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NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens

04-15-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
weird that he didn't just give it to me in wolf chat right brah? you're impossible you're both in wolfchat?
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:02 PM
Headed to the gym real quick guys, will be back in 30.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Supine
why did you have to answer? and apparently thats not what he was implying.
I felt like you were starting to twist his words
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:03 PM
Nice of you to defend him!
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
The good news is that we have a lock wolf in fanmail

Somebody with more time than I should go read him for spew imo
well he just antispewed me village and LL wolf so :P
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Supine you're both in wolfchat?
isn't that what you're implying? how am I making all these LOL OBVIOUS mistakes if I'm sitting in wolf chat?
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Supine you're both in wolfchat?
This is a perfect example of you twisting his words.

Unless you're being a silly Euro and you just can't grasp the many subtleties of the English language
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:04 PM
I love how your case on me is to a large extent based on "not doing enough work" and then ruin it when I do.

You better be a wolf.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:04 PM
and again, why are you the only one that find them LOL OBVIOUS?
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Well this is awkward...

I was asking for Supine's opinion of you, but noted
well that is a little awkward. thought you were asking my view on LL for bonus points and completely missed the comma.

NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
isn't that what you're implying? how am I making all these LOL OBVIOUS mistakes if I'm sitting in wolf chat?
Well, I don't think you asked in wolfchat before making every post.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
binkles you always post wolfy so I find it hard to read you.

your work has been stellar this game and that's the only thing I can use to read you with.
Odd, given you cleared me like 5 posts into this game.

And you've correctly cleared me like every game we'd played together.

It's funny, I used to always post villagery, then I got lazy :P
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:06 PM
someone wanna break down the last 500 posts?
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Supine
I love how your case on me is to a large extent based on "not doing enough work" and then ruin it when I do.

You better be a wolf.

Some real work wouldn't go astray you know
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
and again, why are you the only one that find them LOL OBVIOUS?
Everyone thinks you are wolfy in general. Its just common to let new people slide, per the maxim newbs = always wolfy.

I am the only one doing work on you atm because, well, you are my strongest lean and otherwise I am the lynch.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
someone wanna break down the last 500 posts?
The neutrals gave me a free daypeek and I peeked you wolf
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles

Some real work wouldn't go astray you know
So, what do you conclude on the last 50 posts I've done on notc (and his posts). Me = wolf spewing him villager?
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
The neutrals gave me a free daypeek and I peeked you wolf
I'm guessing in return the neutrals got to peek me
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:09 PM
ok, not 50, about as accurate as you saying I had a 20 % match with SYFs list, but you get the point except mine is real
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Supine
So, what do you conclude on the last 50 posts I've done on notc (and his posts). Me = wolf spewing him villager?
You've had some villagery posts sprinkled in there, but this is the Supine I know clearing villas and finding wolves in a reasonable fashion. I'm also not convinced that you're really wolfhunting right now, rather just pushing NOTC like crazy.

How about we take a step back for a moment and you tell me about the 10 people you don't want lynched today and why they shouldn't be?

And while you do that I'm gonna shower.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:10 PM
brb, just gonna watch the OT
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
wolf reads

Henrik Sedin

possibly binkles barring further examination
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
lol wat. you made 1 terrible post saying "dont like his entrance"
Originally Posted by chim17
Also commented on Fanmail who should be lynched.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Originally Posted by chim17
I said a lot more than that.

You're acting like you will help.. and asking for peoples cliffs on Hoya.. so if you're wrong you don't take any blame.

Super wolfy.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

I have been subbed into this game for about 1-2 hours total, and I am going to base the entire rest of the game on other people's cliffs and if they are wrong I am going to lynch them.

You have uncovered my evil wolf masterplan. Whatever shall I do.





Originally Posted by chim17
Not what I'm saying.

I'm saying you're not really trying or helping but appearing to be by just asking other people for cliffs.

If you cared on Hoya you'd read Hoya.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
What we see here is chim:

1. Backpedalling (super wolfy -----> unhelpful)
2. Trying to make a case that I am "appearing to help" but there is absolutely no justification for me to be appearing. He is just making this up out of thin air. What I am doing is looking for information because I have no idea what is going on. I haven't even been in the thread for 2 hours and he is building this completely fake assumption out of no where. He calls me both "super wolfy" and "appearing to be (helping)" while both of those are being completely made up by him, and short of reading my mind, he is just trying to build heat on me.
3. Flailing to stick to his story even though there is a complete lack on anything to go off of.

Very happy voting chim.
Hoya doesn't even address Larry and Chim conversation in this sequence besides a general comment to a post Larry quoted

Originally Posted by CPHoya
Pretty lol to say I haven't done anything or that I won't do anything, basically ******ed
Tell me this looks good for Larry. Please.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
The good news is that we have a lock wolf in fanmail

Somebody with more time than I should go read him for spew imo
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Supine
Everyone thinks you are wolfy in general. Its just common to let new people slide, per the maxim newbs = always wolfy.

I am the only one doing work on you atm because, well, you are my strongest lean and otherwise I am the lynch.
fair enough, nothing much else to say then. I'll probably have to end up voting you not b/c I think you're a lock wolf but b/c I know I'm not a wolf.

people that want to vote for me please read or reread my posts again before doing so. I don't have a lock clear type case by any means but I think the wolf case is very weak.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-15-2012 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Without having read anything, this actually sounds like he reacted to it very villagery and good.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

i dont necessarily like this.

but leaving the subject for now.

What has CPHoya done so far this game? How is his voting record?
Originally Posted by chim17
Really hate how Larry Legend came into the thread.

One thing if you aren't gonna read it -- whatever.

But now asking for peoples cliffs on what other people have done?

Just giving him an excuse to be wrong.
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
so im guessing chim is prolly a wolf?
forgot this part of it

first quote he interacts with his biggest wolf read like it's no big deal

and then starts probing re: Hoya
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
