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NBA Season Thread 2010-2011 NBA Season Thread 2010-2011

04-19-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by nath
For reals. College cheerleaders = the cutest, sunniest 18-to-22-year-old co-eds the school has to offer. I don't want to hate on professional cheerleaders, but it's not a profession that ages well.
I hope this isn't true.....the cheerleaders at my college were mediocre to say the least. Obviously if you go to an SEC school or something similar your statement should hold.
04-19-2011 , 03:44 PM
I will admit it wasn't remotely true at my school, but then, no one at my school was attractive.
04-19-2011 , 03:46 PM
Steve Nash tweeting about Illmatic, my head just exploded from all the realness.
04-19-2011 , 03:48 PM
The truly hot sluts are generally getting ****ed up before the game rather than being a cheerleader
04-19-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
The truly hot sluts are generally getting ****ed up before the game rather than being a cheerleader
exactly. to be a college cheer leader at a big program you've got to be way, way in to cheer leading from way back
04-19-2011 , 03:57 PM
I just said college cheerleaders should be cute and sunny. Never said they'd be the hottest sluts.
04-19-2011 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I totally see your point except that in being right here you have basically proven the uselessness of the regular season. Doubt we need 82 games to figure out who sucks.

edit: Sure that's a relatively casual perspective, but really, who wants to watch two 15-45 teams slogging through February? There's a reason the sentiment that the NBA regular season is useless is popular among more casual fans.
So if you want fewer games, just don't watch as many. I think 82 is just fine, and the silly complaints about the end-of-season games being bad would be there whether the season was 62, 82, or 102 games.

Every sport is going to have bottom-rung teams matched up with no hope for the playoffs late in the season. That the NBA takes so many teams into its playoffs means that there are fewer of these matchups, as playoff hopes don't die that early for all but the worst squads. And even those weak teams benefit from another great characteristic of the NBA in that stuff carries over from year-to-year far more than in other sports. Oftentimes those 15-45 teams may feature a young star or group of players that are building toward something tangible in the coming years.
04-19-2011 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by NameOnTheCake
exactly. to be a college cheer leader at a big program you've got to be way, way in to cheer leading from way back

So little chance for the herp during all-girl-hotel-room-teen-pillow-fights-turned-lesbian-sexual-exploration on Friday night while waiting for the Mobile All-State SuperCheer MegaComp.
04-19-2011 , 04:08 PM
It takes only one
04-19-2011 , 04:16 PM
My thought was always I know we can do better than this when I saw the Texas cheerleaders. They're in good shape so thats nice i guess.
04-19-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
My thought was always I know we can do better than this when I saw the Texas cheerleaders. They're in good shape so thats nice i guess.
Yeah, but **** it, if you went to UT all you have to do is hang out on the Drag every goddamn day and watch the parade of ass go by.
04-19-2011 , 04:38 PM
I was on Tulane's campus yesterday hitting up the bookstore since the Borders near me went belly up. Ass parade fo sho.
04-19-2011 , 04:48 PM
I miss college so badly
04-19-2011 , 05:11 PM
I still live in the same city so I barely miss it at all. All my friends are still here, it's the way to go fo sho.
04-19-2011 , 06:13 PM
I don't miss college, but I miss the idea of being in college knowing what I know now.
04-19-2011 , 06:18 PM
I still live in the same city so I barely miss it at all. All my friends are still here, it's the way to go fo sho.
sounds like its time for you to grow up and be miserable like everyone else!

Originally Posted by nath
I don't miss college, but I miss the idea of being in college knowing what I know now.
hah this, exactly
04-19-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
The truly hot sluts are generally getting ****ed up before the game rather than being a cheerleader
when i read this i would've guessed this was nozecandy saying it
04-19-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I don't miss college, but I miss the idea of being in college knowing what I know now.
Wise man Nath
04-20-2011 , 12:15 AM
Maybe one of you NBA gurus can help me with this one.

The lakers were favored by 10 on sunday and lost by 9. I figured it was an easy bet on the Hornets because I figured they were at most a 7 point underdog. Being results oriented, I was right.

But now instead of the line going down a bit, it goes up to Lakers -11.5.

My initial thoughts are that this has to be the easiest bet in a while on the Hornets since they will have boosted confidence, and while might not (prob not) win back to back road games against the Lakers, they will certainly give enough of a fighting chance and not get soul crushed by +12. Plus there is still a chance that they could win.

But after thinking about it and a spread that seems to good to be true I think I've figured it out, from a more 'bigger picture' stand point.

The best shot for the Hornets to beat the Lakers in a 7 game series is to beat them just 1/2 at in LA, and then defend home court with 2 wins and be set up at 3-1 after 4 games. This might entail an all out 1st game performance and a really meager 2nd game performance in order to save energy for the 2 games at home. Which might mean an early concede from the Hornets resulting in a big blow out and the Lakers covering.

Am I rambling here, or am I on the right track somewhat do you think?
04-20-2011 , 12:29 AM
no aaron gray. he was +25. hornets gonna get smashed
04-20-2011 , 12:50 AM
The public is pounding New Orleans +11.5, too, which just makes me like LA even more.
04-20-2011 , 12:52 AM
Yeah I'm really torn on this one
04-20-2011 , 01:02 AM
i think la and the points are the best bet. pjax gonna be madddd
04-20-2011 , 01:15 AM
Aaron Gray is listed at day to day and practiced a bit today. He said it felt much better Monday morning than it did Sunday night so he might be a warrior and get some minutes. It's probably not going to matter but oh well.
04-20-2011 , 01:29 AM
Ugh wanna hammer lakers -950 so bad, but dont feel like losin 5 figures on these dummies
