All the studies I have seen shows increased police presence has a diminishing marginal utility. I don't think you actually believe what you said.
His point of view may have merit but certainly not in an absolute sense. Only insane and/or ridiculously dumb people ignore the risk of police presence when potentially committing a crime.
Everybody is having a blast right now pooping in cops and as somebody who grew up on the streets, I get it.
But when the **** really hits the fan and ‘police presence’ is a joke the cities in the country are going to be a living hell.
It won’t be the keyboard cornbread do gooders who suffer—-most of the white knight saviors live in safe neighborhoods——but the poor law abiding black citizens that the ‘woke youth' will prey on.
I missed the crime wave of the 70’s but I’ll have front row seats this time around unfortunately.
Country is ****ed right now, but good people (black white and brown) will pull us through.
I hope.