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NFL Week 11 NFL Week 11

11-18-2019 , 10:33 PM
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:34 PM
nice toss for an INC
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:34 PM
That throw holy hell
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:34 PM
Oh man he had Williams wide open.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:35 PM
Holy crap mahomes is so talented
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:35 PM
extended half-time?

how, oh how, will they possibly keep us entertained?
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:36 PM
in fg range already
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:38 PM
Chargers elite between the 20s
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:38 PM
The Ek!
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:41 PM
What was that TO usage geez
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by businessdude
I think you need to wait a few weeks after you sod a field
Liga MX soccer is in season so it's not really a possibility. To make matters worse, in the past few seasons there are not 1, but 2 teams calling the stadium home so not only is the field taking extra abuse, but if you decide to re-sod the field, you'd have a super small window to do it.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:43 PM
Chargers have 3x as many yards as the Chiefs.

Never change.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:43 PM
Didn't they have to move it last year because of a Shakira concert?
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:44 PM
the money badger lol nice
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Chargers have 3x as many yards as the Chiefs.

Never change.
3x as many FGs as well!
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:44 PM
that was a LOOOOOOONG :01 on that clock
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:45 PM
This is the most chargers end of half drive ever. Just need a kickaaaa
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Didn't they have to move it last year because of a Shakira concert?
Yah, stage was on the field a few nights before and apparently tore up everything. Not sure why it isn't more of a priority b/c you'd think they want to put on a great show when all eyes will be on Mexico City, but it's apparently an afterthought.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:52 PM
” This year, Chiefs vs. Chargers is not expected to live up to those [Chiefs bv Rams] standards, but at least the field won't be a problem.

"While the decision was made last year that the field wasn’t playable, that same week, NFL leadership, in partnership with Televisa, who owns the stadium, and the Mexican government, we were making commitments to come back next year," Leech told The Star, which also pointed out the terms the NFL established in order to allow another Mexico game to be scheduled. They are as follows:

"They would hire a field consultant to take monthly visits to Mexico City to check on the field. He or she would collaborate with stadium management and return with pictures, detailed reports and recommendations."

"Volume. Televisa would scale back the events it hosted leading up to Monday’s game, reserving the stadium only for regularly-scheduled soccer matches as the football game drew near."

"A backup plan. Together, the organizations would plant a sod farm nearby. If needed, the farm would be used to replace patches of the field or the entire 120-yard playing surface."

All boxes were checked. And according to The Star, the Azteca Stadium schedule was cleared of concerts from August through November.

In addition, Azteca Stadium officials replaced the field's hybrid surface that was installed last year with natural grass. Over the summer, NFL officials inspected and approved the stadium's new surface.”

Seems like they have more work to do.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 10:56 PM
soccer is on an international break so they've had a week+ to get this field in tip-top shape.

not a really good job by whoever was in charge of this imo.
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 11:00 PM
I was told Mahomes crapped lightning and threw golden rainbows, what happened??
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 11:03 PM
this game sucks

booger is the mexico of announcers
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 11:04 PM
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 11:04 PM
Booger with the non-sarcastic "matriculate the ball down the field."
NFL Week 11 Quote
11-18-2019 , 11:05 PM
Chefs decided the best way to acclimate is not to bother.
NFL Week 11 Quote
