Nothing to see here.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:41 PM
Yeah I deleted cause I realized more what I was responding to.
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Bashing the NFL and arguing in circles is all Pats fans can do because reality doesn't support any of their claims.

1. The balls were deflated, naturally or otherwise, below the proscribed levels.
-We know this because the officials tested them at halftime and aired them back up.

2. If the balls had deflated naturally, one would expect that the Colts balls would have deflated as well (they didn't). The only two possible explanations for the discrepancy are that either the Pats balls deflated naturally and the Colts subsequently inflated their balls in a "set up"'; or the Patriots deflated their balls after inspection.

3. Given that those are the only two possible scenarios that could have happened, which is more likely? The Patriots ball attendant was caught on camera taking their balls into a room, off camera, where he wasn't supposed to be, after inspection, and the Patriots acknowledged that the time he had the footballs in that room, would have been sufficient enough to deflate the balls. Additionally, McNally and Jastremski were subsequently suspended and fired. One of them was referred to as "The Deflator". The Patriots did not cooperate with the investigation; refused to provide these two employees for further interrogation; and the player investigators most believe was at the center of the scandal, Tom Brady, admits to destroying evidence.

4. Given that there is nothing whatsoever to point to the Colts tampering with their footballs, in contrast to all of the above circumstantial evidence against the Patriots, the only conclusion that can be made by a sane and reasonable person is that the Patriots surreptitiously hid their footballs from the officials and deflated them to gain an illegal competitive advantage (i.e. they cheated and got caught red-handed).

5. The next question is who was responsible for the cheating? The Patriots are claiming that if cheating occurred, that it was McNally and/or Jastremski acting on their own accord. This isn't believable for many reasons.

6. First, Brady has admitted to having a "preference" for the game balls he uses. He signs off on them before inspection, which implicitly suggests that he can tell the difference between a ball at one air pressure and another ball at some other pressure. He also admitted under interrogation that he would disapprove if the game balls were altered. Therefore, if McNally and/or Jastremski altered the footballs without his knowledge, he has essentially admitted that he would be able to tell the difference and disapprove of the altered pressures. He would notice in warmups and the game that the balls had been tampered with. In the hypothetical situation McNally and/or Jastremski acted on their own, it would be expected that Brady would notice and ask for the balls to be re-inflated to his "preference".

7. Given that Brady did not ask for the footballs to be re-inflated to his previously stated preferred levels, again any sane and reasonable person can conclude that Brady both had knowledge of the footballs being deflated after inspection, and approved of them being deflated after inspection.

In other words, he cheated and got caught.
How do you make a wordy post like this and ignore the fact that the Colts footballs were deflated below allowable levels too? (3/4 tested balls)
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:47 PM
lol shuffle
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:51 PM
Next, Shuffle is going to come at everyone hard with "Patriots balls were weighed and were 2lbs light"
Patriots Cheating Containment Thread:  This episode - Ballghazi Quote
