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NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser

11-01-2016 , 09:13 PM

I would also consider career yards and career TDs to be significant categories but I'm dumb

Last edited by ANONN123; 11-01-2016 at 09:22 PM.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by bware

I would also consider career yards and career TDs to be significant categories but I'm dumb
I'm seeing Brady winning any/a 7.7 to 7.6 career according to pro football reference.

Last edited by Goodie; 11-01-2016 at 09:31 PM. Reason: I'm wrong - Peyton leads 7.17 to 7.06. That could change though
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
I was just surprised to hear a Brady slappy refer to RANGZ as an insignificant stat since that's usually the centerpiece of the Brady > Manning argument. .
That was the central piece of the argument in 2006, sure

But things have changed in the 10 years since.

The people who think Peyton has some serious STATZ edge are the equivalent to the Japanese WWII soldiers who were found on an abandoned island 30 years after the war ended refusing to surrender. Some people just stopped paying attention . Or no longer wanted to pay attention
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
I'm seeing Brady winning any/a 7.7 to 7.6 career according to pro football reference.
You're looking at AY/A

ANY/A is 7.17 vs 7.06
Minor edge Peyton
Look, I agree that Brady will probably (and should) go down as the GOAT, especially with RANGZ + a couple more years of putting up solid stats (he could break the career TDs mark with 2-3 good seasons, though he's battling DRUBREE)
But acting baffled that people could look at stats and think Peyton had a better career is not winning you arguments. It is homerism at best, disingenuous at worst. There are plenty of Pats haters, yes, especially on this board. But you guys make it so easy with these obnoxious arguments.
Signed, a Pats fan
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by bware
You're looking at AY/A

ANY/A is 7.17 vs 7.06
Minor edge Peyton
Look, I agree that Brady will probably (and should) go down as the GOAT, especially with RANGZ + a couple more years of putting up solid stats (he could break the career TDs mark with 2-3 good seasons, though he's battling DRUBREE)
But acting baffled that people could look at stats and think Peyton had a better career is not winning you arguments. It is homerism at best, disingenuous at worst. There are plenty of Pats haters, yes, especially on this board. But you guys make it so easy with these obnoxious arguments.
Signed, a Pats fan
I was legit asking. I'm obnoxious sometimes for sure but I was looking at the stats and honestly don't see where Peyton has much of an edge so wanted to see what people came up with.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
If Brady wins this year, I will have to say it'll be pretty tough to argue against him as GOAT. If he tells Roger Goodell to suck his dick during his MVP acceptance speech, it'll be impossible.
one time
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
But in the all-important dildo metric:

Brady: 1
Peyton: 0
I think Peyton is hiding one up his ass. So let's call it a tie.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-01-2016 , 11:38 PM
In my expert Eyetest opinion, Peyton was always a much more devastating passer.

the comeback versus the 2003 Bucs on one of my favorite games of all time.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Goodie
What career stat makes you think that Peyton is better? He's only leading in one significant category at this point, which is completion percentage. Rating Brady leads and interception percentage Brady's far ahead. And that's playing in the weather conditions of New England. I'd be curious what stats you would point to.
If you don't normalize for the quality of the supporting team and playing for Belichik all this blather is meaningless. Has anyone checked the assumption that bad weather is bad for passing? Is it really true that the weather in New England is worse than it is down south?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by florentinopeces
Is it really true that the weather in New England is worse than it is down south?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 07:34 AM
I guess you like hot weather and thunderstorms. Boston has a much nicer climate than Jacksonville. It's not like it's hard to throw in the cold.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by florentinopeces
I guess you like hot weather and thunderstorms. Boston has a much nicer climate than Jacksonville. It's not like it's hard to throw in the cold.
Wow, I actually thought you were kidding. First, of course the weather is worse in NE. Second, that's totally irrelevant as Peyton played in a dome. Are you asking if the weather in NE is worse than indoors?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
tbh it was that season which made me think that any non-peyton goat argument was not just wrong, but flat out silly. he was chucking up fairly wobbly ducks at that point and still putting up 400 yard 4TD games every other week like it was the easiest thing in the world. was just awesome to witness.

he def single-handedly provided them with at least +1.0 sklansky rings in his short time there, so i'm glad he got his broncos SB victory, and was extra nice that his path involved going through the pats
Do you see how that sentence hurts your argument?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 08:16 AM
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by heh
Do you see how that sentence hurts your argument?

Why? Being able to still produce with noodle arm is a positive.

I don't remember 2013 Manning throwing total ducks all the time though - that was more 2014, but yeah his arm strength was obv way down from his peak and being able to throw for 5500 yds and 55 tds doesn't hurt an argument.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 08:44 AM
i def remember the first game of that season where rsigs was telling everyone that manning was totes finished due to his neck and that he might die on the field or sth like that, and then he came out and threw a few wobbleducks to start the game and everyone was like oh well rsigs was right. and then 4 quarters later he had 7 touchdowns
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by florentinopeces
If you don't normalize for the quality of the supporting team and playing for Belichik all this blather is meaningless. Has anyone checked the assumption that bad weather is bad for passing? Is it really true that the weather in New England is worse than it is down south?
this is like somebody wandering into the MLB thread and asking if anyone has checked if it's harder to hit in Petco than in Coors Field

I'm assuming you're just trolling, but in case not:


where the crux is:
high winds and low temperatures correlate negatively with passing yards per attempt
or here when someone wrote a thesis called

some nuggets

Wind is the most consistently statistically significant variable influencing performance outcome variables. Wind has a uniformly negative effect on passing and positive effect on rushing. Wind speeds of 10 mph are estimated to reduce quarterback ratings by 1.7 points, total passing yards by 6.8%, completion percentage by 2.4%, and yards per completion by 1.6%.

Temperature decreases of 10 degrees are estimated to lower pass yards by 1.7%, reduce completion percentage by 0.8%, and cut 0.8 points off a quarterback’s passer rating.

The results are intuitive and corroborate anecdotal accounts. Wind has a uniformly negative impact on an NFL team’s ability to pass the football, and teams tend to rely on their rushing offense more heavily when playing in windy conditions. Temperature also has a negative effect on passing, but actually produces a small benefit to teams’ rushing initiatives.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 12:44 PM
Haven't read anything. Just checking in to see how people disparage the goat.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 12:50 PM
Excited to see Brady play another week.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-02-2016 , 03:53 PM
lol I'm from the Jax area...the weather is fantastic most of the year...might rain some in the late summer and get cold and windy in the early spring, but vs. Boston? It's no contest.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-03-2016 , 02:25 AM
But do you eat your own mushrooms?
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-03-2016 , 02:31 AM
People who like Boston are as delusional as people who think Brady is the goat. Actually it's the same delusion.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-03-2016 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by florentinopeces
People who like Boston are as delusional as people who think Brady is the goat. Actually it's the same delusion.
Lol. I like this guy.
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
11-03-2016 , 10:55 AM
Brady wins Offensive Player of the Month for the record 9th time. Peyton only won it 8 times. Sad!
NFL Old and Ongoing Bicker about Manning vs. Brady Thread.  AKA The Biggest Loser Quote
