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NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat
View Poll Results: Who will win?
Heat in 4
5 3.36%
Heat in 5
2 1.34%
Heat in 6
39 26.17%
Heat in 7
10 6.71%
Spurs in 4
3 2.01%
Spurs in 5
11 7.38%
Spurs in 6
26 17.45%
Spurs in 7
31 20.81%
3 2.01%
19 12.75%

06-08-2014 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by GimmeDat
You have to understand the large majority of these reporters are writing articles for a group of people who don't know the NBA like we do. A lot of them are there to write for the sports section of big newspapers like the boston globe, washington post, times, etc. They're just hoping for a decent quote to stick in some mediocre article that will be read by 95% casual fans.
and that's exactly what he's fighting against
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:24 PM
i'll admit the reporter who asked bosh if that final pass to wade was a drawn up play was pretty ******ed
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Such as...?

The questions have to be basic enough to appeal to Joe 6-pack. Reporters on the sideline should definitely be given a break because of that.

In the press room, if someone asks something really stupid then fine let them have it. Pop does it on a regular basis to decent questions and goes way over the line.
it's not pop's job to do the reporter's jobs for them. i don't know what kind of questions i'd ask, but then again i'm not a paid professional sportswriter. if they can't come up with anything and are reliant entirely on the coach going over and beyond his responsibility to cover their own inadequacy for knowledge of the sport they're covering then they shouldn't be covering the sport to begin with
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:29 PM

1. Spo is the 2nd best coach in the league, maybe 3rd after Carlisle. lol thibs

2. Sports journalism is a bigger farce than power bracelets and mood rings. **** them imo.

3. lolbattier, dude retired 3 months ago and is just collecting checks
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:31 PM
I'm surprised there are people in this forum that think those that have the power to change the way the media handles sports should just give the reporters some flashy quotes and maintain the status quo.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:33 PM
A big problem is that ESPN deportes guy or whatever is super aggro at the press conferences and he always asks stupid casual fan questions.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
I'm surprised there are people in this forum that think those that have the power to change the way the media handles sports should just give the reporters some flashy quotes and maintain the status quo.
better ways to go about it

reporters asking lebron about his choice of tights right now
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
it's not pop's job to do the reporter's jobs for them. i don't know what kind of questions i'd ask, but then again i'm not a paid professional sportswriter. if they can't come up with anything and are reliant entirely on the coach going over and beyond his responsibility to cover their own inadequacy for knowledge of the sport they're covering then they shouldn't be covering the sport to begin with
The point is rarely are the questions actually so poor that they warrant public mocking.

Edit: Nice glasses Bron lol
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:36 PM
Where are you guys watching pressers? ESPN and 2 both have baseball on?

NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:37 PM
Listen to these questions labron and bosh are being asked. Then ask if yourself if 3rd graders would come up with anything different.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:39 PM
if we're taking a stand against reporters asking the same cliched questions every night how bout we take a stand on interviewers asking the same questions in every job interview in history.

"what's the biggest asset you can bring to this job?"
"i'd be good at it"

am i right or what fellas

questions for lebron deserve public mocking imo

"why'd you wear those tights?"
"have fans been sending you remedies for cramps?"
"were you glad the ac was on?"
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:40 PM
It's the Finals, people. There's a **** ton of media there and many idiotic things will be asked just like the SB.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by GimmeDat
if we're taking a stand against reporters asking the same cliched questions every night how bout we take a stand on interviewers asking the same questions in every job interview in history.

"what's the biggest asset you can bring to this job?"
"i'd be good at it"

am i right or what fellas

questions for lebron deserve public mocking imo
if you could you would, so don't hate on those that can
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:41 PM
My mom texted me during the game about how bad Mark Jackson is. True story. Don't know if we've ever been closer.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by GimmeDat
if we're taking a stand against reporters asking the same cliched questions every night how bout we take a stand on interviewers asking the same questions in every job interview in history.

"what's the biggest asset you can bring to this job?"
"i'd be good at it"

am i right or what fellas
Bad interviewers end up hiring a lot of bad people. Reporters who ask bad questions get bad answers. That's the point.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:43 PM
re: reporters should ask better questions

SVP&R had sound of a reporter asking Pop to explain how the OKC SA games were so seesaw with each team blowing each other out. What dynamic was at play there?

Not such a cas fan question

Pop treated the guy like he was an idiot

SVP&R were like 'ah ya we love Pop but he's taking it a bit far w/ this schtick'
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:45 PM
13th time Bosh has made a 3 to tie or take lead since 2012.

NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos

just think about that.
great logic bro.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:47 PM
Another problem with the pressers is that a lot of good questions simply can't be answered. Like, what if Pop was asked "how will you adjust to their small chalmers-allen-wade-bron-bosh lineup?" He would just say 'lol you'll see on tuesday'
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:47 PM
Pop made Doris nearly cry. His act is unforgivable. And then he can make one like "SAGER GET BACK HERE BUDDY WE LOVE YOU" and everyone sucks his dick some more. Maybe Sager wouldn't have cancer if you didn't trample all over him bro.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-08-2014 , 11:53 PM
Yeah, i got bosh as ~11th best big in the league. I'm taking noah, duncan, blake, dwight, lma, dirk, love, brow, gasol, and cousins before him. lol at 11th best player itl.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-09-2014 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by TimM846
ridiculously amazing defense by miami in the 4th.
This is pretty standard for them. Their style is to play pretty trappy early and then notch up the aggression a few levels toward the end of games. It's pretty awesome when they are on.

Sorry I just can't root for these Spurs. I think I counted them randomly falling down about 10 times in the fourth quarter... pathetic.

This loss is pretty ominous for the Spurs imo. Heat got whatever they wanted in crunch time as they did before Bron went out in Game 1. Unlike Miami, SAS doesn't really have another gear defensively.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-09-2014 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
This loss is pretty ominous for the [X] imo.
Over the last two months this has been said in these threads hundreds of times about a dozen different teams depending on who lost the last game.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-09-2014 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Deanglow
13th time Bosh has made a 3 to tie or take lead since 2012.

Big Shot Bosh has a nice ring to it.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
06-09-2014 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Over the last two months this has been said in these threads hundreds of times about a dozen different teams depending on who lost the last game.
Probably, but I was saying it before G2 if SAS lost.
NBA Finals: (1) San Antonio Spurs vs. (2) Miami Heat Quote
