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11-18-2014 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Mallet was ****ing told to leave by Carr. He couldn't have been reassured gtfo.

Now Carr certainly gave him advice. But to say he couldn't have been reassured is ignorant. RichRod loved trying to fit square pegs into his round holes, but it didn't have to be that way.
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11-18-2014 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
I can understand coaches evaluating the talent onhand to their overall plan and deciding whether to burn year 1 or try to win with it. I don't follow recruiting, but have a hard time believing Florida is faced with an actual talent deficit such that a good coach won't decide to try to win titles immediately.

YOLO and he could die or something before year 2.
Florida has a decent amount of talent right now. They aren't that bad of a team. It's super easy to turn that around, especially when a lot of Muschampfail is bad luck on injuries. You don't beat Georgia like they did without having a pretty good amount of talent. Their defense is rock solid (what they did to Missouri was hilarious, and still lost). It's just the offense is a trainwreck. But even a ****ty offense and elite defense can go a long way and doesn't take much, especially with Florida's recruiting abilities, to right the ship.
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11-18-2014 , 05:28 PM
Plus you still have the #1 RATED DUAL THREAT QB with 1 year left of eligibility
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11-18-2014 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by heater
I think Mallet was probably headed for Arkansas regardless of who we hired. Boren's transfer boils down to the Boren family being angry about no offer for little bro.
Sounded a lot like personality clash as well, where Boren was some kind of huge prude and Lloyd and Rodriguez being so far apart (naughty langauge, oh my!, probably being more of a hardass, different types of recruiting with lower academic standards).

There are two ways of approaching things, the first is just change things abruptly and take the casualties (Charlie Strong approach at Texas for now) early, and hope to rebuild. This works well if you have long term support, the expectations aren't as high (after lolMack sucked for a few seasons, they'll tolerate it a lot easier than coming off of a Natty Run 2 years ago, tons of Rose Bowls). The second is to transition it. Make use of what you have, delay the development of the right players, and work it up. Obviously he chose the first one, is a bit more abrasive of a personality, and it didn't work coming into a post-Lloyd Michigan. He could have been more aware of the situation in terms of how thin ice he was actually on and adjusted. But he didn't and he was canned. When he has that longer runway, he's been much more successful. He didn't have that luxury at Michigan and that's partially the administration/fan's fault, but also his own for not realizing the situation.
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11-18-2014 , 06:37 PM
someone start a "shannanhan to gainesville" kickstartr PLZZZZZZ
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11-18-2014 , 06:43 PM
Justin Boren left because 1) He spent every weekend in Pickerington 2) Family was pissed Zach wasnt getting an offer

The whole family values thing was bull**** then and bull**** now

back to coaching search

I really have no ****ing idea who michigan is going to hire
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11-18-2014 , 06:48 PM

lol Finebaum. lol at any of these even being in the realm of possibility. The only one I could possibly see is Hugh Freeze. But even then, he might just consider it to squeeze more money out of Ole Miss. And Malzahn has pretty much already shot down any Florida rumors.

Florida is going to end up getting some assistant or Utah's coach or someone similar. I just don't see Florida landing some huge name like the list above.
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11-18-2014 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins

Now Carr certainly gave him advice. But to say he couldn't have been reassured is ignorant. RichRod loved trying to fit square pegs into his round holes, but it didn't have to be that way.
How about the part where Mallett wouldn't return a phone call to RichRod?

And the bolded is especially ignorant, Arizona's pass/run ratios have been vastly different each year based on their personnel. This year they are passing more than they are running. RR's first year at Michigan wasn't square peg/round hole, it was a result of having no talent offensively.

You want to talk about square peg/round hole.. look at Michigan's current head coach and what he's done with 2 running QBs.
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11-18-2014 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
How about the part where Mallett wouldn't return a phone call to RichRod?

And the bolded is especially ignorant, Arizona's pass/run ratios have been vastly different each year based on their personnel. This year they are passing more than they are running. RR's first year at Michigan wasn't square peg/round hole, it was a result of having no talent offensively.

You want to talk about square peg/round hole.. look at Michigan's current head coach and what he's done with 2 running QBs.
Exactly. They were different at Michigan as well. People who continue to talk about RR trying to force his system weren't paying attention. We threw the ball far more in 2008 than RR did both at WVU and at Michigan in 2009 and 2010. We did so even with two horrible QBs because the o-line was historically bad and we couldn't run the ball, either.

RR inherited little talent and no experience on offense. When that happens, there is no point in going through a transition. You run what you run because you're going to be bad regardless.

Saying that the coach should be faulted for doing what he believes is best rather than doing what he thinks a bunch of people who aren't coaching the team want him to do is ridiculous. Who would want a coach who coaches that way and what kind of coach would want to keep a job where he is forced to do that? I say do what RR did, let the chips fall where they may, and everyone will probably get what they deserve in the end. That's pretty much what has happened here.

Last edited by heater; 11-18-2014 at 07:39 PM.
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11-18-2014 , 08:05 PM
My recollection is that citing FREEP on RichRod is a bit suspect.

RichRod's struggles implement his system are not why he's gone. The fact that nobody was willing to wait through those very predictable struggles are why he's gone. Maybe he bears some fault in that, but we're talking about the symptoms, not the disease here. Old Guard Mich people didn't like the guy and salted the ground for him and it went on from there.
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11-18-2014 , 08:17 PM
The Threet/Sheridan offense was one of my favorite cluster****s of the era.
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11-18-2014 , 08:25 PM
Virginia and Florida should swap head coaches. Wouldn't even have to get used to different school colors, just shades.
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11-18-2014 , 09:09 PM
chip kelly

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11-18-2014 , 09:10 PM
more like kip shelly
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11-18-2014 , 09:29 PM
Florida should be able to pull a big name coach, but not Chip Kelly. Why the **** would he leave Oregon for the NFL, then leave the NFL for Florida? Coaches basically leave the NFL for college if they're about to be fired in the NFL.
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11-18-2014 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
My recollection is that citing FREEP on RichRod is a bit suspect.

RichRod's struggles implement his system are not why he's gone. The fact that nobody was willing to wait through those very predictable struggles are why he's gone. Maybe he bears some fault in that, but we're talking about the symptoms, not the disease here. Old Guard Mich people didn't like the guy and salted the ground for him and it went on from there.
No one is saying he deserves all of the blame, or hell, even most of it, but possessing some situational awareness of what he was getting into was the problem. If a monkey jumps out of a tree and gets eaten by a lion, you can yell at the lion and say he shouldn't eat the monkey, but maybe the monkey should think twice about jumping out of the tree if he's in the jungle.

Definitely think players loyalties to Lloyd who was butthurt about the whole thing affected it negatively, likely for Mallett. Still, going from the verge of a national title to 9-4 and beating Tebow to 3-9 just does not happen.

Jim Mallett also said Rodriguez never asked to meet with Ryan Mallett, a 6-foot-7 pocket passer who clearly didn’t fit his spread option offense.

“Ryan’s the one who called (Rich Rod),” Jim Mallett told the Herald. “He said, “Can I talk about the offense?’ And then he told me, ‘Daddy, (Rodriguez) never looked me in the eye.’ He never visited with the family, he didn’t talk to us. But hey, it wasn’t a fit. Let’s move on.”

When Mallett told his parents that he wanted to transfer to Arkansas, his mother wasn’t sure if she liked Razorbacks’ business-like coach Bobby Petrino, who she called “the polar opposite of Lloyd Carr, the warmest, sweetest man.”
Now I know that doesn't fit into the RichRod Martyr narrative, but that's a huge reason why the cupboard was bare. You drive off any sign of talent you have because you are uncompromising and are in a rush to do it your way, and that's what will happen.
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11-18-2014 , 10:03 PM
Lol at quoting that story. Just give it up TC.
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11-18-2014 , 10:05 PM
tc you have the ability to be something other than a stupid troll. be that.
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11-18-2014 , 10:20 PM
I'd actually forgotten Fat Charlie was already fired by Kansas.

Their best bet should be to go the "hot young coordinator" route (preferably an OC with an explosive offense) and hope they get lucky. There are no "safe" hires for a team like Kansas, so they should embrace the variance and #YOLO it up.
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11-18-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
I'd actually forgotten Fat Charlie was already fired by Kansas.

Their best bet should be to go the "hot young coordinator" route (preferably an OC with an explosive offense) and hope they get lucky. There are no "safe" hires for a team like Kansas, so they should embrace the variance and #YOLO it up.
Turner Gill available? They should just hire Mangino again.
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11-19-2014 , 12:50 AM
Worst thing about the Gill hire was the way they reacted to its failure. A school like Kansas should pretty much always be making risky hires. But the Gill failure made them turtle up and hire a "safe" retread with no upside.
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11-19-2014 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Worst thing about the Gill hire was the way they reacted to its failure. A school like Kansas should pretty much always be making risky hires. But the Gill failure made them turtle up and hire a "safe" retread with no upside.
You'd think but it looks like Weis actually gained weight in Kansas.
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11-19-2014 , 12:12 PM

My feeling in general is that an assistant at a big school is likely recruiting a better class of players than somebody in a head coaching job in the MAC or something. Coaches who can't recruit and/or don't have experience coaching elite talent scare me.

As a WSU/Michigan fan, seeing Wulff and Hoke's struggles also makes me suspect of mid-major offenses, I think those tend to succeed doing things that may not work against power 5 competition.

If I'm Kansas I'm looking long and hard at somebody like Chad Morris (assuming he's got some recruiting pedigree).
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11-19-2014 , 10:07 PM
Coaching salaries

Mullen, Richrod, Freeze, and Briles all make around $3mil (as do Petrino and Graham if you're looking for a stone cold mercenary), so plenty of room for a big spender to give them a massive raise.

Bob Stoops is already the 3rd highest paid coach in CFB.
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11-19-2014 , 10:11 PM
Kirk Ferenz $4,085,000 loooooooooooooooooooool

Brady Hoke $2,856,000 I dont even


biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggg
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