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NHL Off-Season 2014 NHL Off-Season 2014

09-03-2014 , 07:35 PM
Retweetet von The Hot Takery
Tim Panaccio ‏@tpanotchCSN 2 Min.

CSN Philly - Flyers: Timonen cleared to play in Flyers' golf tourney http://www.

that's so cold
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
If I meet Chiarelli at some point he'll have to explain to me how Chris ****ing Kelly got an NTC.

Him being injured in the buyout-period was the worst piece of luck since losing to a horrendously inferior team with a hot goalie in the playoffs
A+ use of "horrendously".
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 09:04 PM
I don't get it
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 09:36 PM
Anybody interested in some PROPOSITION BETS for the upcoming season?
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
Anybody interested in some PROPOSITION BETS for the upcoming season?
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
Anybody interested in some PROPOSITION BETS for the upcoming season?
Originally Posted by nutshot2
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-03-2014 , 11:30 PM
nuts hot: I want 3/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your New York Rangers in the standings. My $100 to your $300.

Nootka: I want 2/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your Washington Capitals. My $100 to your $200.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 03:18 AM
What do you want that the Islanders finish ahead of the Kings?
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 10:56 AM
Lool Dan carcillo signs a tryout with Pittsburgh. PLEASE LET HIM MAKE THE TEAM
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 11:00 AM
I'm pretty happy with the Krejci cap hit on the new deal. Took a bit of a discount to stay in Boston. Would love for them to re-up Soderberg and be nasty down the middle for another 6-7 years. Pretty sweet.

Now just draft well at the wings godamnit
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
nuts hot: I want 3/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your New York Rangers in the standings. My $100 to your $300.

Nootka: I want 2/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your Washington Capitals. My $100 to your $200.
You should be giving me odds. Isles gonna be unstoppable now that they have Grabo.

I'll be nice and give even money on Caps v Flyers

Higher overall sv%: Holtby or Mason

Ovechkin PP goals v Giroux ES goals
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
What do you want that the Islanders finish ahead of the Kings?
No bet.

Originally Posted by Nootka
You should be giving me odds. Isles gonna be unstoppable now that they have Grabo.
Grr, I was just trying to do makeshift odds on it since the Isles are 12/1 to win the Metro on Bovada, and the Caps are 7/1. Would you lay 3/2?

I'll be nice and give even money on Caps v Flyers
Not betting on the Dumpster Flyers to finish ahead of anybody.

Higher overall sv%: Holtby or Mason
I'd snap take Holtby, but I'm guessing you would too.

Ovechkin PP goals v Giroux ES goals
This is a good one. If you lay 3/2 I'll take Giroux for $50 to your $75. Ovechkin is a PP monster and Giroux passes a little too much for it to be even money, I think.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
nuts hot: I want 3/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your New York Rangers in the standings. My $100 to your $300.

Nootka: I want 2/1 that the New York Islanders will finish ahead of your Washington Capitals. My $100 to your $200.
Isles too good as Nootka pointed out
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 04:22 PM
giroux is the new thornton. passes too much. lawl.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-04-2014 , 07:24 PM
I suspect the reason The Jets, Isles are 12/1 to win their divisions is because Bovada got hammered on Colorado.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 11:46 AM
Ville leino invited to bruins Camp

Oh dear
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 11:52 AM
I might be down for some prop bets
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
Ville leino invited to bruins Camp

Oh dear
Well since Chia's not in the position to overspend on him, I've got no issue with Leino-Soderberg-Fraser on line 3. It means that Kelly's back is almost certainly not better.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 02:43 PM
Might be down for prop bets.

Also - Barries get 2/5.2. Seems good. Would have liked to see longer but whatever.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 03:26 PM
ok I've been arguing with a friend of mine via email for the last hour. If the PA uses their escalator between now and 2016 and we're at 78m cap for the 2016 season, what do you guys think these guys get as their cap average on their next deals:

Okposo (who will be 28 then)
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 04:03 PM
depends on whether they go UFA or not, whether they leave money on the table or not, term, etc

i dunno, ~$8m per?
more if they squeeze for the best deal possible obv
Kesler might do that, last big contract for him probably, still a useful center for a few more years
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-05-2014 , 04:19 PM

NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-06-2014 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
depends on whether they go UFA or not, whether they leave money on the table or not, term, etc

i dunno, ~$8m per?
more if they squeeze for the best deal possible obv
Kesler might do that, last big contract for him probably, still a useful center for a few more years
thank you! That's what I said, about 8m per. He said I was crazy, was willing to offer me 2 to 1 that both would be under 7.5m. Tempted to do it.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-06-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Might be down for prop bets.
take my bet then my wild vs your avs whoever finishes better in the reg season standings wins 100$
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
09-06-2014 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
thank you! That's what I said, about 8m per. He said I was crazy, was willing to offer me 2 to 1 that both would be under 7.5m. Tempted to do it.
heh, yeah i originally put $7-8m, but edited it.
so, it's close yeah.

but salaries keep going up, so 8+ is probably reasonable. the Islanders should have cap space and not much else to spend it on other than Okposo. and Bolland just got 5.5, so Kesler should be able to do ok, even on a long-term deal, unless he completely falls off a cliff in the next 2 years. the tricky thing is if Kesler signs for something like a front-to-back loaded $7mx5 to stay with the Ducks, which is possible. might be worth it at 2-1 though.
NHL Off-Season 2014 Quote
