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NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser

02-11-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
no way.
meh having a guy like favre (or other top 5-10 qbs of all time) pretty much guarentees ur offense will at worst be league average with the chance at being elite. having a guy like freeney or walter jones does not even come close to that.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:25 PM
thats simply the wrong way of looking at it

by themselves, of course favre >>>>> either of jones or freeney. but both together? ill certainly take the latter and wouldnt think twice

it all of course depends on who you surround them with

Last edited by SMIGLET; 02-11-2010 at 10:33 PM.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Found it all in one place. Among the QBs only Elway played in more than 4 SBs. Top 10 QBs in passing yardage. Warner has the top 3 of all time.
Point is that if we assume most Super Bowls are coinflips, then Bradshaw and Montana should have had to play in 8 (say 7 if they were slight favs most of the time) Super Bowls to get their 4 rings.

Meanwhile Jim Kelly got to 4 (same amount as Bradshaw) yet is merely a footnote, because he lost 4 flips.

At one point Aikman was 3-0 yet Elway was 0-3. I'm pretty sure a large majority of people consider Elway better QB than Aikman.

I'm aware that I'm likely preaching to the choir here but it's worth repeating.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Phildo
what exactly do you think happens if you give manning one of the greatest defenses of all time?
He ends up with a less expensive offense?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by GuyIncognito
He ends up with a less expensive offense?
And still makes the Garcons, Collies, and patchwork O-lines into studs. He's good and stuff.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
And still makes the Garcons, Collies, and patchwork O-lines into studs. He's good and stuff.
Well okay, but I wouldn't exactly call all of them studs (more precisely, the value they produced), and Manning's raw numbers are certainly down from the days when he had Harrison and James.

The point is that projecting Manning's playoff W-L record (not that this is a particularly good metric, of course) by giving him a better defense would violate an external constraint. Projecting Brady/Marino/Elway/whoever's raw offensive stats by giving them better offensive teammates doesn't.

Last edited by GuyIncognito; 02-12-2010 at 12:56 AM.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by ctyri
Peyton Manning is good enough without having to create fictional myths about his receivers.
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
id even go so far to say that i'd rather have a guy like a prime brett favre than prime dwight freeney + walter jones
Sure but Favre is one of the all time greats. You wouldn't take Jim Kelly or Drew Brees over Freeny + Jones.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 01:12 AM
Nobody gives Favre **** for only winning 1 SB. Manning needs to go have more fun out there and star in commercials for jeans, or trucks.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Nobody gives Favre **** for only winning 1 SB. Manning needs to go have more fun out there and star in commercials for jeans, or trucks.
Because Favre's issues are related to being undisciplined, and are obviously why he's a cut below the true elite of all time. Manning's perceived issues are related to being a choker except for one game at home against New England. Manning SHOULD be clearly the GOAT, but his playoff record prevents it from being a universal truth, whereas no one really thinks Favre had a shot at GOAT because, well, Favre gonna Favre.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator

Sure but Favre is one of the all time greats. You wouldn't take Jim Kelly or Drew Brees over Freeny + Jones.
reason i picked freeney and jones is because they are around where favre ranks in terms of the positions they play, ie. i'd have a hard time finding 5-6 LT's or DEnds better than Jones or Freeney (altho thinking it over more freeney is prob around the 6-8 range)

that said i'll admit id rather have anthony munoz + reggie white than any qb.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 01:06 PM
not buying prime Freeney as being worth 1+ win to random team. Taking LT over DE because of indirect effect of keeping QB healthy. How about the four prospects that went 2-5 behind Aikman in draft: Tony Mandarich, then Barry Sanders, Derrick Thomas, and Deion Sanders!! Sick if he was rated as clearly above all those guys. Great player.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
02-12-2010 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
What sucks about using stats to judge players is in a 10 year career a football player will play about 150 games. That's a terrible sample size.

Am I wrong in thinking it's much easier to use stats to judge players in baseball because there is such a huge sample?

It's easy to put NFL QBs into tiers but it's splitting hairs to try to organize the tiers.

Cliffs: Football should be played year-round.
Can be splitting hairs with last guy in one tier and top guy in another
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-02-2010 , 12:47 PM
So, I was out of work on Tuesday this week and two of my co-workers came up to me yesterday to rip into me about how bad Peyton had played on Monday night. I was talking to them last week telling them that I was quite sure that Manning was the best QB of all time and that Brady clearly isn't at Peyton's level. It was really weird to actually defend Peyton Manning, given how much I hate him and the colts.

I thought you guys would find this funny given how hard I fought in this thread to prove that Brady was better.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-02-2010 , 12:49 PM
Rivers> all
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-02-2010 , 12:50 PM
why is is not surprising that goodie bumped this and bt2k is burying his head up rivers taint
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-02-2010 , 01:14 PM
just wait till vix gets in here with his love for jawshh freeman
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-02-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
why is is not surprising that goodie bumped this and bt2k is burying his head up rivers taint
I did that as a sort of joke, I know SE is growing tired of my Rivers praise
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:32 AM
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:42 AM
Yes, TOP NOTCH bump.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:43 AM
What has manning done that brady hasn't done?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:44 AM
jetto itt uhoh
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:44 AM
this is a BS bump guys. I'm sure if Peyton had Woodhead and Ben Jarvis Green Ellis types he would do this same sort of stuff
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:45 AM
In his defense tho, Manning never had weapons like gronkowski or woodhead. Pats elite D like this year also helps

Last edited by Supine; 12-07-2010 at 12:45 AM. Reason: kb4z beat me to a very foreseeable line
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:45 AM
brady's weapons have so much more WIM
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
12-07-2010 , 12:46 AM
I am not a fan of IND or NE but If I had to choose right now or the start of the previous 4 seasons. Id take brady over Peyton.

becuase I feel that brady has achieved more and done more than manning. im taking defense out of the equation
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
