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NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley

11-25-2018 , 11:40 AM
I dont think Buffalo is "win the division" real but they've sucked long enough to make me believe they should be a playoff team with all those picks
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 02:12 PM
Which GM has the best odds to pick up Alzner from waivers?
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 03:16 PM
Cheter Perelli
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 03:17 PM
Give Bergevin credit, he's fessing up to his mistake
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 06:24 PM
not too much progress, up to Nov 8. sabres tied 5-5 3 mins left. every game down to the wire. price let at least one bad one in. lost the puck on a rebound. maybe the other guy niemi or whatever is better. look i tried to play hockey and liked learning about the strategies and i watched a bit on and off for years but im not like you guys all experts. so budding fan. i made a lot of changes in my life lately and hockey along with chess is helping me stay sober and reasonably sane (for me) at the same time.

also, ok i might, and not sure, but look i like montreal , i like keeping up with my french, and those guys never quit. they play hard and are a tight group. but im a boston guy. i know its never been done but maybe i will just root for both and not watch when they play. i dont want to be a hater. like hate the other team and all that bull ****. anyways, hope to catch up one of these days and we can watch the games together and be pals and all. be nice to see the current standings and the latest news.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 06:34 PM
oh that kid Kotkaniemi. 18 looks 12 that guy, he has scored i think just 2 goals both vs caps. he had a sick move to carry the puck across the blue line, wow'd the crowd. my impression is, and i know he was a top pick like 3 so a lot is expected, but i like his demeanor on the ice. he is in over his head but seems to accept it and doesnt back down or hang his head.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:06 PM

swear this idiot was created in a lab somewhere

like the fastest guy in the world
rare ability to handle the puck perfectly at top speed
so natural that he has his head up ~always
all looks completely effortless

really needs to demand a trade to some non-hellhole
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:09 PM
also, no idea wtf Chayka is doing or how he still has a job at this point

it's like that team just operates as a feeder for the 'Hawks, but STAN is pretty bad at his job too so it doesn't really matter
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:09 PM
he's too much of a GOCB nice guy to ask for a trade, he's an Oiler for life
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:15 PM
he's not a nice guy tho

and he's gonna get rather sick of that **** before too long

can easily see him tanking his way out in a couple years
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:16 PM
is he a Chad? I hope he demands a trade to an American city then
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:29 PM
If he wanted the option to get out he shouldn't have signed for 8 ****ing years
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:33 PM
Chiarelli factor, he's available
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
If he wanted the option to get out he shouldn't have signed for 8 ****ing years
or taken that last minute pay cut

demanding the max that he deserves would have been the easy way out of town

what an idiot
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
he's not a nice guy tho
pls expand on this. Always figured McJesus was a stand-up guy off the ice.

Fwiw, Erik Karlsson was notorious for being the biggest sports star douche the city of Ottawa has ever known . I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of him giving the stiff arm to like 10 year-old kids who've asked him for a pic/autograph around the city. It got so bad that at a fan fest a few years ago the guy who was interviewing him on a panel brought it up lol.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-26-2018 , 11:07 PM
idk, he seems like a total dick, not much more to say than that
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 01:10 AM
So what's the deal with Kovalchuk? I am wrong to assume that Willie Desjardins is just an idiot for giving him 6 minutes of ice time. I guess now Blake is going to have to try and trade or something.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 11:05 AM
He has some sort of nmc.
Who knows. Kovi isn't moving. He's retired to Beverly Hills. It doesn't really matter.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
idk, he seems like a total dick, not much more to say than that
Never gotten the sense that he's a dick. He's always seemed kind of socially awkward to me, probably a result of doing nothing but hockey for his whole life and being anointed since he was 13 years old. Like, I suspect if you tried to have a conversation with him about politics, it would be like speaking Japanese to him, but if you asked about the difference between a 1 or 2 man forecheck, he'd talk for half an hour.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 07:03 PM
3 goals in 3 mins to take the lead! kid kot scored. that charlie hebdo dude got one. see this team has heart. but vegas just tied it. always tied in the 3rd. i cant remember a game that wasnt. i guess i didnt watch the bruins game so that maybe think i heard bruins won the first encounter but idk. idk man. just living the hockey life. getting married in like a week but shes been out of town for a couple of months so idk prolly have something else to do soon. think we are going to go to caps and carolina games when they play bruins or habs. like a hobby, vacation. im in richmond va. this chick is the goat btw. nice chinese lady. born 3 weeks apart. never fought with her. she is naturally calm, mindful. back rubs and manages my properties. i couldnt be happier with her. used to want young women but man that just made my mind burn. a mature love ok, not some strong attachment like schoolgirls think of love where you live and die for the other person. you are alone on a sinking boat. you made the hole, the boat. you caused the flood. only you can save yourself. nobody can discharge your responsibility. but someone good can inspire and sooth you as you seek liberation from craving, from suffering.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 07:19 PM
gallagher name fits...makes me chuckle. little pest. bit of magic too.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 09:10 PM

the Tommy Chabot Experience!, ladies & gents
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 09:15 PM
Here’s the Pittsburgh playbook everytime I see them, let’s see how it plays out, first they try to out-skate you, when that doesn’t work they try to out-hit you, when that doesn’t work they dive, dive, dive!
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 09:32 PM
Lowry’s got a mean look tonight.

Buff’s hurt.

Buff’s Back!!
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
11-27-2018 , 09:44 PM
Pittsburgh thing is to cheat so much they can’t be called for all their ****.
NHL Regular Season 2018-2019 - It's all about Stanley Quote
