Originally Posted by Aurora Tom
Skewed towards really young (younger people more likely to have linkedin) and also college towns probably overrepresented (sometimes takes people a while to change their location after they move).
From my anecdotal personal experience, the age thing probably hurts NY relative to Chicago and places like that... people often move to NY and work for 10 or 20 years then go back from whence they came. So, the older folks are less likely to be NY relative to Chi.
These numbers make NY look more compelling than Chicago, since even though Chicago has a slight edge, NY is closer to Philly, Boston and DC.
Also, like, people want to go to New York. Nobody wants to go to Indianapolis or Cleveland. Hence a lot of the west coast confs putting our tournaments in Vegas.
An argument for Chicago though, is that the representation looks to be the most balanced, while half of New York's #s are made up of Rutgers people. I assume you'd care much less about catering to the worst team in the conference rather than the best teams.
A Chicago/NY rotation probably makes the most sense