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NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens

04-13-2012 , 08:26 AM

Maybe I´m not totally objective about reading you. I confess. Your problem is that you flipping wolf gives us a big reward and that is EOD1 w/v wagon analysis. EOD2 provided not much, besides believing or not believing chim´s claim.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 08:27 AM

early morning thoughts

doesn't anybody sleep around here? Sheesh like a jillion posts already.

gabe villagering up the place - angel him like every night from now on

thank goodness mcbeef was an se'er and not a pogger so we don't have to hear about it

hoya probably a wolf

tanner probably a villager

not much else yet
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 08:30 AM
I'm probably gonna appear not very biggerboatish today because I won't be around a lot. just sayin'

vix for now
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
sup br0s

checking in for this, my second game of wearwoalf. randed villa as usual br0s and looking forward to putting in some #work. fortunately we've got a post limit so I don't have to say loool this thread is so huge gotta catch up! already caught up br0s, like a good villa would, but havent had a chance to really digest anything so i dont wanna just sponge anybody or be total commentator mode about mechanics or w/e, that would be pretty howlin'

Preemptive shout-out and big ups to everybody involved with putting this together, it's gonan be real dope and I expect there to be some excellent flavour to this game

hoping this doesn't come across as TMI or SHROOPY, just trying to find a natural way to enter the thread. spewing myself wolfy early would be terrible but prolly even worse for the village because when EOD comes along and u guys deviate from the two big wagons and run a CFD on me all I can say is egg's gonan be on ur faces when I flip villa.

early leans:


legitimately need to leave the thread for ~1:30 but will be back asap, just wanted to get a post in and let y'all know i'm not trying to slink UTR lest I end up tunneled

sick xpost
I´m sorry to burst that bubble
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 08:35 AM
Seriously, unless there is some sort of claim that overrides this, angel gabe tonight.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Seriously, unless there is some sort of claim that overrides this, angel gabe tonight.
aha you are planning to poison me?

I don´t know if we have an angel left and I think it is better he does his job by himself and rands between whoever he thinks can be targeted for killing.

I think in my reads list I could move binkles up one spot, but I have seen him in HP4 being the most villagery neutral evar, so meh.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:08 AM
I'm fired up this morning

The wolves are absolutely ass raping us right now and I've been playing one of the worst village games here

That's all about to change
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:12 AM
I think I'm pretty much up to speed, what a bloodbath

Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Except for that entire episode where she is mean to her sister, or when she is controlled by discord, or when she and applejack are going at it at the sleepover, or when she's acting in hearths warming, etc.
this made my morning

Originally Posted by Nofear3838

All need to die.
from what I read this list looks good, but it is a straight sponge

and it looks like we have a consensus for my first vote

NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:12 AM
Hey guys Friday (as people in previous SE games know) are real bad for me.. I'm in class all day and pool league at night. Will be on briefly at like 5 est to vote or whatever.

I didn't see anyone get poisoned -- is that right? Need to submit my NA early if so.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
and reading McBeef's late spew post:

wouldn't be surprised if IRM is villa, and vyk is a wolf

wiper prob villa, vyk prob wolf.
Mcbeef must really be the most ABC level 1 wolf on the planet by giving villa leans to all his teammates and giving wolf leans to all the villagers

Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
Chill was villa and i know i'm villa, so a wolf in Gabe/vyk? the way he used vyk in the top part i'd say it's him, if he put a wolf as a villa lean.
I'm a villager

Gabe is probably a villager

you can't apply these basic reads to everyone like you cast a net

Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
vyk is pretty damn aggro atm. pretty standard for him as a villa, dunno if it's standard for him as a wolf. villa points for him unless past games exist where he's an aggro wolf
Originally Posted by vixticator
Agree, I just wolfed with him in a 13er turbo last night and he wasn't aggro at all and won in f3. It's a turbo, but still. Night and day in his tone.
Originally Posted by Krayz
vix clearing vyk
this is a fact

I wolfed with vix in a 13er turbo the day before and he made the obvious observation that my wolf game is very cold and calculating while my village game is a lot more abrasive and in your face

Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
if vyk is wolf then...Euro and prob at least one more with vix. maybe Noze (especially bc of yet another soul read) and someone else too? zdye or BJLTNYK maybe?
how much time did you just waste here...

do you realize how stupid you will sound in retrospect when you find out that I'm actually a villager

you might as well take 30 minutes to do a "vyk spew analysis", for the all good that will do you

Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Did Booker start dropping those peeks before vyk claimed?

If so, vyk looks even worse, in that case. Also the fact that he pretty much hardclaimed that Booker was the wolf RB, then "unclaimed" saying he was only speculating, yet he never changed off of booker.
you're lying through your teeth

Originally Posted by Krayz
vyk claimed seer with Booker wolf RB?

Lynch him now.
up your ass Jobu

there was no claim, just an attempt to beat wangz to his bargaining chip in order to deleverage the negotiations

go read the damn thread

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Mmhm but if the wolves thought Booker peeked Vix

and then wangz said that the wolf RBer was somebody on Nofear's wagon on day 1

and then Vyk said his soul read says it's Booker

That's a pretty interesting series of coincidences
read this krayz, nofear, and whoever else sucks at proofreading

Originally Posted by Krayz
Assume vyk is a wolf:

He either knows hw is lying or telling the truth

If lying: he can make that post because he thinks it's hilarious and he knows no threat of hw being right.
If truth: he probably says nothing because he knows that hw can counter his "read"

Do we know if hw was telling the truth and/or who hw claimed it was?
how much time do you want to waste assuming that I'm a wolf?

should you just proceed with that understanding for the entire day and just brush it off tomorrow after I flip villager?

you know, since you're so damn confidant, you should do an extensive "vyk spew analysis" right now. henrik will help

Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
vyk vyk vyk why vyk on your villa list?
yeah I'm on his f*cking villa list

guess what, I'm a f*cking villager

Originally Posted by wiper
and if vyk (who knows my WW game better than anyone else alive) continues to paint me red, he's ****ing with you. i'll flip villa eventually and then you'll know he lied.
I played like 10 turbos with you in like 3 days

I must be the soul reading master of you in long games seeing how you were drunk and transparent in the turbos several months ago

Since you're so f*cking insistant that I read you so well, you're basically implicating yourself b/c my read on you is genuine

Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
zomg vyk handing out game mechanics advice (and a good one too)
yeah, I probably don't want the f*cking wolves to angel our village vig target again, you know seeing as how I'm a villager and all

Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
this pretty much reinforces vyk as a wolf since he "soul read" euro as a villa based on very little
IRM, take a deep breath

#1 villagers are allowed to be wrong
#2 CDL wanted to lynch Eurotrash and gave him severe pressure for his entry post
#3 Eurotrash drew severe attention to himself on his entry into the thread, which I find to be a n00b village tell
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:33 AM
There should be no wolf day angel in this setup

I think the neutrals should 100% shoot vixticator today to balance the game

We need to use tonight's lynch for information, and poppin gin to wagon an outed wolf is going to severely deprive the village of info
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:35 AM

I can't play 1vs9 br0s

I need the cooperation of my villabr0s

I'm ready to feed you the rock and stop chucking up bad shots
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:41 AM
I've read

I'm too tired to draw conclucions

listen to gabe

NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:46 AM
sup br0s
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
well, apparently i quoted too many things. haha. there were a lot that i had to delete because i didn't remember the context they were in. such is life in the wiper household at almost 5am...


definitely didn't pass out, definitely not wolfin.

thing that still bothers me is that if i was good at WW, and i'm not but i feel like i'm pretty good at just plain tone reads, and i read back everything that i posted, i don't think i'd be able to say that i 'could be wolfin'. it's childish to say how much it sucks when you KNOW you're a villa and people don't believe you, so i won't say that.

since i'm responding to a bunch of things i multiquoted, i forget what i meant to say to you other than i reallyreally think you're a wolf.

yes, that loses it's appeal when i have nothing else to say than that, but i've been pretty GD accurate in this game with reads. see below.

why, only wolves stay away late?

sure: vix was obviously obvious, pretty sure i mentioned that earlier. a lot of you pog guys are hard to read. village is getting beat down right now unless i'm missing something. it's 455am and i'm still totally all about this game, woke up around 830 this morning to drive to cbus so i def like being alive and playing this game. krayz posted a lot of wolfy/fishy **** in the last 90 minutes or so. just tone reading the cat, he's thinking about everything he's posting right now and not just posting. gabe is legit, i again think i said that before but can't remember. he did huuuuge work early d2 and has continued, if he's a wolf then it's on some super meta 8th level **** that i can't comprehend he's killing the woooofs.

finally, and you can obviously see this, krayz is trying waaaay too hard this last page.

wild, nah. was a pretty normal after hours night for me. sorry if it seemed like i dipped off, but the sportsbetting forum **** was a little more intriguing to me. i know i said, 'omg i'm here!' or something, but then you know, if you're drinking and you start to look on tv, then type up a long pm to someone about something else, then have to grade 2 days' worth of bets in a thread you started, it's hard to stay focused or at least it is for me.

binkles, if my confusion hurts me, then i'll never clear myself. for real. i can't say i 'tried real hard' today, i can say 'i tried EXTREMELY hard to keep up today under the circumstances i was dealt' (road trip, only on phone, etc.) but i'm not at all in the position mechanically or mentally to be going deep on people much better than me at this game. hopefully. but i'm destined for a mislynch because i can't defend myself or prove my tone-reads better.


i disappeared for 2 hours when? today? when i was visiting fam 3 hours by car away? or tonight when i got home and got drunk with my wife and had sex? either way, i'm totally sorry. i'll try not to do myself any more favors.

oh yeah, funny that you're waiting to form a solid opinion on krayz. just saying, it's funny.

oh hey, you know an SE meme or two, awesome!

okay, well i'm glad you pointed that out.

i either may or may not be using correct WW terms then.

those were all what i considered tone reads. like, i was focused (tunneling?) how they were posting combined with who they were defending and why.

if that's 'hard reads', then yeah that's what they were. and that's what i was trying to do d1. i remember getting berated for posting 'fluff' and not reads the first SE game i played so i tried on d1 this game to give my reads as i got them...then i got yelled at for posting reads as i was catching up (when i saw the thread was live i was 500 posts behind, i just posted as i read, then went back to where i left off and continued) though i guess now that i'm thinking about it, it'd probably be a good idea to look back at who was trying to throw me off since i was pretty GD accurate with that original reads.

i don't remember who told me that they thought i would be good at this when SE started, it's findable. whoever said that i said 'yeah well i don't have a good memory, etc.' which is 100% true. i also said i like turbos because memory doesn't matter as much and i feel like my original reads, whether based on intros or tone or whatever, are pretty ****ing good.


thing is, as the game goes on, the game becomes more 'who can use the search function best'. i'm curious if and how well i can do that. never really been past a day or two (think i got modkilled for some noob reason the first game).

again i'll say hmmmmm. there very well may be 3 woofs on your list there. 1's basically outed and a 2nd is lightweight outed (euro right?) and the 3rd besides me i've been on since i originally gave reads (vyk).

so like, i can't really disagree with you, 3/4 sounds great. even if i have to die so the other 3 flip wooof i'm good. just point me to dead villa chat.

this took a while to type, so i'm probably behind now, but ask for stream of consciousness and get it. if there was a way to prove i just answered every question w/o thinking at all, i'd be clear.
this whole thing seems super duper duper villagery, especially the part (it may not be in this post) about you not being coached.

Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
If someone put me at gunpoint and have me chose a player to be on the neutral team, I would choose Richard Tanner AINEC.
Disagree, Hotwings spewed RT non-neutral pretty hardcore yesterday. You even quoted the post, hangon.

Originally Posted by bowens
Ok. We'll see if I ever get fully caught up, but the NK's made me think of something.

Why would the wolves kill booker? Booker was a leading wagon til near eod. Why would they kill Aksdal? The wolves can't have had many peeks, as there were no n0 actions. Did they just get lucky with our seer's?

I think there is someone on the wolf team that is very familiar with Aksdal and his posting style. That person thought that Aksdal was a seer. That's why they went after him. That person is likely a POG reg. That may be ldo to most of you, but it's what jumped out at me.

/captain obvious
I disagree strongly with this post bowens.

Basically, Booker made his peeks super duper obvious on day 2 upon re-read, and especially given it was a wolf peek, he was being snap killed last night almost always I think. Like, I quoted some of the posts he made, Vix would have likely told wolfchat "oh ****, I'm peeked, we need to kill him tonight and preferably get him lynched today" or something.

I don't think Aksdal was a seer hunt all that often. Like, any 'peek' he may have had may have been correct, but he's far far far more likely to just be a strong player kill. He's one of the best villagers around right now imo.

Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
aha you are planning to poison me?

I don´t know if we have an angel left and I think it is better he does his job by himself and rands between whoever he thinks can be targeted for killing.

I think in my reads list I could move binkles up one spot, but I have seen him in HP4 being the most villagery neutral evar, so meh.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:55 AM
Gabe, I think that the following exchange would be super super super between Hotwings/RT if they're n/n

so I think it clears him

Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
The good news is that we don't have to do anything here.

-WANGZ death is good for us. He's not the neutral vig (which, with a neutral team, there shouldn't be anyway; should be a team kill) and he's a neutral, they're our enemies
-He's already given us a list of suspects for wolf RB
-If the wolves have a good night tonight, and the neutrals are LMS, they'll have to kill the RB anyway
-What he flips will tell us how to proceed 100% of the time

Sit back and watch WANGZ wither imo
Originally Posted by hotwings18

I never said what role I was... TMI much? hahaha wolf RichardTanner
Originally Posted by hotwings18
your welcome village
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Good call on this (except the wolf part obv). I read your post as "I'm the neutral RB" because you wrote RB right under your claim.

Originally Posted by hotwings18

RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann er
RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann erRichardTanner
RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann er
RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann er
RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann erRichardTanner
RichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTannerRichardTann er
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Try harder WANGZ, I'm still going to hang your beige hide on my wall.

What fills a man's heart with neutrality??

Originally Posted by captain binkles
How do you think Tanner actually had this 'TMI' if he were a wolf?

Originally Posted by hotwings18
could be for a few reasons.

but you dont just type that for no reason...
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
He doesn't think, he just shoots from the hip.

WANGZ is the Favre of WW, except with a more normal set of outcomes instead of Favre's early-career run good.
Originally Posted by hotwings18
haha well get the wolf team to RB you over and over because your gonna die clown
Originally Posted by hotwings18
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 09:57 AM
And a random post I found while going back through that interaction

Originally Posted by biggerboat
On a scale of 1 to 10, how wolfy would it look for me to vote booker right now?
I think that this post is pretty villagery given what Booker flipped.

Like Bigger sorta draws unnecessary attention to himself here I think given the wolves would be fairly sure at this point imo that booker was the seer.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:02 AM
Votes as of post 2967
Night in 10:59

10 vixticator biggerboat (3), BJLTNYK (3), fanmail (3), Gabethebabe (40), NameOnTheCake (1), nofear3838 (29), Richard Tanner (59), Supine (1), Vagos (12), wiper (13)
1 chim17 Dyenimator (21)
1 vyk07 ItsRainingMen (23)
1 wiper Krayz (73)
17 not voting bowens (1), captain binkles (53), chim17 (1), tarheeljks (4), teddyyyr1974 (0), tweedybirdd (0), vixticator (25), vyk07 (4), zdye724 (0), CPHoya (0), Dar0 (1), Eurotrash (1), Henrik Sedin (18), Larry Legend (4), NozeCandy (0), Steroid Boy (0), Steve Yzerman fan (10)
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:04 AM

Quick reads feel Vyk and Euro are wolves too.

No poisons today, right? Means they don't need to RB or kill me tonight. So assuming I'm alive will put in serious work Sunday.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I´m not sold on this. Euro wanted to vote chim and was not sold on booker, but had to choose between booker and insanity at EOD. I don´t think it is very incriminating here to vote booker.
makes sense, but it looks alot less incriminating if he votes wiper or insanity. for a guy who had no reads or opinions on others though, any vote was going to be a little weird to me

i think his actions are pretty wolfy and would be a good lynch

THAT BEING SAID, a few people last night had him as a lock-wolf after i noted that, like on vixt level, odd because that sequence isnt as objectively obvious
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:06 AM
henrik sedin

NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:06 AM
henrik sedin

NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:06 AM
n1 poisons
n2 let heelers heel
n3 poisons

and so on is how it likely works, at least it did in the the broken ass NHL game
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
n1 poisons
n2 let heelers heel
n3 poisons

and so on is how it likely works, at least it did in the the broken ass NHL game
I hate this dynamic because it means I can be roleblocked forever and never do anything. Alternating night powers suck a dick.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by captain binkles

I disagree strongly with this post bowens.

Basically, Booker made his peeks super duper obvious on day 2 upon re-read, and especially given it was a wolf peek, he was being snap killed last night almost always I think. Like, I quoted some of the posts he made, Vix would have likely told wolfchat "oh ****, I'm peeked, we need to kill him tonight and preferably get him lynched today" or something.

I don't think Aksdal was a seer hunt all that often. Like, any 'peek' he may have had may have been correct, but he's far far far more likely to just be a strong player kill. He's one of the best villagers around right now imo.
This may be true. But I still think it takes a person who is very familiar with Aksdal's game to suggest making that kill. He just subbed in, he flipped on a few reads. Most SE'ers wouldn't think of him as a POGstar, imo.
NBA Werewolf 6.0: Where Amazing Happens Quote
