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NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 NBA Season Thread 2009-2010

10-06-2009 , 10:53 AM
If I'm the Bucks this year, I'm sending out a starting lineup of Jennings/Redd/Delfino/Warrick/Bogut with Mbah a Moute playing as the 6th man, Ridnour taking the backup PG minutes, Thomas taking the backup C minutes, and Ilyasova getting some minutes off the bench as well.

I think an ideal split would look something like:

PG - Jennings 28 mpg, Ridnour 20 mpg
SG - Redd 36 mpg, Delfino 12 mpg
SF - Delfino 18 mpg, Mbah a Moute 30 mpg
PF - Warrick 32 mpg, Ilyasova 16 mpg
C - Bogut 36 mpg, Thomas 12 mpg

This obviously isn't a rotation that is going to get them in the playoffs, but it should help develop Jennings, Delfino, Mbah a Moute, Warrick, and Ilyasova. Get a high draft pick, Redd's and Gadzuric's contracts are both off the books by the end of the 10-11 season, make a couple smart free agency signings like the Warrick one, and this team could be back in the playoffs by 11-12 if not 10-11.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by bowens
Is Alexander going to start this year? Do you think there's any chance that he can play well?
As you can see from my minute allocation, if it were up to me he'd never see the court for the Bucks again. He is worthless, and they need to just admit the fact that they made an awful pick and cut and run on Alexander. Maybe try to get some sort of trade value out of him, but he is pure awful as an NBA player.

Knowing this, he'll likely get 35 mpg this season.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Dschmeidreu

Why do you insist on being a ****ing idiot Hollinger I don't get it?

Well Dschmeid I have a very advanced degree in mathematics and physics from Donk University and can calculate my way out of the whorehouses I go to every night since I can't get women with my bulging eyes.

Oh I see Mr. Hollingmoron.

Why do you insist on calling me Hollingmoron Dschmeid? It is very rude.

Because you're a ****ing moron you idiot.

But can't you back up your ad hominen attacks with statistics to verify that Kobe bryant isn't declining as a player due to age and especially the fact that the addition of ron artest may screw up his effectiveness?

STFU you donkey moron.

No seriously, you should follow Bobbo and Assani's ways of life and use statistics to better your arguments

hahahhahahahaha NO-- stfu, bynum #8 GTFO, kobe #10?! STFU that's all the evidence I need to prove you're a moron.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by tarheeljks
if it's 3 positions now then it was 2 positions last year in which case there is no excuse for the raptors only having won 33 games

edit: this is a bad way to look at it anyway. it doesn't really matter if bosh > aldridge. what matters is whether bosh >roy, aldridge > calderon, and so on and so forth

but yes i think it is very far fetched to suggest the toronto has an advantage in starter quality
basically all of this.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity

Really? Just because someone made fun of the Blazers?
No, but as tarheel said, the starting 5 is irrelevant since the drop off in talent is laughable in comparison. Portlands second unit would probably beat Toronto's by 50 in a scrimmage game.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
If I'm the Bucks this year, I'm sending out a starting lineup of Jennings/Redd/Delfino/Warrick/Bogut with Mbah a Moute playing as the 6th man, Ridnour taking the backup PG minutes, Thomas taking the backup C minutes, and Ilyasova getting some minutes off the bench as well.

I think an ideal split would look something like:

PG - Jennings 28 mpg, Ridnour 20 mpg
SG - Redd 36 mpg, Delfino 12 mpg
SF - Delfino 18 mpg, Mbah a Moute 30 mpg
PF - Warrick 32 mpg, Ilyasova 16 mpg
C - Bogut 36 mpg, Thomas 12 mpg

This obviously isn't a rotation that is going to get them in the playoffs, but it should help develop Jennings, Delfino, Mbah a Moute, Warrick, and Ilyasova. Get a high draft pick, Redd's and Gadzuric's contracts are both off the books by the end of the 10-11 season, make a couple smart free agency signings like the Warrick one, and this team could be back in the playoffs by 11-12 if not 10-11.
Yikes, this is a very bad 5 this year, but I agree that it's a good start and getting Redd off the books and making a good draft pick gives Bucks fans hope for a positive future.

I'm pretty sure Mbah a Moute was there this summer and if it's the guy I'm thinking of, I thought he played really well.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
Yikes, this is a very bad 5 this year, but I agree that it's a good start and getting Redd off the books and making a good draft pick gives Bucks fans hope for a positive future.

I'm pretty sure Mbah a Moute was there this summer and if it's the guy I'm thinking of, I thought he played really well.
Mbah a Moute is a great defender, and a really hard working player, but he lacks a strong offensive skillset. I'd prefer him to stay in the 6th man role for this year, but I could see him developing into a solid starting SF.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:22 AM
Has the Bucks front office come out and said they are in rebuilding mode? If not, I'd be slightly worried they play Ridnour more than they should. I completely agree that they should play Jennings a lot with that lineup to give him time to adapt and improve.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:32 AM
Believe me after watching the Sessions debacle last season I'm certainly worried about that. But I'm hoping the front office will force Skiles to play Jennings.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:38 AM
does jennings have any shot to be as good as sesh?
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:43 AM
We sat close to Skiles at summer league this season.

What a stiff
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by tbach24
does jennings have any shot to be as good as sesh?
Honestly, who knows. Out of all the rookies I am most interested in how he does. If he excels and plays well, I think he might encourage more players to do what he.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:51 AM
i think donk and i are the only ones who truly get how amazing sesh is

2009-10 outlook: Sessions signed a four-year, $16 million offer sheet with Minnesota that the Bucks inexplicably elected not to match. This was the steal of the summer, people. Sessions is a rising star at the point who should provide the T'wolves with a major upgrade while bridging the gap until Jonny Flynn and/or Ricky Rubio are ready.

Better yet, he's capable of playing the 2 in many situations while one of those players mans the point, which means his presence won't necessarily preclude Flynn from getting minutes this season. Despite the weak jumper, he's the playmaking perimeter player that the T'wolves were desperate to acquire. Don't be surprised if he averages in the neighborhood of 18 points and eight assists this season while helping keep the T'wolves on the fringes of the playoff race.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:54 AM
ps i'm looking for a comedy tv show to watch

my favorite show is the office, but i also enjoy 30 rock, family guy, how i met your mother, south park. weeds was terrible btw if you like that YSSCKY.
any suggestions?
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by tbach24
does jennings have any shot to be as good as sesh?
Jennings has a much higher ceiling than Sessions imo, but he also has a lower floor. I actually have faith that Skiles can actually turn him into a very good player.

Jennings has a few things going for him. He's incredibly fast, he's a natural distributor, has a knack for grabbing steals, and he is able to play unselfish basketball. He needs to improve his 3 pt shot and man to man defense (two areas you'd expect a 19 yo PG to have some problems in). If he can make strong improvements in these two areas he has the ability to become an elite PG in a couple years.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:57 AM
seems cool, like a cp3 sorta guy without the muscles and scoring ability...havta keep an i out for him
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by MEbenhoe
Jennings has a much higher ceiling than Sessions imo, but he also has a lower floor. I actually have faith that Skiles can actually turn him into a very good player.

Jennings has a few things going for him. He's incredibly fast, he's a natural distributor, has a knack for grabbing steals, and he is able to play unselfish basketball. He needs to improve his 3 pt shot and man to man defense (two areas you'd expect a 19 yo PG to have some problems in). If he can make strong improvements in these two areas he has the ability to become an elite PG in a couple years.
Really disagree with this. Jennings can't really score at all.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
Really disagree with this. Jennings can't really score at all.
1. Yes he can
2. Even if he couldn't neither can Sessions
3. Note the part about one of the key areas Jennings needs to work on his 3 pt shot.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:03 PM
Sessions can't score?
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:04 PM
Doc Rivers, on WEEI this morning, stated that Garnett is reporting that his knee is pain free for the first time in over three years.

Fwiw, Rivers does a weekly segment on the morning show and really is pretty straightforward, within reason, in terms of candor when doing the spot.
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:08 PM
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:09 PM

NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:10 PM
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:11 PM
Joe Johnson is one black mother****er.

Mo Evans shouldn't be shooting 3s.

Josh Smith is absolutely crushing
NBA Season Thread 2009-2010 Quote
