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NBA Season Thread 2010-2011 NBA Season Thread 2010-2011

10-25-2010 , 10:23 PM
heh, I guess I am one of the few who still thinks Lebron is a gigantic douche even after that commercial. Its clearly a PR ploy and I for one am not gonna start blowing him just because he is questioning why we get to criticize him. LOL at him ruining his legacy because of the move. What ****ing legacy does he have right now? None. Bunch of casualsportsfans itt today imo.
10-25-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Speel Posher
where do you put melo then? if he isnt top 5 he is pretty damn close
Just talking about offense(totally discounting defense), Melo is clearly worse than Lebron, Wade, Durant, and CP3.

I guess you maybe could make an argument for him at #5, but you could also make an argument for him behind Kobe, Nash, Gasol, Roy, Bosh, Deron, Dirk, Amare, Curry, Ginobili, etc. Basically I find it dishonest to call him a "top 5 offensive player" because theres such a clear dropoff after the top 4 and then there are so many players comparable to him in that next tier.
10-25-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by solsek
I'm not really making an argument about who's better between Melo & Lebron. It's just my opinion. I mentioned that he the strongest offensive player, again, in my opinion, in the NBA-and questioned why so many people put Denver in the lower half of the WC standings.
well part of hte reason that denver is projected poorly is the fact that melo has said he wants to leave asap.
10-25-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Theres a ton of variance in shooting a basketball. If you don't believe me then go through several samples of shooting 100 shots the next few times you go to a basketball court and compare how drastically your results differ each time.

3 point shooting that series:

Orlando: 49/145(33.7%)
Boston: 39/96(40.6%)

3 point shooting over an 82 game sample size that year:

Orlando: 37.5%
Boston: 34.8%

And thats just shooting. Theres also a ton of variance on a ton of other random things.

If the Magic and Celtics met today in a 7 game series with each team having 3 home games and then one neutral site game, Vegas books would significantly favor the Magic.

Do you dispute the above statement?
Yea, I don't think that's true. Boston's defense is stronger than most so I'd expect the Magic's 3pt% to go down. They can 1 on 1 vs HGH and their inside/out is a lot less effective when opposing C's can match them. As for their 3pt shooting, dunno. I could think of a lot of reasons but they'd take research.
10-25-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by coltranedog

In the HSNL forum there is this thread;

Basically you post what you want and if someone wants the other side you bet juice free - or you can just post and hope someone wants something opposite of you and accepts.
cool, i'll start checking that out
10-25-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
heh, I guess I am one of the few who still thinks Lebron is a gigantic douche even after that commercial. Its clearly a PR ploy and I for one am not gonna start blowing him just because he is questioning why we get to criticize him. LOL at him ruining his legacy because of the move. What ****ing legacy does he have right now? None. Bunch of casualsportsfans itt today imo.
Lebron can be a gigantic douche and that commercial can be awesome for exactly that reason.
10-25-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
I don't think he is a leading contender or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if he throws out a very nice improvement over his previous two years.

Going from Nelson's doghouse to D'antoni ball alone will cause a nice jump in minutes/numbers.
unless d'antoni also concludes he is a ******. randolph's talent is obv but it also needs to be noted that he was benched for taking dumb shots in an offense where it's pretty damn hard to take a dumb shot
10-25-2010 , 10:26 PM
during the year teams shot 34% from 3 against boston and 36% against orlando
10-25-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Lebron can be a gigantic douche and that commercial can be awesome for exactly that reason.
meh, dude isn't getting any props from me for being an even bigger douche. He hasn't entered Kanye territory yet.
10-25-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by JumanjiBoard
Yea, I don't think that's true. Boston's defense is stronger than most so I'd expect the Magic's 3pt% to go down. They can 1 on 1 vs HGH and their inside/out is a lot less effective when opposing C's can match them. As for their 3pt shooting, dunno. I could think of a lot of reasons but they'd take research.
boston's 3pt defense over an 82 game sample size: 34.2%
League average 3pt shooting: 35.5%

So yeah, they were solid there. But its absurd if you really think that we should expect Boston to shoot 7% better than Orlando from 3 in a series. Its also absurd to think that theres not a lot of variance in shooting a basketball.
10-25-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jack of Arcades
Gotta talk about that commercial on CZ I guess.

DannyOcean: If you want in on CZ, get on skype and pm me (jackofarcades, obv) and I'll let you in. But it can be sometimes... time consuming to put together.
i liked the commercial. labron is gonna have a monster year.
10-25-2010 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
He is a better passer than you'd think. Outside of that his game is all athleticism right now but he is a freak in that regard. He'll rebound, block shots, and finish around the rim.

In that system he can get a big boost in numbers as long as the minutes come along with it, which by all indications will.
Yeah I didn't notice his passing ability much, so maybe I'm underrating him there. Agreed on the NY system being great for bulk numbers. I'm hearing reports that he is in Diantoni's doghouse though...people comparing it to the Nate Robinson situation.

But yeah, I'll continue to watch him more and get back to you on what I think.....
10-25-2010 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
unless d'antoni also concludes he is a ******. randolph's talent is obv but it also needs to be noted that he was benched for taking dumb shots in an offense where it's pretty damn hard to take a dumb shot
Definitely a possibility.

I will think that he gets more of a run out than he did in GS, but after that it is up to him. He is a pretty important part of the rotation as things stand though.

Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
meh, dude isn't getting any props from me for being an even bigger douche. He hasn't entered Kanye territory yet.
Perfectly reasonable POV.
10-25-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
Can we just fast forward to the Lakers/Heat final? I've come around to embrace just how epic it'll be assuming both teams are 100% healthy.
i'm starting to get irrationally cocky about the Celtics. I predict a win tomorrow.
10-25-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I know. I still don't understand what you mean by "bet on 2p2". Are you suggesting that I seek out someone on 2p2 who disagrees with me every time I want to bet? Thats a bunch of unnecessary work, I won't be able to take advantage of any opening lines, and I'd have to hope that I find a person looking to bet the same amount as me.
pretty amazing
10-25-2010 , 10:38 PM

lol Magic. That's how it was last year, with Orlando having homecourt. What happened? lol vince. lol dwight. softest bunch of vajays in the league. As long as the Cs are reasonably healthy and Perk has Dwight 1v1, they win. inefficient market ftl.
10-25-2010 , 10:40 PM
jj hickson has a decent shot at mip, scott said jamison will be coming off the bench
10-25-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin

lol Magic. That's how it was last year, with Orlando having homecourt. What happened? lol vince. lol dwight. softest bunch of vajays in the league. As long as the Cs are reasonably healthy and Perk has Dwight 1v1, they win. inefficient market ftl.
I'm sure you realize you're being a homer(whenever you strongly disagree with Vegas in favor of your favorite team then its 99.99% likely to be true), so I won't bother to argue with you. I called the Wizards a championship contender back when they were #2 in the East before jamison/butler/arenas all got hurt....we all homer it up at times.
10-25-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
heh, I guess I am one of the few who still thinks Lebron is a gigantic douche even after that commercial. Its clearly a PR ploy and I for one am not gonna start blowing him just because he is questioning why we get to criticize him. LOL at him ruining his legacy because of the move. What ****ing legacy does he have right now? None. Bunch of casualsportsfans itt today imo.
i dont think anyone thinks that commercial makes lebron look like less of a douche. id imagine its the opposite. cant imagine a way to look worse. i think ppl it bc of the blatant shamelessness lebron is reveling in.
10-25-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by McBeef
jj hickson has a decent shot at mip, scott said jamison will be coming off the bench
ah yea, hadn't considered him.

Are there odds on MIP anywhere? My book doesn't have them. I probably wouldn't bet, but I'd be interested in seeing what the market thinks.
10-25-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I'm sure you realize you're being a homer(whenever you strongly disagree with Vegas in favor of your favorite team then its 99.99% likely to be true), so I won't bother to argue with you. I called the Wizards a championship contender back when they were #2 in the East before jamison/butler/arenas all got hurt....we all homer it up at times.
Assani, still think you're way off on that one. Public loves Boston way more than Magic in a playoff series. I'd be highly surprised if Magic were a huge favorite.
10-25-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
i dont think anyone thinks that commercial makes lebron look like less of a douche. id imagine its the opposite. cant imagine a way to look worse. i think ppl it bc of the blatant shamelessness lebron is reveling in.
10-25-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Lebron can be a gigantic douche and that commercial can be awesome for exactly that reason.
haha. this is a better way to put it.
10-25-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
i'm starting to get irrationally cocky about the Celtics. I predict a win tomorrow.
I am more down on them than most.

Trading Perk for Shack/JON is a downgrade.

I think KG clearly showed he was done last year. Yeah, maybe he still had some effects late, but another year isn't helping him. Don't be fooled by him lighting up Antawn - that was really a mirage imo.

While I don't expect a big decline in Pierce/Allen, another year on their respective legs can't help. Doc stating they need home court (he's right) will prevent them from getting adequate rest and that can't help either.

Is trading TA for Delonte that meaningful? Meh, I don't think so.

I just see nothing to make me think they'll be anything but at best 90% of their best last year. With the stiffer competition, I think that means doom. The fact that they happen to match up poorly against Miami (Boston has no post scoring threat that demands a double-team) makes things look even bleaker to me.

They'll win their share of regular season games, but I think they need help (injuries) from the competition to advance to the finals again.
10-25-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
i dont think anyone thinks that commercial makes lebron look like less of a douche. id imagine its the opposite. cant imagine a way to look worse. i think ppl it bc of the blatant shamelessness lebron is reveling in.

I don't really see any reason to like it, but then I am a hater.

Do you think Nike/Lebron thought it was a good idea?
