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NBA Season Thread 2010-2011 NBA Season Thread 2010-2011

11-01-2010 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
"I am not sure why Rose is trailing and going over the top of all screens on defense. This just doesn't seem like it can possibly be right against Andre Miller, although it is traditionally correct against most NBA guards"

this is very likely a coaching decision that they don't bother adjusting during the regular season
it's a pretty big leak for thibs not to be like "yo we really only have to worry about miller when he gets inside of 15 feet and is able to dish-- just go underneath that **** and cut him off, we don't have to worry about him popping a 3"
11-01-2010 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by THAKID
Noze last longer
I got spurs you got hornets

Any major trades or injuries bet is void

Will hammer out details if your interested
Nah, I still think the Spurs are better, but having them one spot over NO right now is laughable.
11-01-2010 , 09:32 PM
not watching the game. but there is absolutely no reasonable explanation as to why rose is going over instead of under against miller.

Tom Thib knows this. he is one of the best defensive coaches in the game. wtf?
11-01-2010 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
Jesus Christ. Love on that team would be absolutely disgusting.

Make it so.
11-01-2010 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
it's a pretty big leak for thibs not to be like "yo we really only have to worry about miller when he gets inside of 15 feet and is able to dish-- just go underneath that **** and cut him off, we don't have to worry about him popping a 3"
Teams do it with Rondo all the time, bothers me a lot more but it seems to be standard
11-01-2010 , 09:43 PM
pretty sure i read somewhere that the league wide average for going over/under screens in terms of ppp strongly favors going under the screen, but coaches like to "be agressive" or something. anyway lol at tz regs accusing people of condescension, fwiw i didn't really interpret aejones posts that way, but after finding out that he's a major baller i'll be sure to bitterly note minor etiquette mistakes in future

so horford and noah make pretty much the same money, noah > horford imo but it's pretty fair. i'm not feeling bad for noah for being ugly, he crushed the life lottery in most areas. yannick noah is a kinda weird looking guy, and i can sorta see the mom/joakim resemblance. i think him pronouncing his name jo-keem must really tilt his euro parents tho

if you don't like boastful tales from the rec leagues don't click this
brag: channeled #24 last night

-2821:23:3821PLAYER (8) commits a foul
-2821:24:3224MCBEEF (20) scores 3 points
-2821:24:4426MCBEEF(20) scores 2 points
-2821:24:5526PLAYER (7) commits a foul
HEART OF 41 (4) commits a foul2821:25:3726-
-2821:26:2428MCBEEF(20) scores 2 points
ROOKIE MISTAKE (7) commits a foul2821:26:2728-
-2821:26:5029MCBEEF (20) scores 1 point

variance: team mcbeef moves to 1-8!

Last edited by McBeef; 11-01-2010 at 09:49 PM.
11-01-2010 , 09:45 PM
Just a reminder

Spurs playing tonight !
11-01-2010 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by McBeef
pretty sure i read somewhere that the league wide average for going over/under screens in terms of ppp strongly favors going under the screen, but coaches like to "be agressive" or something
i mean you should just NEVER go under a screen if you're guarding ray allen and you should just NEVER go over a screen if you're guarding rajon rondo
11-01-2010 , 09:47 PM
I think Rose just gave us a perfect example of why he isn't as good as some think he is and most think he should be - he bursts his way to the basket and puts extreme pressure on the opposing bigs. But instead of really exploding at the basket as his athleticism would allow, and ensuring a foul (while also keeping alive the and-1 chance) he goes for the also super athletic twist away from contact and try and finish, which is great when it works, but is almost certainly lower EV then getting the foul first. There were at least two plays this weekend we talked about skype where first Lebron and in a later game I believe Jeff Green when in similar spots went and got the contact first, took the bump and THEN tried to finish.

This is a small adjustment in his game that would make a big difference for him and for the bulls due to the ancillary benefits of foul drawing.
11-01-2010 , 09:52 PM
Just finished watching the second quarter, Rose kinda sucks. Here is my proof.

He lets 73-year-old Andre Miller beat him 1-on-1. His method for getting around screens is basically just to lean on the screen. He just doesn't look explosive on defense like he does on offense. I think it's probably effort.

His shot selection is mediocre (although certainly not terrible). The timing on his passes is bad. Most importantly, he doesn't understand angles. He leaves his fee too much.
11-01-2010 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
145/200... just so many names to try to remember

Top 5 scorers that I missed:

Doom, Larry Hughes, Hedo, Okur, Rafer Alston

Top 5 that I missed and bottom 5 that I got:

Finley, Cuttino, Francis, Maggette, Wallllllllllly
Kaman, Ridnour, Rasual Butler, Mutombo, Stockton
11-01-2010 , 09:54 PM
Tony Parker gets a 4 year, $50 million extension. If he can regain his form from before his injury that's a pretty good deal.
11-01-2010 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
I think Rose just gave us a perfect example of why he isn't as good as some think he is and most think he should be - he bursts his way to the basket and puts extreme pressure on the opposing bigs. But instead of really exploding at the basket as his athleticism would allow, and ensuring a foul (while also keeping alive the and-1 chance) he goes for the also super athletic twist away from contact and try and finish, which is great when it works, but is almost certainly lower EV then getting the foul first. There were at least two plays this weekend we talked about skype where first Lebron and in a later game I believe Jeff Green when in similar spots went and got the contact first, took the bump and THEN tried to finish.

This is a small adjustment in his game that would make a big difference for him and for the bulls due to the ancillary benefits of foul drawing.
it's absurd that he would shy away from contact with his body and the leverage he can create by jumping higher and getting there quicker, but that is obviously quite the problem. he has world class speed/athleticism, i would guess he could get to any point on the floor he would ever want to go.
11-01-2010 , 09:56 PM
AEJ, Andre Miller has been an above average NBA player while being slow as **** for over a decade, the fact that he can get to his spots against Rose shouldn't be surprising.
11-01-2010 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by aejones
i mean you should just NEVER go under a screen if you're guarding ray allen and you should just NEVER go over a screen if you're guarding rajon rondo
yeah, although on 2nd thoughts i think the data was wrt to pnrs only, so there's prob not that many pnr players who are more dangerous on a dribble jumpshot than the results of the bad defensive position given up by going over. might still be indicative of a tendency of coaches to tell players to go over when they shouldn't, but idk really

sometimes the a player just sets a good pick that forces the defender one way, maybe non-pnr picks are more likely to allow for this sort of pick-setting skill
11-01-2010 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
AEJ, Andre Miller has been an above average NBA player while being slow as **** for over a decade, the fact that he can get to his spots against Rose shouldn't be surprising.
it's unreasonable to think that rose should be able to keep him in front of him?
11-01-2010 , 10:02 PM
It's not totally unreasonable, but Miller has done work against better defenders than Rose so it's not like getting beat by him is an instant "you suck" offense.
11-01-2010 , 10:05 PM
what's the consensus TZ wisdom on the impending lockout? definitely happening? i haven't done much reading/don't know much about it, so how will it affect things going forward? basically looking for a working knowledge of the situation
11-01-2010 , 10:06 PM
If the owners actual position is somewhat close to the stuff Stern has been saying (possible contraction, huge reduction in salaries) then a lockout is definitely happening. Those are more than likely just starting points that will be talked down though, so who really knows.
11-01-2010 , 10:06 PM
miller's really strong too and more quick / athletic than he looks


how do i embed videos again?
11-01-2010 , 10:08 PM
We talked about it on the blog a little bit ago

In the CastZilla linked below, JoA, Tarheels and I discussed some other topics which were apparently lost to technical difficulties. I thought the colloquies were worth summarizing as good points were made.

On the first front, the issues of the impending lockout, CBA restructuring, and contraction, we were all in agreement that contraction isn't really on the table - yet. If a work stoppage were to take longer than a full season (kill me now) then maybe the league comes back with fewer teams. But until then, contraction seems a poor way to redress the league's alleged economic woes - yes the league as a whole saves perhaps $75 million in player salaries per year per team contracted, but it also loses the revenues of 41 home games, plus local tv and radio rights a certain amount of jersey sales and so on.

Edit: TSC raises good points here:

Wouldn't the focus be on teams that are already losing tons of money and/or in markets that aren't generating large amounts of revenue. There is more than just losing revenue, these teams have expenses that are far exceeding revenues because they have to fund operations in stadiums that aren't close to capacity. Not to mention their stadium deals may not be ideal (not sure on specifics here). I really have no clue how much local TV/Radio revenue we are talking about here, but I doubt its that much in these two markets (Sac and NO). Jersey sales is meh since that can be transfered to another team since the big name stars on those teams would be playing elsewhere and selling jersey's elsewhere (I would assume).

To be clear, I don't disagree with any of this analysis - the league may wish to investigate whether some of these are viable markets for teams with current ownership in place. But, that's really a separate discussion from the context in which Stern raised the issue and that is the impending CBA. In that regard, it's nothing more than a big stick to swing at the players' union.

Further, the teams contracted wouldn't just vanish - there is no way an owner is just going to walk away from his franchise like a homeowner upside-down on his mortgage when other franchises are still selling for hundreds of millions of dollars. So the remaining owners would almost certainly have to make large payments to the owners being contracted, which further eats away at the "savings".

Finally, the league doesn't really need contraction from a competitive sense. Whereas in the late 90s and early 2000s there may have been a dearth of NBA ready talent to fill out the 8 or so rotation spots per team, due in part to teams spending draftpicks on raw highschoolers or large and largely unknown Eastern Euros, we are in something of a golden age with respect to talent as the overseas game (and more importantly, scouting of that game) continues to improve at the same time we have had several successive deep crops of rookie players. While the Jared Dudley's and Carlos Delfino's of the world are not superstars, they are professional basketball players. Where teams can't field full rotations of minimally competent NBA players, the reason is no longer a shortage of good players but rather a failure of management (KAHHHHHHHHN!) or purposefully bottoming out (the Knicks of recent seasons).

Realistically, contraction would present more of a competitive problem than it would solve. Of the first franchises on the chopping block, two would likely be New Orleans and Sacramento - how does the league go about reassigning the marquee assets of those teams (CP3, DMC, Tyreke)? All of a sudden the Clippers add Paul to Blake Griffin and Eric Gordon virtually for free? You think this ISN'T what the league would like to see happen?

In actuality, this is merely Stern-Bot 2k11 threatening the NBAPA with 30-60 fewer jobs if they don't cave to the owners demands. Similar to the claimed 33% reduction in salary, it's a bargaining position and likely nothing more. As to what actually happens to next season, I think Etats360 outlined the most likely scenario a few weeks ago:

Here's what will happen:

1. Owners hold off as long as possible to start negotiations, so that the min salary players start to panic

2. Around July-ish, the owners purposely bring unreasonable demands to the table so as to gain leverage in negotiations. At the same time, the NBAPA starts using the media to try and influence public opinion in their favor. This will come in the form of leaking false rumors and twitter sympathy.

3. NBAPA refuses to budge to the unreasonable demands. The owners call for a lockout.

4. All the players who are desperate for money (and comprise a majority of the NBAPA), beg the NBAPA to come to a resolution as fast as possible. This is expedited when the owners set a deadline to cancel the entire season.

5. The NBAPA and owners reach an agreement, which includes a hard cap, salary reductions on existing contracts, and raising the min salary. The shortened season begins around late January.

The only thing I'd add to point 4 is that the owners costs go down dramatically during a lockout, whereas the players (cars, houses, child support, entourages) likely do not.
11-01-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by McBeef
miller's really strong too and more quick / athletic than he looks

11-01-2010 , 10:10 PM
thanks! just started following the blog a little while ago, great job w/it
11-01-2010 , 10:22 PM
andrea doin work 10pts in 7mins and demarcus riding pine
11-01-2010 , 10:43 PM
Reggie Evans 10 rebs in 1st Q ..... guy is in animal mode to start the year
