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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

01-09-2009 , 02:47 PM
sick burn
01-09-2009 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by POKEROMGLOL
lol. Saying 5'10" 200 is unhealthy is just not appropriate. It varies drastically from individual to individual. When I weighed 200 pounds I ate healthy and ran 6/7 days and was in better shape than probably 95% of the population. Hardly unhealthy. If you have little tiny girl shoulders and you are 5'10" 200, then you are probably unhealthy. general 5'10 200 is very unhealthy-- I did say there are plenty of other factors and it's not set in stone, so I don't see what the complaint is about what I said.

Of course it could be healthy if you're some professional bodybuilder/great athlete, but again, in general, someone who is 5'10 200 is not any of these and it's going to be unhealthy as a general matter and this is basically inarguable :\
01-09-2009 , 03:11 PM
BMI scale is more of a joke than donkinger, I was 225-230 in HS when I played football, become a fatass shortly after HS and got up to 250-255, then lost it down to 190 at one point. I wouldn't be able to get down to 160 without becoming a huge pussy.
01-09-2009 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
ha. Based on your emails you've been doing this for years!

I'm gonna be such a face melter at summer league it won't even be funny. Assani will be giving me his DII scholarship and ****.
Ha, too bad I won't be able to join you guys as I'll be slaving away for some firm/organization that I've tricked into hiring me.
01-09-2009 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Artdogg
BMI scale is more of a joke than donkinger, I was 225-230 in HS when I played football, become a fatass shortly after HS and got up to 250-255, then lost it down to 190 at one point. I wouldn't be able to get down to 160 without becoming a huge pussy.
01-09-2009 , 03:16 PM
good thing cuz I've decided I'm gonna beat your puny ass if you do!
01-09-2009 , 03:20 PM
The Portland Trail Blazers’ threat to possibly sue any team that signs free-agent forward Darius Miles has created a firestorm of reaction around the league.

Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert emailed Blazers president Larry Miller to say he took exception with Portland’s threat.

Yahoo! Sports obtained Gilbert’s email because it was carboned to the rest of the league’s owners and executives.

“With all due respect…although the Cleveland Cavaliers have no interest in signing Darius Miles and will not be signing Darius Miles,” Gilbert wrote, “I find your email quite peculiar from two standpoints:

“1. It’s dead wrong. I believe that all 30 NBA teams were and are fully aware of the terms and provisions of the collective bargaining agreement as to which all teams and the NBA are a party to, including the Portland Trailblazers.

“2. Are legal threats through a mass email the best way to circumvent the known potential consequences that could result from the Trailblazers decisions and actions they took with respect to Darius Miles?

“I fully understand the frustration you and your team’s ownership must be feeling in regards to this situation, but a preemptive threat of ‘litigation’ directed at all of your partners through a group email does not sit well with me and seems to be incongruent with the spirit of keeping a ‘fiduciary duty’ and good ‘partner-like duty’ to your ‘NBA joint venturers.’

“I would think there has got to be a better tactic than this one.”

01-09-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
good thing cuz I've decided I'm gonna beat your puny ass if you do!
Admit that you'd give me a hudge hug, admit it!
01-09-2009 , 03:28 PM
Nobody wants to hug this guy:

01-09-2009 , 03:33 PM
01-09-2009 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dschmeidreu
The Portland Trail Blazers’ threat to possibly sue any team that signs free-agent forward Darius Miles has created a firestorm of reaction around the league.

Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert emailed Blazers president Larry Miller to say he took exception with Portland’s threat.

Yahoo! Sports obtained Gilbert’s email because it was carboned to the rest of the league’s owners and executives.

“With all due respect…although the Cleveland Cavaliers have no interest in signing Darius Miles and will not be signing Darius Miles,” Gilbert wrote, “I find your email quite peculiar from two standpoints:

“1. It’s dead wrong. I believe that all 30 NBA teams were and are fully aware of the terms and provisions of the collective bargaining agreement as to which all teams and the NBA are a party to, including the Portland Trailblazers.

“2. Are legal threats through a mass email the best way to circumvent the known potential consequences that could result from the Trailblazers decisions and actions they took with respect to Darius Miles?

“I fully understand the frustration you and your team’s ownership must be feeling in regards to this situation, but a preemptive threat of ‘litigation’ directed at all of your partners through a group email does not sit well with me and seems to be incongruent with the spirit of keeping a ‘fiduciary duty’ and good ‘partner-like duty’ to your ‘NBA joint venturers.’

“I would think there has got to be a better tactic than this one.”

man, this makes me like the cavaliers organization that much more
01-09-2009 , 03:40 PM
I have a feeling Boston is going to put the screws to the Cavs tonight. No Z, celts against the wall a bit, and the Cavs aren't necessarily playing as well as they were.
01-09-2009 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
I have a feeling Boston is going to put the screws to the Cavs tonight. No Z, celts against the wall a bit, and the Cavs aren't necessarily playing as well as they were.
Wouldn't surprise me.
01-09-2009 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Schwallie, did your older brother buy you the beer? or was it the chick? Ain't you 20?

Anyways, more Miles talk ******s.
Yea I can always find ppl to buy my alky, I'm in college bro.
01-09-2009 , 03:50 PM
nah I think we lose and I think Doc finally snaps out of being so serious all the time and instead takes the team out to Chuck E Cheese's and we roll off another 10 wins after that.
01-09-2009 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dschmeidreu general 5'10 200 is very unhealthy-- I did say there are plenty of other factors and it's not set in stone, so I don't see what the complaint is about what I said.

Of course it could be healthy if you're some professional bodybuilder/great athlete, but again, in general, someone who is 5'10 200 is not any of these and it's going to be unhealthy as a general matter and this is basically inarguable :\
lol I am the only person in my dorm room who isn't overweigh/obese according to BMI. All of them are prob <8% body fat and are extremely sickening when it comes to health.

Of course in general population people with these weights are going to be overweight, but the point that it is such a flawed metric makes it just so stupid to use. In general a 28-6 team is good, but when you take into account that the Lakers play in the weaker Western conference, it is obvious that the 28-6 doesn't mean the same thing as the Cavs 28-6 record. See you can't just ignore obvious facts like East>West in these discussions or you can get a skewed perception, so we can't just use W-L, just like you can't use BMI, they both are good in general but ignore some very important things.
01-09-2009 , 03:51 PM
yeah but schwallie, do you drink it through a sip cup?
01-09-2009 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
nah I think we lose and I think Doc finally snaps out of being so serious all the time and instead takes the team out to Chuck E Cheese's and we roll off another 10 wins after that.
I sincerely feel the Cavs are going to be the better team come playoffs and should win now too, but with the situations it wouldn't surprise me that the Cavs get beat right now.

Obviously no point in arguing it since I'm a homer and just feel this way and there is no way to prove it, only time will tell who is actually better/etc, both are obv v.good.
01-09-2009 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
yeah but schwallie, do you drink it through a sip cup?
Yes, I take sips in between using my pacifier
01-09-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
lol I am the only person in my dorm room who isn't overweigh/obese according to BMI. All of them are prob <8% body fat and are extremely sickening when it comes to health.

Of course in general population people with these weights are going to be overweight, but the point that it is such a flawed metric makes it just so stupid to use. In general a 28-6 team is good, but when you take into account that the Lakers play in the weaker Western conference, it is obvious that the 28-6 doesn't mean the same thing as the Cavs 28-6 record. See you can't just ignore obvious facts like East>West in these discussions or you can get a skewed perception, so we can't just use W-L, just like you can't use BMI, they both are good in general but ignore some very important things.
Wait until the freshman 15 hits!
01-09-2009 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Wait until the freshman 15 hits!
<-- Sophomore and about as crazy as them with health, its just I don't try to put on weight like they do. So I keep a small build with little body fat instead of a big build like them
01-09-2009 , 04:14 PM
I'm 100% for summer league by the way.
01-09-2009 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Just chiming in that my drunk impression of 5'9" and over 200 pounds is that that is ****ing massive.
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
fwiw, I'm 6'3" and 205 and want to lost ~20 pounds

so...yes, it is
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
5'9 200 is pretty fat unless you have serious muscle mass. I'm 5'8 and weighed 225 and was obese. I'm now 175 and still kinda fat.

Assani is a little less than 5'10" and hes around 205-210...he is very VERY fat.
01-09-2009 , 04:18 PM
wtf? How do any of you guys run and up and down the court?
01-09-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rick R.
Assani is a little less than 5'10" and hes around 205-210...he is very VERY fat.
