Originally Posted by kidcolin
I wouldn't be shocked to find out EYESCREW is an elaborate vyse gimmick.
Believe me, I looked into this awhile back. But it turns out that EYESCREW started to post better, isn't really a troll but just a homer, and the clincher was that Vyse would never send a PM to an admin to bitch about me and draw attention to himself as EYESCREW did.
Vyse was just a classic troll, constantly shifting his opinions to whatever was necessary to piss someone off. In the end I guess he was a Lakers homer but he did so much bitching about them it was hard to tell. At other times I seemed to think he was a Spurs homer when it suited him. More than anything I think he hated everything. Presumably he's still around in some capacity but I suppose he may have actually just disappeared. Who knows.
Re: overpaying for players with big postseasons. I don't get why, in this day and age of advanced statistics, teams still do this. Apparently they can't help themselves. "He's made a lot of money for himself this playoffs." But why? Everyone knows it's a small sample size abberation. For example, Pietrus is a passable role player who had a mediocre, injury-filled season in which he ably defended two of the best players in the league. Is that worth $8M per or whatever? What about those nights when he's guarding Grant Hill instead of Kobe Bryant? Worth the extra money? I just don't understand why when everyone knows that this person is going to be overpaid why someone just goes ahead and does it anyway.