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NBA Season Thread 2010-2011 NBA Season Thread 2010-2011

02-04-2011 , 08:36 PM
Mostly applause for Gilbert.
02-04-2011 , 08:40 PM
when hes not cleaning the glass hes making all star teams:

Tip my hat to you Mr. Stern for finally getting it right.
02-04-2011 , 09:04 PM
He got selected by the Commish? Such an excellent decision.
02-04-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
PM me your number, Tuqster.

Also: Dan Majerle showed up, randomly, alone. He said "I got next". Took pictures with us, seemed like a very nice guy.
Just force him to his left/don't let him spot up and it's gg.

Noze, next time you post pics, I'd rather see your girl than Josh Howards arm.
02-04-2011 , 10:04 PM
02-04-2011 , 10:10 PM
the Cavs & Raps have lost a combined 35 games in a row now. so i'm guessing people aren't gonna be following their model of S&T'ing stars for trade exceptions? but what else could they do, right? well it sounded like the Raps probably could have taken Beasley in return, but chose not to. or they could hold their ground, call their bluff, and force these guys to really take less money to leave. i wonder how many really would, more of a shot to their massive egos more than anything, the money is sort of irrelevant, or just of little consequence. they can make it up in so many other ways that it probably doesn't really matter too much.

i guess at least that exception helped Toronto to get out from under that awful Hedo contract (i think), did the Cavs do anything with theirs yet? anyone think what has happened to these two teams will scare others in similar situations, like say Denver with Melo? losing one of these guys for nothing is even worse than i would have thought (but in fairness i didn't give it much thought), as you can't really even replace them in free agency. the best rebuild might just be to bottom out totally, and luck out with the draft.

in any case, Colangelo probably shouldn't have a job much longer. pretty much a continuing cycle of making bad moves, then making other moves to undo the damage, with nothing ever getting better. they have a lot of young guys now, but probably not enough good ones.

anyway, the Raps up 2 points with 6 minutes to go, at home vs Minnesota. maybe they can break their streak? but then again the lead was at like 8 a couple minutes ago, so maybe not.
02-04-2011 , 10:37 PM
Greg Monroe >> Derrick Favors ainec.

02-04-2011 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by McBeef

02-04-2011 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
the Cavs & Raps have lost a combined 35 games in a row now. so i'm guessing people aren't gonna be following their model of S&T'ing stars for trade exceptions? but what else could they do, right? well it sounded like the Raps probably could have taken Beasley in return, but chose not to. or they could hold their ground, call their bluff, and force these guys to really take less money to leave. i wonder how many really would, more of a shot to their massive egos more than anything, the money is sort of irrelevant, or just of little consequence. they can make it up in so many other ways that it probably doesn't really matter too much.

i guess at least that exception helped Toronto to get out from under that awful Hedo contract (i think), did the Cavs do anything with theirs yet? anyone think what has happened to these two teams will scare others in similar situations, like say Denver with Melo? losing one of these guys for nothing is even worse than i would have thought (but in fairness i didn't give it much thought), as you can't really even replace them in free agency. the best rebuild might just be to bottom out totally, and luck out with the draft.

in any case, Colangelo probably shouldn't have a job much longer. pretty much a continuing cycle of making bad moves, then making other moves to undo the damage, with nothing ever getting better. they have a lot of young guys now, but probably not enough good ones.

anyway, the Raps up 2 points with 6 minutes to go, at home vs Minnesota. maybe they can break their streak? but then again the lead was at like 8 a couple minutes ago, so maybe not.
bolded is a complete abortion of what actually happened.
02-04-2011 , 11:00 PM
Man that Griffin/Horford collision was nasty.
02-04-2011 , 11:06 PM
Griffin is insanely good but there's just noway his body is gonna hold up for more than 5 or 6 years. Very slim window for the Clippers to get something done with him being the centerpiece.
02-04-2011 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Victor

Just no, i respectfully disagree.

So would you leave moses malone off of the all star team in his prime? because kevin loves stats this year are very comparable to the prime of moses malones career. Moses has slightly more blocks and fg percentage btu i imagine this is because kevin love has three point range, hence its understandable that he has a lower fg%. Also isnt K love leading the league in PER?

Numb#r$ and $tat$ dont lie.
02-04-2011 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Griffin is insanely good but there's just noway his body is gonna hold up for more than 5 or 6 years. Very slim window for the Clippers to get something done with him being the centerpiece.
he is just a wee redhead lad, he'll be 26 in 5 years
02-04-2011 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
Just no, i respectfully disagree.

So would you leave moses malone off of the all star team in his prime? because kevin loves stats this year are very comparable to the prime of moses malones career. Moses has slightly more blocks and fg percentage btu i imagine this is because kevin love has three point range, hence its understandable that he has a lower fg%. Also isnt K love leading the league in PER?

Numb#r$ and $tat$ dont lie.
nashs $tat$ are better. and so is his team, bc nash makes it better. being the goat pg makes your mates better while stealing rbs and statpadding doesnt, whod a thunk it...
02-04-2011 , 11:26 PM
Marion > stevenson. even in the half court.

AINEC. stevenson is a terrible 3 pt shooter who doesnt have the form and honestly neither can space the floor out.

marion at the 3 instead of stevenson. put terry on allen. its doable and have marion check pierce
02-04-2011 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
Just no, i respectfully disagree.

So would you leave moses malone off of the all star team in his prime? because kevin loves stats this year are very comparable to the prime of moses malones career. Moses has slightly more blocks and fg percentage btu i imagine this is because kevin love has three point range, hence its understandable that he has a lower fg%. Also isnt K love leading the league in PER?

Numb#r$ and $tat$ dont lie.
No, no he is not.
02-04-2011 , 11:42 PM
All these gigantic boring big men is going to make the All Star game turrble.

Why can't we just name all stars then have a separate game filled with all the high flyers and ballers? No one is going to play defense anyway, so I'd rather watch JR skywalking than Duncan's 8ft elbow bank shots or Dirks fade away 15 footers.

Agree with Vic, All Star game with Nash>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w/o it
02-04-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
nashs $tat$ are better. and so is his team, bc nash makes it better. being the goat pg makes your mates better while stealing rbs and statpadding doesnt, whod a thunk it...
02-04-2011 , 11:53 PM
72off, Bosh/James made that money up by signing for a team placed in Florida. No state taxes for the winnnnnnnn
02-04-2011 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
bolded is a complete abortion of what actually happened.
so they didn't both get S&T'd for the full Bird max, essentially for big trade exceptions?

Originally Posted by SchererBoy
Bosh/James made that money up by signing for a team placed in Florida. No state taxes for the winnnnnnnn
yeah i was gonna mention that, but the post was getting long enough already.
02-05-2011 , 12:05 AM
no they didnt get the full bird max. and your post intimates that the original teams were somehow open to a s&t and complicit in it during the decision process when, in fact, the teams actually had a hard line, absolutely no s&t front. a few days after labron (and bosh) had agreed to join the heat, the teams scrambled to salvage what little they could.
02-05-2011 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
...a few days after labron (and bosh) had agreed to join the heat, the teams scrambled to salvage what little they could.
so when all was said and done, they got the full Bird max, right? and that can only happen when the 1st team agrees to S&T the player to another team, right? (or re-sign the guy and keep him, ldo)

i don't think my original post suggests that they were complicit the whole time, just stating what happened in the end. if you wanna call their bluff, you gotta call their bluff.

edit: unless they never did get full Bird. if that's the case then say so, that's just what i remember reading at the time. plus who cares? these points totally don't matter.
02-05-2011 , 12:09 AM
they did not get the full bird max. no. i mean, labron has the same salary as bosh, so you already know thats not his full bird max.

if you wanna call their bluff, you gotta call their bluff.
why? it was over. they called the bluff, labron flipped the nuts and said "you want .0000001bb back?" i mean, may as well take it.
02-05-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Griffin is insanely good but there's just noway his body is gonna hold up for more than 5 or 6 years. Very slim window for the Clippers to get something done with him being the centerpiece.
Agreed. It's really a shame, but there's no way he can stay healthy given his style. He plays with reckless abandon on both ends.
02-05-2011 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
in any case, Colangelo probably shouldn't have a job much longer. pretty much a continuing cycle of making bad moves, then making other moves to undo the damage, with nothing ever getting better.
I'm curious...what "bad moves" has he made in the past 12 months? Here's the full list of options:

4 APR: signed Joey Dorsey for min deal w/ 10/11 team option
DRAFT: pick Ed Davis, trade future 2nd/cash for Solomon Alabi
8 JUL: resign Amir Johnson (~30M/5 years)
9 JUL: sign/trade Bosh (leaving regardless), getting 2010 1st (TOR), 2010 1st (MIA) and 14.5M trade exception
14 JUL: trade Hedo Turkoglu for Leandro Barbosa
26 JUL: sign Linas Kleiza (19M/4)
28 JUL: trade future 2nd round pick for David Andersen and cash
11 AUG: trade Marco Belinelli for Julian Wright
30 SEP: exercise contract option on DeMar DeRozan for 11/12
20 NOV: trade Jarrett Jack, Marcus Banks and David Andersen for Jerryd Bayless and Peja Stojakovic
20 JAN: waive Peja Stojakovic
24 JAN: trade rights to Giorgos Printezis for Alexis Ajinca, future 2nd and cash

Originally Posted by 72off
so when all was said and done, they got the full Bird max, right? and that can only happen when the 1st team agrees to S&T the player to another team, right? (or re-sign the guy and keep him, ldo)
The max 1st year salary for those guys this past summer w/ Bird rights was something like 15.5M. Even after the Bosh/LBJ S&Ts, their 1st-year salary was "only" ~$14.5M. So no - they didn't get the full Bird max. They were several million shy over the whole contract(s).

The S&T mostly just got them the 6th year of the deal, and the slightly higher annual raises (10.5% vs. 8%, iirc).

Last edited by IrishHand; 02-05-2011 at 12:39 AM. Reason: Salary figures from, fyi.
