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NBA Season Thread 2010-2011 NBA Season Thread 2010-2011

02-09-2011 , 12:52 AM
Jeez Iggy just destroyed Joe Johnson. 6 points and 5 turnovers. Such a joke that he's never made an all defensive team.
02-09-2011 , 12:53 AM
Mike Conley pisses me off and I doubt my team (Grizz) will ever do anything but isn't Zbo a max player? I mean this guy produces day in and day out. I used to hate him because he wouldn't ever shut up but he's really matured. Unless the Grizz sign him to a max contract I can't see him staying.
02-09-2011 , 01:06 AM
On the offensive end..maybe a max player. On the defensive end, certainly not. I could see him getting in the 15mil/year range from a bad team.
02-09-2011 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
I think the defensive gap is reasonably large, coupled with the fact that Melo's offense is less additive than one may think imo.

I'm talking strictly about a straight-up Deng/Melo swap.
Defensive gap seems to be less against Miami/Boston than the rest of the league in general. Not sure if the stats back this up bur iirc labron stated a couple years back that Carmelo was the toughest guy for him to go against because of melo's lower body strength. And without remembering any specific h2h matchups i would think melo's defensive style would match up well v pierces offensive game. Their drtg might go down markedly over the course of the season but the dropoff is minimal against the only two matchups where it matters.

Originally Posted by Seadood228
This pretty much sums up how I felt then, and feel now.

Orignially quoted by Bobbofitos in September
put me in the camp that really likes this team, at least for 2 more years.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
My roommate and I were debating which team has ****ed up their lotto picks the most in the past decade or so. I argued Minny. Even aside from the Rubio thing, which is big, you also have the fact that flynn isn't very good, brewer sucks, foye was meh, etc. Love is a prize though.

Roommate said Charlotte. I guess that's a better answer.
this got me checking some of teams that have had a bad decade and lol bucks:

1rd picks from '98 to '07

'98 Robert Tractor Trailer (dirk trade)
'99 Galen Young
'00 Jason Collier
'02 Marcus Haislip
'03 T.J. Ford
'05 Andy Bogut (luckbox consensus #1)
'07 Yi
'08 Joe Alexander

to their credit they managed to mine luc Richard, sessions, ersan, keith bogans, dan gadzuric, flip murray, michael redd, and rafer alston all in the 2rd during that time span
02-09-2011 , 01:26 AM
that is a really good point about melos offense helping to neutralize his opponent, at least in the case of pierce, who did absolutely nothing in the recent cavs series bc he was gassed from checking labron.
02-09-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
Bah, they fixed it.

Having the ambient sounds without announcers is a lot more like being there.
ive watched games like this before. i know others like it, but to me it feels so foreign. ive watched hundreds of games w/ announcers, it's like breaking tradition to just not have them there.
02-09-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
I think Love is obviously better on a bad team. Do you think the Spurs get appreciably better with replacing Blair with Love?
As much as I love Blair, the Spurs would curbstomp the Celtics (or Heat) if they had KLove, he'd be a combination of Blair and Red Rocket.

Originally Posted by BobboFitos
ive watched games like this before. i know others like it, but to me it feels so foreign. ive watched hundreds of games w/ announcers, it's like breaking tradition to just not have them there.
best of both worlds: watch the games on chinese streams, next to those guys Gus Johnson sounds like Joe Buck.
02-09-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
Going to my first league game today. This should be hilarious.

I absolutely suck at offense but my defense/rebounding is apparently elite on the playground, which I guess was enough to warrant an invite. I have not touched a basketball in over a year, and couldn't sink a shot to save my life.

ok well I have not "shot" a basketball in a year. except for maybe a few layups. that's how bad my offense is.
i remember GKA 3 years ago said "every random baller always thinks they're ben wallace".

more specifically, white guys who actually suck always think they're ben wallace. (altho i do think seadood is asian)

anyway, hope it went well, seadood. my rec game was bad tonight.
02-09-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
As much as I love Blair, the Spurs would curbstomp the Celtics (or Heat) if they had KLove
Really? They're pretty much even wrt rebounding. Love is obviously better offensively, but does he make the Spurs offense that much better? He's not going to be getting the ball nearly as much and their offense is already 3rd in the league. I think there's a decent chance Blair is a better defender too. It might make them better, but I don't think it's significant.
02-09-2011 , 02:24 AM
We'd all be talking about how Duncan is washed up cuz he only gets 4 rebs a game thanks to K-Love thievin'.
02-09-2011 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
Really? They're pretty much even wrt rebounding.
I know you're not the leveling type so I have to ask - what logic can you possibly use to say Blair is equal to Love when is comes to rebounding? Love is a much better rebounder all across the board from all the information we have.
02-09-2011 , 02:30 AM
Spurs + KLove = possible best team of all time
02-09-2011 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
I think Love is obviously better on a bad team. Do you think the Spurs get appreciably better with replacing Blair with Love?
Yes. It would be gg NBA.

Love does everything better than Blair, including, but not at all limited to, the things that Blair does extraordinarily well.
02-09-2011 , 02:50 AM
it would def mean a UCLA cheerleader notch on TP's belt.
02-09-2011 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
We'd all be talking about how Duncan is washed up cuz he only gets 4 rebs a game thanks to K-Love thievin'.
02-09-2011 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Josh Freeman
but he's not significantly better at anything but shooting i.e. things that make a power forward useful
He's significantly better at carrying usage, shooting 3s, scoring in the post, passing, offensive-rebounding and defensive-rebounding. Pretty useful.
02-09-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
I know you're not the leveling type so I have to ask - what logic can you possibly use to say Blair is equal to Love when is comes to rebounding? Love is a much better rebounder all across the board from all the information we have.
We've talked about how offensive rebounding is a better indication of true rebounding ability, right?

Love's per 36 oreb numbers: 3.4, 3.8, 4.8
Blair's per 36 oreb numbers: 4.8, 4.5

Love also gets more opportunities... the Spurs make 47.1% of their shots while the TWolves make 44.2% of their shots.

If you want to look at their oreb%, Blair's career number is 15.3 to Love's 14.6.

Also, just from watching, I think Blair's positioning/instincts wrt offensive rebounding are better. I'm not going to try to argue he's a better rebounder, but I don't think there's a whole lot of difference.
02-09-2011 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
We've talked about how offensive rebounding is a better indication of true rebounding ability, right?

Love's per 36 oreb numbers: 3.4, 3.8, 4.8
Blair's per 36 oreb numbers: 4.8, 4.5

Love also gets more opportunities... the Spurs make 47.1% of their shots while the TWolves make 44.2% of their shots.

If you want to look at their oreb%, Blair's career number is 15.3 to Love's 14.6.

Also, just from watching, I think Blair's positioning/instincts wrt offensive rebounding are better. I'm not going to try to argue he's a better rebounder, but I don't think there's a whole lot of difference.
You've mistaken Love's per-game numbers with his per-36.

Of all the things they do, I will agree that they are closest at offensive-rebounding, which is pretty much the only thing Blair is out there to do. Love doing it for 16 extra minutes per game, though, clearly separates them.
02-09-2011 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by kbfc
You've mistaken Love's per-game numbers with his per-36.
My bad, you're right: 4.8, 4.8, 4.7 for his per 36 numbers

Still, with getting a lot more opportunities, I think Blair's numbers are arguably better.

Love doing it for 16 extra minutes per game, though, clearly separates them.
If we're talking about value in a vacuum, sure. That's not what I am saying though. Do you not think Blair's rebounding is sustainable over an extra 16 minutes per game?

I don't think their defensive rebounding numbers are all that important, as I don't think the Spurs defensive rebounding would be all that affected by a swap.
02-09-2011 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by kbfc
Yes. It would be gg NBA.

Love does everything better than Blair, including, but not at all limited to, the things that Blair does extraordinarily well.
Originally Posted by kbfc
He's significantly better at carrying usage, shooting 3s, scoring in the post, passing, offensive-rebounding and defensive-rebounding. Pretty useful.
Originally Posted by kbfc
You've mistaken Love's per-game numbers with his per-36.

Of all the things they do, I will agree that they are closest at offensive-rebounding, which is pretty much the only thing Blair is out there to do. Love doing it for 16 extra minutes per game, though, clearly separates them.
kbfc speaking the truth itt (as usual).
02-09-2011 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
My bad, you're right: 4.8, 4.8, 4.7 for his per 36 numbers

Still, with getting a lot more opportunities, I think Blair's numbers are arguably better.
Just go by OR%. It's a 0.4% difference. Negligible, and that's despite Blair having no other responsibility in the offense.

If we're talking about value in a vacuum, sure. That's not what I am saying though. Do you not think Blair's rebounding is sustainable over an extra 16 minutes per game?
Bulk matters, period. Whether Blair could sustain those #s for the extra 16 minutes is almost a philosophical question, as he's unlikely to ever see those 16 minutes, at least in part because of reasons why he wouldn't be able to sustain them. So no, I don't think Blair can or will sustain those numbers for an extra 16 minutes per game.

I don't think their defensive rebounding numbers are all that important, as I don't think the Spurs defensive rebounding would be all that affected by a swap.
Blair isn't even a particularly good DRebber. KLove is elite, despite the 0.5 marginal DRs/G he steals from teammates, or whatever the actual number is (likely an order of magnitude smaller than whatever bloggers think). So yes, there are definitely diminishing returns in DRs, but this one still isn't close.

Originally Posted by Josh Freeman
I thought it was carrying usage, shooting 3s, scoring in the post, passing, offensive-rebounding and defensive-rebounding that clearly seprates them?
Overall yes. In that quote, I was speaking only to ORebs.

Originally Posted by Josh Freeman
that dude that supposidely knows a lot about basketball said this:
02-09-2011 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Josh Freeman
Haralabos Voulgaris said that D Blair ~ K love on the spurs if I understood right
Someone else is gonna have to handle this one. I've got a Labron movie to viddy.
02-09-2011 , 03:47 AM
not more guys more important to their team than horford is to the hawks

said it in TZ two years ago, i think it's pretty apparent now

he's the hawks best defender and best player by a decent margin
02-09-2011 , 03:51 AM
02-09-2011 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
i remember GKA 3 years ago said "every random baller always thinks they're ben wallace".

more specifically, white guys who actually suck always think they're ben wallace. (altho i do think seadood is asian)

anyway, hope it went well, seadood. my rec game was bad tonight.
1/2 Asian, and tonight I probably played like said white guy....

Obligatory rec-league talk

3 points on one shat, 150% TS! 7 boards, 1 steal, 0 turnover, 2 dribbles total, 1 lost point for crashing into the lane on a FT before the ball hit the rim... I'm a newb, how was I supposed to know you can't cross the line until the ball hits rim? We lost 66-48 after being tied around 20/20. We got KILLED on the offensive glass. To our credit though, I'm the 2nd tallest player on our team at 5'10", with the other guy being a 6'3" 150lb high schooler who wasn't playing hard because he's got a playoff game this week. The other team had about 4 ~6'2" guys who were quite large.. My defense was really good 1v1, but I have a lot to learn about playing zone... a lot. I hate being the tall one because I've always been better as a perimeter guy who crashes the defensive/offensive glass. We should be getting some size though with two 6'3 big young bucks joining us next game. We were also very out of shape and only playing six, which didn't help.
