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NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 NBA Season Thread 2020-2021
View Poll Results: who rang?
Los Angeles Lakers
17 35.42%
Brooklyn Nets
6 12.50%
Milwaukee Bucks
3 6.25%
Los Angeles Clippers
4 8.33%
Boston Celtics
2 4.17%
Philadelphia 76ers
0 0%
Miami Heat
0 0%
Denver Nuggets
4 8.33%
Dallas Mavericks
6 12.50%
other (shoot your shot)
6 12.50%

06-19-2021 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
Any Ben Simmons fans still willing to show their faces around here?

I wonder if they could still put together a trade package to get Lillard.
If Dame goes to 76ers Title favourites
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 12:00 PM
Simmons isnt a bad player just bad fit for 76ers can’t blame him 100%
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 12:10 PM
Blazers hang up the phone while laughing uncontrollably.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 12:22 PM
to get lillard i would be willing to trade embiied
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 12:45 PM
Legs goat

NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:41 PM
The simmons hate is out of control

The dude is one of the best defensive players in the entire NBA. Defense is half the game! And he's a great rebounder, passer and ball handler. Put him on any team and that team instantly gets better, there are lots of guys in the NBA who score well, and very few if any who can help a team as much as Simmons can without taking shots away from everybody else.

Everybody is acting like he's some kind of superstar that is supposed to carry the team on his back scoring every possession in the post season with the game on the line. That's just not who he is and that's not who he has ever claimed to be. Like everybody anointed him as that kind of player then eviscerated him when he wasn't. He's not going around holding press conferences calling himself the next MJ and bragging about how he's gonna drop 40 then refusing to shoot, he's just doing the exact same thing that he has always done, and doing it better every year.

There are probably 100 guys in the NBA better than Simmons at being the #1 guy on a team, but Simmons is one the best complimentary style #2 or #3 type guys in history. He's an amplifier - whatever you got, he's going to make it better, but if you've got crap, he's not going to be able to take over games like Dame or Luka or Jordan or Steph or any of those other guys that people lionize.

On top of that, the Sixers are probably one of the worst possible fits for him. Like if you switched him or Bam Adebayo, do you think the Heat are worse? If you switch him for Gobert, do you think the Jazz are worse? If you switched him for Kyrie, do you think the Nets would be worse? If you switched him for Giannis, a recent MVP of the entire league, the Bucks would be worse, but like not THAT much worse.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:44 PM
How many teams in the NBA do you think would be better off if they traded their second best player for Simmons?

People keep expecting him to be Lebron, when he's more like the best possible version of Draymond Green
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:46 PM
Agreed with bear
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:56 PM
You say this but the team with Danny green in the starting 5 was incredibly successful on both sides of the floor. They have 3 other guys who can put up 20 plus on a lot of nights, most teams can’t sustain a 4th. He’s flawed, sure, but it’s hard to be an elite scorer when you have Joel who has insanely high usage scoring almost 30 a game. Ben fills voids elsewhere, and while I’d be wonderful if he could shoot or score a little more, and that would clearly take the sixers to an even higher level, they’re very good on both sides of the ball when he’s on the floor. If he wasn’t the number one pick and max guy he’d get less hate but he obviously does what he wants, and has shown not to care what others think. This hurts him a lot in many areas like shooting and scoring but he’s great in other facets.

Biggest issue is his game isn’t that conducive to the half court game which dominates playoff basketball but clearly helped the sixers get the one seed in the regular season.

Danny being hurt and Embiid being hobbled aren’t helping the sixers, but a ton of other teams left or that got eliminated are dealing with similar or worse crap right now. Hawks have won 3 games by 10 points and lost the other 3 by 37 combined. Their running hot in close games but this series could easily been over in 5 games and we wouldn’t be talking about Ben.

Ben does need to at a minimum work his shot from the line, I’ve never seen a guy shoot them worse especially at the volume he’s getting.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
You say this but the team with Danny green in the starting 5 was incredibly successful on both sides of the floor. They have 3 other guys who can put up 20 plus on a lot of nights, most teams can’t sustain a 4th. He’s flawed, sure, but it’s hard to be an elite scorer when you have Joel who has insanely high usage scoring almost 30 a game. Ben fills voids elsewhere, and while I’d be wonderful if he could shoot or score a little more, and that would clearly take the sixers to an even higher level, they’re very good on both sides of the ball when he’s on the floor. If he wasn’t the number one pick and max guy he’d get less hate but he obviously does what he wants, and has shown not to care what others think. This hurts him a lot in many areas like shooting and scoring but he’s great in other facets.

Biggest issue is his game isn’t that conducive to the half court game which dominates playoff basketball but clearly helped the sixers get the one seed in the regular season.

Danny being hurt and Embiid being hobbled aren’t helping the sixers, but a ton of other teams left or that got eliminated are dealing with similar or worse crap right now. Hawks have won 3 games by 10 points and lost the other 3 by 37 combined. Their running hot in close games but this series could easily been over in 5 games and we wouldn’t be talking about Ben.

Ben does need to at a minimum work his shot from the line, I’ve never seen a guy shoot them worse especially at the volume he’s getting.
how is it his fault he is #1 and max. blame the execulative then don't blame him
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 01:58 PM
Draymond for his career is 8.8ppg on 49.6% EFG, Simmons is 15.9ppg on 56% EG and scoring is the literal worst part of his game.

Draymond shooting 2.8 threes per game at 31% does not anchor the Warriors offense, and they don't "sink like a stone" without that lol. Half the time teams don't even guard Draymond at the three point line. He's integral to their offense because he is a great screener and he moves the ball around extremely well and he can grab rebounds and lead the break, all things Simmons does even better than he does

Simmons is also 10x the finisher that Draymond is, which would be really additive as well.

Draymond's career OBPM is -0.2, Simmons' is 1.7 and his worst season ever is 0.8. Offensively, Simmons four year career is roughly on par with Draymond's 3-year peak, which he didn't even _begin_ until he was 25 years old. Simmons is still 24.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by jfound
how is it his fault he is #1 and max. blame the execulative then don't blame him
It’s not his fault, I’m saying it leads to more criticism.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:08 PM
Dray averages 1.4 fta per game the last season, Ben averages almost 5. He was at 60% for the regular season. Something has been ****ed up in the playoffs—in his head.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by MIKE MALONE
You’re missing the point. It’s not about individual volume or efficiency. It’s about space and the fact that one guy puts up 1.4ppp when he gets fouled and the other guy puts up .8ppp.

Scoring is not the worst part of Simmons’ game. It is, obviously, his inability to space the floor and make a free throw. He is a decent scorer.
Simmons has shot 1,523 freethrows in his career and made 59% of them. You rebound 14% of FT misses, and score 1.19 ppp per offensive rebound.

So, that's 1.24 points per possession when you hack Simmons, which is higher than the NBA average of 1.1.

Even if you wanted to somehow think his small 169 sample of FTs in the playoffs is somehow more representative of his actual expectation, that's 52%, which is still 1.12 ppp.

Now, of course you're going to make the argument that what we should ACTUALLY do is throw out 95% of our data and go with a random 5% subset of the data because it happens to support the arbitrary conclusion that you already started with, because historically that is clearly the correct analytical way to think about the world
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:14 PM
If you actually think the expected value of a possession where Simmons gets hacked is 0.8ppp, I will take the over on 0.85 for the next year for up to $250k if you would like.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:19 PM
He shot 70% his first season in the playoffs, in the 50% range his second and this year he’s cratered. Not sure what’s going on but it’s not like he hasn’t done it before, this playoffs is an aberration compared to his career or even previous playoffs.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by MIKE MALONE
Making a regular season PPP bet is a good angle for a guy that is clearly turtling under pressure.
Sure, post season only, this season and next. 0.85ppp.

How much would you like to bet?
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:29 PM
I’ll take Simmons over 50% for up to $25.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
It’s not his fault, I’m saying it leads to more criticism.
criticize the gm too then not just simmons
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by MIKE MALONE
The only question all this sample size talk is meant to answer is “what happens next”?

Anyone think Simmons makes >50% of his free throws the rest of the playoffs?
lol so first it's sixers score 0.8ppp when simmons gets hacked, then it's well only in the playoffs, then it's well actually more like 1.1ppp.

Can you just admit that 0.8 is an idiotic number or are you going to keep waffling around?
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:45 PM
You made a bunch of arguments that are dumb, I pointed out how dumb they were, and then you doubled down and tripled down. I thought "wow maybe there is actually a chance this guy believes this dumb **** he's saying, maybe i can get goad him into giving me some free money by seeing if he will place bets in line with his arguments" but sadly that does not seem to be the case
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by GTO2.0
I’ll take Simmons over 50% for up to $25.
How about under 67%, I’ll do 100$ but 50% I believe he will get it give u 2:1

Edit 4:1 up my offer

Last edited by jfound; 06-19-2021 at 03:02 PM.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 03:04 PM
I don't understand your criticism of Ben Simmons. He is literally the best three point shooter in the NBA based on a game on Feb 27th where he shot 100% from three.

Allow me to now base a bunch of arguments about Ben Simmons value based on the fact that I am assuming he is a 100% three point shooter because he did that in a game one time.

Oh no, I don't actually think he is a 100% three point shooter, no I won't bet on that. Oh no, the fact that all of the arguments that I made that I think are really smart are predicated on the bad assumption that he can shoot 100% from three doesn't matter. I am just describing what happened one time.

lol I don't even know why I am wasting my time. gl, looking forward to simmons going 0/10 from the line again and you wallowing in the regret of not taking all my $$$
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 03:14 PM
Do you think he is gonna shoot better or worse than, say, 47% going forward?
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
06-19-2021 , 03:18 PM
Also lol that we're now at TWO playoffs instead of one. But like not three, b/c he shot 71% in the other one, so logically we don't include that one

you realize that making an argument that is not supported by the majority of the data, then contorting yourself to try and cherry pick whatever slice of the data supports the position you initially staked out is dumb, right? That's what dumb people do.
NBA Season Thread 2020-2021 Quote
