The Redskins cut Devin Thomas today. I don't like the move at all--I find it hard to believe that we couldn't find a more worthless player on our roster.
I do root for both Ravens and Skins, but at least I'm passionate about both of them(they are my 2 favorite teams in any sport). I could very much see how a bandwagon fan who roots for both would be obnoxious though.
Ass.ani but he posts up like Shaq in the AFC N thread, char.der and there are some others with sympathetic viewpoints. I saw some skins fan make a 4k word post on the ravens in the weekly thread, forget who though.
Well gentlemen, good luck contesting for the division title. Looks to be an exciting, close struggle for the rest of the East this year. Lotta twists, lotta turns. Enjoy!