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NCAA Basketball 2010-11 Thread NCAA Basketball 2010-11 Thread

03-05-2011 , 01:27 PM
nice work gmc with post #4971.
03-05-2011 , 01:41 PM

haha knight, then from the bilas twitter: "We don't have an eight second delay on GameDay. I'm guessing the BYU job is out of the question for Coach Knight."
03-05-2011 , 01:58 PM
pretty sloppy half in the mizzou kansas game i dont remember the last time i saw kansas play this lackadaisacal they have 13 turnovers and are still up by 1 due to mizzou shooting 1/10 from 3...the antithesis of the first game where both teams shot out of their minds

mizzou getting their usual HMA at the free throw line however
03-05-2011 , 01:59 PM
How many points do you think Vegas takes into effect if Gus Johnson is calling your game... I say easily +3 pts to the underdog
03-05-2011 , 02:36 PM
WVU: 1 of 17 from 3s

KU and Mizzou: combined 2 of 22 from 3s
03-05-2011 , 02:37 PM
time standing still, stage is set, epic

gl lurch, lig, capone
03-05-2011 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by The B
time standing still, stage is set, epic

gl lurch, lig, capone
time def standing still.

this one is for all the ACC marbles.

enjoy it B and good luck.
03-05-2011 , 02:59 PM
I'm going to be really impressed if WVU can grab 21+ offensive rebounds and still find a way to lose this game.
03-05-2011 , 03:00 PM
Seth G going back to the NIT
03-05-2011 , 03:01 PM
LOL at the close up of Seth Greenburg just now.

Also, just spotted this sign in the Clemson crowd: "I Have Tiger Blood!"
03-05-2011 , 03:03 PM
Lol Hokies
Lol Seth
03-05-2011 , 03:17 PM
03-05-2011 , 03:17 PM
FAIL: Preston Knowles
03-05-2011 , 03:18 PM
Rick Pitino may choke someone after the games over the last few weekends.
03-05-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by DrOldSchool
Rick Pitino may choke someone after the games over the last few weekends.
Some chick in the backroom of a restaurant maybe?
03-05-2011 , 03:18 PM
Its really a joke how much refs rig it for home teams in college basketball
03-05-2011 , 03:19 PM
03-05-2011 , 03:22 PM
lmao louisville, so much fail
03-05-2011 , 03:22 PM
Karma's a bitch Pitino. Suck it
03-05-2011 , 03:26 PM
17/59 from the floor and 3/22 from 3 what a pathetic shooting performance its too bad shooting is 90% of basketball

still only lost by 4 im not really sure how that worked since CBS cut out the game with a couple minutes left in freaking kansas city (you know, by far the area of biggest demand for the game)....terrible basketball today, kansas played horrible and we still couldnt win

Last edited by mutigers; 03-05-2011 at 03:28 PM. Reason: really pretty good numbers.......if you're a women's high school basketball team
03-05-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
im not really sure how that worked since CBS cut out the game with a couple minutes left in freaking kansas city (you know, by far the area of biggest demand for the game)
i cut to WVU and then went back to the KU game and they had already switched to the Ariz game. i go online to see the final score and see it is a close game that is not over yet... i'm like wtf is going on here? can't believe they pulled it in KC too.


edit to say: CBSC is doing a two hour pre-game leading into the huge game tonight. the CBSC pre-game begins at 6pm and i hear Jerry Stackhouse will be in studio.
03-05-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by charder30
Its really a joke how much refs rig it for home teams in college basketball
was there a particular call for this post or the reffing in the entire game? i only watched bits and pieces of the WVU game.
03-05-2011 , 04:04 PM
cmon, a loose ball foul with .6 seconds left to decide the game? no way they should make that call imo
03-05-2011 , 04:16 PM
03-05-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
cmon, a loose ball foul with .6 seconds left to decide the game? no way they should make that call imo
a L'ville player committed a mental error. why should he be bailed out? why should West Virginia be penalized?

i don't subscribe to the rules changing in a sporting event in the end game.
