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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

04-23-2009 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
Are Laker fans really so naive they think the reason everyone hates on them is because they are so awesome?

It's pretty clearly because 99% of the fans are obnoxious homers and the best player on the team is a major dbag
Amazing coming from a Tarheel.
04-23-2009 , 03:43 PM
since we're on the topic of how great players play against strong defense i want to say again how badly i wanted to see the cavs play the celtics. lebron's offense in the playoffs hasn't been bad by any means, but his efficiency has fallen pretty significantly from the regular season in all of his playoff campaigns to date. there's still the magic though
04-23-2009 , 03:53 PM
From the Simmons' article today:

I said it before, I'll say it again: if Kevin Johnson had played with today's rules and managed to stay healthy, we'd be remembering him as the greatest offensive point guard of all time. It cannot be overstated how much the rule changes after the 2003-04 season help point guards. If you don't believe me, go to Steve Nash's house and stare at his MVP trophies.
04-23-2009 , 03:54 PM
As far as determining who in fact is the best player a lot of it would depend on what criteria you want to use in the sample. Points per game? Assists per game? Both? Add in rebounds and free throw percentage and a gazillion other factors.

My point is that in determining who in fact is the best player you have to define exactly what criteria you want to use to measure the player's skill. Some fans might put more weight on rebounding and defense than other fans etc.

Also, I was looking at some statistics. How on earth does Kobe get three less freethrows a game than both LeBron and Wade? It's not because he's not fouled I assure you that. It's because he doesn't get the love/calls that those two guys get.

If you watch the way he attacks the basket he can pretty much draw a foul anytime he wants. LeBron and Wade can do the same it just seems they get the calls a little more frequently.

(yes, I'll keep holding down the Kobe/Laker fort even if it puts you guys on full blown monkey tilt)

Oh and how sick is the 03-04 Rookie class? 'Bron, Wade and Melo all came out that year.
04-23-2009 , 03:55 PM
I love me a good Nash Bash.

It will be great looking back at all the back to back MVP winners names and seeing his there.
04-23-2009 , 03:55 PM
Gawd, Steve Nash having two MVP trophies is mega tilting...

I haven't looked at the numbers but aren't Chris Paul's numbers from this year, or last, better than Nash's were during his MVP years? Nobody is talking about Paul for MVP. Real head scratcher.

Oh and for those of you kicking and screaming that Wade should be MVP this year I say "BLAH!". His numbers are no better than Kobe's were the years that Nash got the MVP. They gave it to Nash over Kobe because the Suns were winning far more games than the Lakers at that time. Still the Lakers almost beat the Suns one of those years in a seven game series. Based on that criteria it would be hard to give Wade the MVP nod.

LeBron has the best record and if you look at his team it's really bewildering to think they could have the best overall record in the NBA. My guess is King James gets his first of many MVP trophies this year.

Last edited by EYESCREW; 04-23-2009 at 04:02 PM.
04-23-2009 , 03:58 PM
Percentage of "inside shots taken"

LBJ: 35%
Wade: 34%
Bryant 21%

So, yeah, I'd guess there's some kind of anti-Laker conspiracy afoot.
04-23-2009 , 04:00 PM
I think tarheels actually did the math on FTs per shot a while back but don't want to look for it. I forget the results, but IIRC Wade was the big winner of ref bias.
04-23-2009 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
further, take it to hf and see who the regs side with. im pretty confident in my stance.
The only real certainty about posting in H&F is that Thremp will call you stupid. (By "you" I mean the "royal" you).

Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Gawd, Steve Nash having two MVP trophies is mega tilting...
What's so tilting about it? Is it because he has one more MVP than Kobe will ever have?
04-23-2009 , 04:04 PM
yeah Tuq's back
04-23-2009 , 04:04 PM
Kobe and Nash running even on deserved MVPs
04-23-2009 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Amazing coming from a Tarheel.
fair enough
04-23-2009 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
What's so tilting about it? Is it because he has one more MVP than Kobe will ever have?
It's tilting that anyone would actually think he was the most valuable player in the league not once but two times running. If his skin was any other color than white I'm pretty sure he doesn't get those trophies. Look at his numbers they just weren't that great.

And before you accuse me of being a racist I'm white so save that argument...
04-23-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by iamawesomer
People hate on teams where the majority of fans are douchebags/moran homers. This is why people hate on the Lakers, because almost all their fans fall in this category. This is why people hate on the Cavs a lot here but not in the mainstream. This is why Boston doesn't get a whole lot of hate on here. And this is why Orlando gets like no hate because they have no fans as far as I can tell.
04-23-2009 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Percentage of "inside shots taken"

LBJ: 35%
Wade: 34%
Bryant 21%

So, yeah, I'd guess there's some kind of anti-Laker conspiracy afoot.
Believe me Kobe would attack the basket a lot more if he could get a whistle every once in awhile. My guess is you watch one, maybe two Laker games a year. Probably when the Lakers are playing your team. Your team gets punked as usual so you hate Kobe because it's fashionable to do so. That's fine but to think that Kobe gets as favorable of treatment from the ref's as 'Bron or Wade you're just nuts.
04-23-2009 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
And before you accuse me of being a racist I'm white
clearly a racist IMO.
04-23-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Believe me Kobe would attack the basket a lot more if he could get a whistle every once in awhile. My guess is you watch one, maybe two Laker games a year. Probably when the Lakers are playing your team. Your team gets punked as usual so you hate Kobe because it's fashionable to do so. That's fine but to think that Kobe gets as favorable of treatment from the ref's as 'Bron or Wade you're just nuts.
The last time LOL played in portland I saw Kobe get one of the most disgusting foul calls ever. He elevates for a shot and falls out of bounds, as if someone hit him. Replays show there wasn't a single part of a Portland players body within 1 foot of him. Of course he got the call. Kobe gets just as many gay ass bs calls as Wade, and probably more than Lebron.

FWIW Lebron is one of those guys that attacks the basket/defenders looking to score, not draw fouls. Wade looks for contact every time. Kobe is in the middle between these two IMO. Wade is an infuriating player to watch IMO. Last night I almost threw something after I saw him upfake, draw the defender into the air (who attempted to miss Wade by going to his left), only to watch wade jump right into the player, instead of jumping up for a normal shot. That **** is so irritating.
04-23-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Believe me Kobe would attack the basket a lot more if he could get a whistle every once in awhile. My guess is you watch one, maybe two Laker games a year. Probably when the Lakers are playing your team. Your team gets punked as usual so you hate Kobe because it's fashionable to do so. That's fine but to think that Kobe gets as favorable of treatment from the ref's as 'Bron or Wade you're just nuts.
I'm pretty sure every reg itt watches like 100's of games from their non-favorite team and you don't.
04-23-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Believe me Kobe would attack the basket a lot more if he could get a whistle every once in awhile. My guess is you watch one, maybe two Laker games a year. Probably when the Lakers are playing your team. Your team gets punked as usual so you hate Kobe because it's fashionable to do so. That's fine but to think that Kobe gets as favorable of treatment from the ref's as 'Bron or Wade you're just nuts.
This is going to be fun...
04-23-2009 , 04:15 PM
Also, Kobe doesn't get inside more because he weighs 200 lbs. and LeBron weights 265. Also because LeBron is better at getting inside and Kobe is a better shooter. It has literally nothing to do with getting calls.
04-23-2009 , 04:16 PM
fly, i think my conclusion was that if anyone is getting calls it's kobe b/c he has comparable fta stats to wade/lbj while taking a much higher % of jumpshots

edit: found it

Originally Posted by tarheeljks
at this stage there seems to be little point in comparing dwill's per to rose's.

i did some quick number crunching regarding ft's and fouls drawn for lebron, kobe, and wade. i may go back and throw in another high ft rate player like iverson

from 82 games (2007-2008):

25% of kobe's shots were "inside" (close shots, dunks, tips) and he averaged 11.2 ft's per 48 minutes. 15.5% rate of fouls drawn

38% of lebron's shots were inside and he averaged 12.2 ft's per 48 minutes. 17.2% rate of fouls drawn.

35% of wade's shots were inside and he averaged 11.5 ft's per 48. 18.2% rate of fouls drawn. it's probably important to note that he was hurt this year and his fta's were down

at first i was like "ok the rates don't seem to be that far apart, so maybe it's just me. however, let's break it down based on where they are taking their shots. i'm going to make the assumption that the vast majority of shooting fouls are occurring on inside shots so that the rate of fouls draw on inside shots is so much higher than the rate for jump shots that the latter is negligible (i don't think this is unreasonable, but chime in if you do).

note that this version of fga attempt includes fouls drawn, so a shooting foul counts as a fga.

kobe-- 310 fouls drawn, 2000 fga
lebron-- 342 fouls drawn, 1984 fga
wade-- 207 fouls, 1144 fga
iverson-- 321 fouls, 1877 fga

25% of kobe's shots were inside so he had 500 inside shots on which he drew 310 fouls

38% of lebron's shots were inside so he had ~754 shots on which he drew 342 fouls

35% of wades' shots were inside so he had ~432 shots on which he drew 207 fouls

31% of iverson's shots were inside so he had ~582 shots on which he drew 321 fouls

so we have new rates of

kobe-- 62% rate of fouls drawn
lebron-- 45% rate of fouls drawn
wade-- 48% rate of fouls drawn
iverson-- 55% rate of fouls drawn
there are some of obvious reasons why this could be the case. the two that come to mind are 1) referee bias 2)kobe being better at drawing contact. it may be a combo of the two, but i would say lebron/wade are better at getting to the hoop and drawing contact, so it's 1). before anyone gets angry i didn't set out to bitch about "zomg kobe gets all the calls." just pointing out that people to hate on wade for this when just about every superstar benefits as well.

edit: we could probably chart these numbers for super stars vs second tier stars vs. role players etc and see a discernible difference in rates. of course this begs the question of how much of it is the ability to draw the foul and how much of it is referee bias
04-23-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by EYESCREW
Believe me Kobe would attack the basket a lot more if he could get a whistle every once in awhile. My guess is you watch one, maybe two Laker games a year. Probably when the Lakers are playing your team. Your team gets punked as usual so you hate Kobe because it's fashionable to do so. That's fine but to think that Kobe gets as favorable of treatment from the ref's as 'Bron or Wade you're just nuts.
This is why people hate the Lakers, as I was sayin
04-23-2009 , 04:17 PM
Hopefully this doesn't open up a new can of worms, but I personally think LBJ gets less calls than he should. Perhaps it's because he's so big an strong that refs tend to swallow whistles when he makes the shot/dunk.

Anyone agree/disagree?
04-23-2009 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
Hopefully this doesn't open up a new can of worms, but I personally think LBJ gets less calls than he should. Perhaps it's because he's so big an strong that refs tend to swallow whistles when he makes the shot/dunk.

Anyone agree/disagree?
I agree with you actually.
04-23-2009 , 04:19 PM
well yeah kobe gets that call where he sticks his arms underneath the defender with his hands up and then jumps and "shoots" the ball.

The Reggie Miller foul-drawing shot I believe.
