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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

01-10-2009 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Way to really put your neck on the line! I can only imagine the courage you must have.
Listen bubba, I was offering to help with some house cleaning since the modz seems to be lagging. Nothing but grief tuz.

Last edited by Caldarooni; 01-10-2009 at 05:44 PM. Reason: You can't fight god.
01-10-2009 , 05:19 PM
lol. Mod abuse itt.
01-10-2009 , 05:21 PM
20k+ posts itt
01-10-2009 , 05:24 PM
What is the biggest thread ever? We have to be gaining ground at the very least.
01-10-2009 , 05:27 PM
wtf? are posts being deleted? which ones?
01-10-2009 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
nah. You're pretty wrong. He's having a solid year but isn't going gangbusters or anything. Varejao and Z's awesome years far more important. Delonte playing good ball getting underrated.

Mo is good and an upgrade over Hughes, of course, but he's by no means the catalyst to this transformation, and the Cavs are the best defensive team in the league despite what Mo does on that end of the floor.
yeah that's the word i was looking for. Mo's the catalyst.

the cavs offense has sucked year after year despite lebron. now it's good. it's Mo. he's what the cavs needed. super quick, high scoring point guard that can take pressure off lebron.
01-10-2009 , 05:34 PM
Deleted my post eh - I see how it is
01-10-2009 , 05:44 PM
Oh if I only had the mod-power I crave so so much.
01-10-2009 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by dukemagic
wtf? are posts being deleted? which ones?
I didn't delete anything! I did undelete the same post a few times though but eventually gave up because Caldarooni has a Kobe-like focus when it comes to deleting his posts.
01-10-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
.484 from the field. Wow, does the guy ever miss?
obv better shooter than nash

Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
They've scored the exact same number of points per 100 possession. This is despite the fact that the Cavs have been in more blowouts and pulled their starters early.

So why exactly do you think they score the same if the Cavs aren't as good? Are the Lakers not trying or something??
Wouldnt this be a good argument for saying the cavs offense is better?
01-10-2009 , 05:54 PM
haha so it was caldarooni deleting his own posts to get 20k? the sneaky bastard!
01-10-2009 , 05:55 PM
Don't listen to the tupper! I was just fighting the man, man.

I did enjoy deleting the same post 3 times in a row before Tum finally outmanuvered me.
01-10-2009 , 05:56 PM
thread imo
01-10-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Obviously the logic of taking strengths away is a good idea, but really who does it work for? Why and how are the Lakers going to take away their strengths? Who is guarding Big Z at the 3-point line? Who is stopping LeBron with one of your big men having to play outside on Z most of the time? Remember, Ariza is 60 pounds lighter than LBJ. Are you planning on collapsing on him with Mo,Delonte,Boobie,Z all being good shooters that will be on the floor?

I'm just wondering exactly how a less-than-stellar defensive Lakers team will be taking away strengths more effectively in a 7-game series than the Cavs will, when I think we both know Kobe will likely be extremely uneffective in the 4th quarters when LBJ is guarding him 1v1. The Cavs now have the trump card with one of the scariest 1v1 defenders in the league that is able to shut down superstars, which is a strength that the Lakeshow isn't able to take away from the Cavs.
For all the hate that the Lakers' D gets, they're still #4 in the league in defense I believe. They're far behind Cleveland on D, but still...#4 in the league isn't all that bad.
01-10-2009 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Dunno if its sarcasm because I contradicted myself by posting the PER lol, but ty and welcome back.
No, I was serious. I agreed completely with the bolded part.
01-10-2009 , 06:03 PM
oh hey assani's back. good to see you again!
01-10-2009 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You're the guy who is like "I've got the girl!" in coed pickup games.
01-10-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
What is the biggest thread ever? We have to be gaining ground at the very least.
Didn't the Brandi thread get something like 50K posts within a week or something absolutely ridiculous like that?
01-10-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by westhoff
Wouldnt this be a good argument for saying the cavs offense is better?

Yeah, thats what I'm arguing for(or at least I'm saying that they're close and LA isn't definitely better like some say).
01-10-2009 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by dukemagic
oh hey assani's back. good to see you again!
thank you, nice to be back.

LOL...who is "BobboIsWrong" btw?
01-10-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher

Yeah, thats what I'm arguing for(or at least I'm saying that they're close and LA isn't definitely better like some say).
ah, cool, i was a little confused

Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
thank you, nice to be back.

LOL...who is "BobboIsWrong" btw?
gotta be tuq imo

and nice to have u back assani
01-10-2009 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Between this thread, all the NY talk, the crab dribble, the pregame chalk, and worst of all the insatiable slobbering of the media I am finding it harder and harder to like Lebron. Its a complex internal struggle because I got love for the game man.
i hate lebronky
01-10-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Do I smell a young kidcolin vs. Chilltown SE Survivor?
Although the mighty lion (me) never fears the lowly jackal (kidcolin), I could never imagine myself beating anyone with over 10k+ posts in this forum. I'm assuming people will take first impressions into account so (false) titles come into play. I post mainly in this thread where as kidcolin might have Celtic fans pooping up all over the place like the Irish.

And in two years time I expect my haters to grow steadily. I'll get my Survivor, and then I'll become something else. People fear the truth they're not willing to accept. I often insult teams with vicious accuracy. Naturally this leads to people disliking me which is fine because they fail to comprehend simple truths. I frequently point out to Celtic fans (probably the majority), that Kevin Garnett is a huge bitch and the general homosexual tendencies of Boston fans. I've been all over Cleveland's ridiculously pathetic schedule. Houston fans would have something against me but they all know the Rockets will fail to make it out of the 1st round again anyway. I'm a Toronto fan but I make fun of them too. The rest of the teams suck and probably aren't worth talking about (cept Phoenix...cuz Shaq and Nash are awesome). The only fans I have any light with are probably the Lakers. But smart people instinctively recognize other smart people so no surprise there.

And I don't really have a problem with KC or anyone in this thread minus that Kool Aid muther ****er. The match up also doesn't work, how could you possibly us? You can't, our posts and registration dates fail to match up. And the context of those posts remain incomparable. You expect negative reactions to an understood masterpiece. Look at 2001: A Space Odyssey, that's what I am; pure imagination filled with eye opening examinations of our futility as a specie...while KC is more of a NASA launch.

**** just don't add up.
01-10-2009 , 06:54 PM
Top 10 in USG:
1. Wade (34.4)
2. LBJ (31.4)
3. Kobe (29.8)
4. Parker (29.5)
5. Carmelo (28.1)*
6. Lou Williams (27.6)*
7. Devin Harris (27.5)
8. Dirk (27.4)
9. Roy (27.3)
10. Granger (27)

Please note that Carmelo is slightly below average efficiency-wise, and Lou Williams (lol wtf?) is way below average. The other 8 not only shoot/take a ton of possessions, but use them very wisely. Some of them (LBJ, Devin, Granger) are VERY efficient, and it's scary to think they could probably handle the ball/take more shots and provide value.
01-10-2009 , 06:56 PM
What's USG?
