Originally Posted by Redmen62
The fact that the award is explicitly supposed to go to "the player adjudged most valuable to his team" is pretty strong evidence of what "the spirit" of the award is, no?
meh there's nothing explicit about "most valuable". Very, very arbitrary. Reminds me of this one domestic assault call I took when I was a cop. Guy and a girl are riding home from the bar, girl is pretty drunk and gets pissed at the guy then hits him a couple times. They're arguing outside a motel and a random person calls it in, and I head on down.
In Maryland you can't arrest for 2nd degree assault (there's only 1st and 2nd degree assault in Maryland) unless there's the "domestic" qualifier which are 1). Live under the same roof (even for a night at your friend's place, and even if it's 2 guys) 2). Visible signs of injury and 3). within 48 hours. If those conditions are met then it's essentially mandatory that you make an arrest, regardless of whether or not the victim tells you not to. In a criminal justice class I took they taught us that it was 100% mandatory to make the arrest, that's how bottom line it was.
Well, the two "combatants" were calm, despite their drunkenness, and for whatever reason I didn't think it would be an issue later. So I talk to one of the older officers and I'm like "well all the conditions are there for a domestic assault lockup, but I just don't know about this one". So the older officer says to me "
the spirit of the law is separation, but if you don't think that's really necessary then don't make the arrest and write a supplement (to my supervisor) explaining why you don't want to". So there you go, a long story, trying to explain what "in the spirit" means. Wait who am I writing this to? Where's my beer?