Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
the real issue is kobe just isn't good enough at getting easy shots for himself like almost all all-time greats are.
yup probably this. If a 30% shot is the best you can get with Bynum, Odom, Gasol, and X three point shooter, then I guess he needs to take it. I just think a very solid amount of his shots are uncalled for in late game situations, and it's infuriating for me to watch with the guys I like and I could never explain it away for Kobe. At least Rose mostly goes to the hole.
Then again, LBJ has given up late game duties when not only has he been historically better than Wade at it(I think), but he has actually been better and more efficient in every way this year as well, even with the media saying how bad he has been(I know this, and he has been better than Wade in every way but 3pt% if it's within 3 points at 24 seconds or less, 1 minute or less, or 5 minutes or less). That kind of segued there, but what I was saying is its also infuriating to watch Wade get shots when LBJ should be taking them, which is also bad game theory and annoying to watch.