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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

04-15-2009 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
I love Anatta but voted Jmill due to him being a Broncos guy.
Broncos fans have to stick together imo.
04-15-2009 , 12:38 AM
No kidding, I throw pizza parties for the kids in my neighborhood on a regular basis and I don't get any awards.
04-15-2009 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
You know, some of these NBA Cares deeds really aren't that impressive. I think the last one said that Ron Artest threw a pizza party for some kids. I mean that's what, 2 hours of time max, just hanging around and eating pizza?
plus, all the milfs you can eat
04-15-2009 , 12:38 AM
Amazing jmill. I think you would get my vote over literally everyone but anatta.
04-15-2009 , 12:39 AM
I don't deserve to beat kbfc even if you consider my Giant Nash Head videos from last year and give me credit for my imo pretty stellar gimmick work ITT.

I'm going to forfeit my second round game, though I'm still right about the hot hand stuff.
04-15-2009 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Amazing jmill. I think you would get my vote over literally everyone but anatta.
Haha, it's all good. I basically conceded when I saw I had anatta/kc back to back.
04-15-2009 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't deserve to beat kbfc even if you consider my Giant Nash Head videos from last year and give me credit for my imo pretty stellar gimmick work ITT. I'm going to forfeit my second round game, even though I'm still right about the hot hand stuff.
Dem Franchise Boyz/Nash Head mash-up was better than anything girl talk ever put out.

Last edited by Classic; 04-15-2009 at 12:42 AM. Reason: but you already won oot poty, you can't win em all. i'll give you a cecil b. dewey award, though.
04-15-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by dtemp
No kidding, I throw pizza parties for the kids in my neighborhood on a regular basis and I don't get any awards.
The NBA obviously values pizza parties. You should give them an anonymous tip about your deeds and you'll probably be rewarded with season tickets.
04-15-2009 , 12:42 AM
Poor people like pizza! Give them some pizza and it will be immediately obvious that you care about them. This message brought to you by the NBA.
04-15-2009 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Classic
Dem Franchise Boyz/Nash Head mash-up was better than anything girl talk ever put out.
I still can't believe that Youtube copyright claimed me on that. So bull****. It had like 150 views, and they were all from this forum!
04-15-2009 , 12:44 AM
Wow I forgot about that.. that was awesome.
04-15-2009 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by jmill
Classic anatta from last year's thread

Originally Posted by jmill
I don't have many gems like the above, I did provide the forum with this though.

04-15-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
You know, some of these NBA Cares deeds really aren't that impressive. I think the last one said that Ron Artest threw a pizza party for some kids. I mean that's what, 2 hours of time max, just hanging around and eating pizza?
yeah, ive LOLed at some of them.
04-15-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
The NBA obviously values pizza parties. You should give them an anonymous tip about your deeds and you'll probably be rewarded with season tickets.
That's not a bad idea. I'll probably also call a reputable news organization like Dateline to get more exposure. Should I also invite kids from the internet?
04-15-2009 , 12:46 AM
kbfc/flywf is very close...kbfc has an edge on quality per post, but its not a slam dunk that he's been a greater overall contributor to the has like 500 more posts and if theyve been mostly good...i voted kbfc but dont think fly should be forfeiting and certainly shouldn't feel undeserving if he wins
04-15-2009 , 12:48 AM
nice layups scrubs
04-15-2009 , 12:48 AM
why cant the lakers rest their starters? phil jackson, i hate you
04-15-2009 , 12:50 AM
Lakers crushing jazz spirit before the playoffs even begin
04-15-2009 , 12:50 AM
1. BobboFitos vs. 8. dtemp
4. SirOsis vs. 5. ThaSaltCracka (buffet of goodness for Blazer fans)
3. westhoff vs. 11. tbach24
2. TheUntouchable vs. 10. GREEAR10

1. Assani Fisher vs. 9. ClarkNasty
4. Schwallie vs. 5. D104
3. Victor vs. 6. Artdogg
2. sethypooh21 vs. 7. chim17 (what happened to sethypooh21?)

1. kidcolin vs. 8. Ponies (if I thought Ponies could actually win I'd vote him to see what would happen)
4. jmill vs. 5. Anatta
3. tarheeljks vs. 6. Seadood228
2. tuq vs. 10. C-Viggity

1. Dschmeidreu vs. 8. dukemagic
4. NozeCandy vs. 12. Franchise60
3. FlyWf vs. 6. kbfc
2. Caldarooni vs. 10. Green Kool Aid

voting will last 24-Hours
04-15-2009 , 12:50 AM
everything was fine until this q. only down 1 at half, i was like, ok, whatever. now we're down 7
04-15-2009 , 12:51 AM
oh my god, that is not a foul
04-15-2009 , 12:52 AM
**** the NBA, **** utah, **** **** ****
04-15-2009 , 12:52 AM
lol dwil talking **** to kobe when will they learn???
